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"May I know about your family?" Alessandro walked beside the woman in the party around them. "I thought we said we wouldn't touch on that subject." (Y/n) sipped her glass of punch. "Let me rephrase myself, who do you consider family?" He asked. Her eyes wondered for 5.0.5. and Dementia. "Not many. Barely anyone." She admitted. "Well, do you at least have friends?" He asked.

The words of friends and family meant nothing to her. They were trivial assets in life to pass by. There are only those who are disposable and those who are far too superior to be used. She was the disposable. Everyone around her has used her. She knew her place; a stepping stone. "I don't believe in friends." She whispered. "Not even love itself? There must be something or someone you hold close to you."

Why would he care? Is he trying to attack that area?

Her ears were rung by 5.0.5's adorable growls through crowd as he served slice of petite fours to guests. She sighed. "What happened to not considering family?" She groaned. "I hold you close and I barely know you. I just believed it was right to speak up and be honest. You are a villain among us. There's no need to believe you are just a mere henchmen. You can do more damage than any of these morons can. It just depends on how you display yourself." His kind words caused the shorter villain's cheek flush red. 'He knows what he's doing. Don't get this act to you.' She scolded herself.

Suddenly the music slowed down. Ladies giggled and ran around to find themselves a dance partner as elder ladies drank their hearts away for their youth. The memories of prom struck back to her.

Her friends grabbed each other's hands and spun around the dance floor. She took a glimpse behind her and found her boyfriend doing some funky robotic dances with his male friends which made her snort and giggle. How could she just dispose of such meaningful memories? They were what made her. The weird and wacky ambivert of the gang. It was bound to spirit out again.

She set her glass aside. "It's all how you present herself for the act of dominance right?" She asked. Alessandro hummed. She stuck her hand out to the man. "May I have this dance?" She grinned. The man grinned back and took her hand.

'Hook, line and sinker. I love being a backstabbing villain and it's not my fault they fall for it.'

The two held hands to the dance floor for all to see.

Black Hat held back his yawn from the villain attempting to make a joke and make Black Hat laugh which wasn't working even in the slightest and it was rather pathetic.

His eye glimpsed passed (y/n)'s diamond earrings. Which then trailed to her hand and to the man's face. 'That son go a bitch.'

Dementia spun 5.0.5. Just for fun which groaned and called out for his papa to save him as (y/n) and the man synchronized in each step.

Flug sighed and found his way back to Black Hat. "Well sir, it appears to be we all persuaded every villain here to buy the plans and inventions. I guess we can le-" "Flug."
The man wearing the paper bag yelped. "Yes sir?" Flug yelled. Black Hat's eyes stayed glued on the man. "Who's the man dancing with (y/n)?" He groaned. Flug scanned the area and found (y/n) dancing with a man. "Sir, that would be the host." Flug explained. "The name, Flug!" Black Hat raises his hand to Flug who flinched and yelled. "Alessandro Luciano Bianchi!" Flug wheezed out in fear. "Kill him." Flug's eyes opened in confusion. "But, why? He got us so many customers. Why do I-" Flug stopped once he connected the dots.

He slowly fixed his gaze to the man smiling at (y/n) who smiled back. Flug groaned underneath his bag. The desire to see her smiling an lighten up made Flug proud to know she grew so
Much with them with such freedom she dreamt of even if she is theirs to own. But knowing his boss and what must be done and why, Flug has a job to do.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now