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The heroes from before. "You trespassed on private property. You will fined. But you also committed genocide so you're coming with us." They said as they came closer to her. "Take the man too." The man pointed at Black Hat. He probably did t think Flug and Dementia or 5.0.5. would have made it through there. (Y/n) shook her head. "I'm not going anywhere with you." Her head was still in a daze. "You don't really have a choice." They aimed their wraps at her but she covered herself in the dome. "Alright then, kill her." They comrades at once as they ran towards her.

She frowned. She clumsy beat them before and yet she would still stand up. (Y/n) was saved by Black Hat so why won't she do the same. It's her job anyways. She works for Black Hat and she owns her life to him.

(Y/n) knew she didn't have a weapon on her but this was the fate she wanted.

Dying honorably. Maybe it was stupid to go against these heroes but she was saving Black Hat, in a way. He was impaled and as of right now, healing. She stared back at the heroes who pulled out a rope and a cloth.

She whimpered as her captors carried out nylon rope in one hand and a tie in the other. "Baby, please all down. Remember our color coding; green is go."

(Y/n) blocked that voice out her head by screaming before she got emotional anymore. This day was a disaster. Nothing good came from her. She was targeted and weak and now she had to protect a villain like herself.

She pulled her hair that transformed from (h/c) to a holographic neon white as he hair flew around. "She's trying time scare us. Just kill her if you have to." The female sighed. (Y/n) placed her hands on the ground so she had a bit of support as she stood.

(Y/n) she wasn't made for fighting but she'd try her damn best to get out of this alive.

As the first man with the rope charged at her she brought a hand out, facing her palm to the sky. An abrupt streak of lightening fell into her hand and was losing control in her hand. Almost as if her hand was a self made taser or blade.

(Y/n) ran to the man who was ready to punch her but as she swung her arm, her fist came no where in contact but the self made taser did.
Tere the sound of forcefully torn flesh could be heard as his head was lopped off and rolled out and onto the ground where the body fell on its knees before completely falling down. (Y/n) felt her body burn up with the odd powers she never got to use or even thought she could handle until now.

She winced as her hand began to ache but kept her head up. "Just kill her! You're a girl! Even match!" The last man yelled at the female. "We weren't going to do this but you're forcing your luck here." She said as she approached the girl with her with balls of flame. "Hope your short ads can edge them!" She giggled to the girl.

(Y/n) shook her hand as the lightening streak faded away. Guess she couldn't hold onto the source long enough for the other two. She raised an eyebrow as she saw one of the falling stars approached her. (Y/n) caught the flaming ball which also surprised her too. Her now glowing white eyes widened in shock before she threw the ball of fire back. She grinned as she was getting the hang of it. She charged at the girl with nothing but a fist.

Holding the flame ball long enough made her hand glow a dark blue, maybe because the fire that came in contact with her although it changed color when she held it, the reason it turned blue.

The girl dodged the hits the best she could until she had a good punch from the side of her head.

Her captor narrowed his eyes at her. "Do you understand me?! Quit putting up a fight! It's not wor-"

"Fuck you!" She yelled as she ran to the man. "You're a bunch of sleazy cowards!" She yelled as the man threw himself at her once he realized what he had down with the first two of his workers. "Y-you're under arrest for-"

He stopped mid sentence as (y/n) bit his arm that attempted to choke her. He screamed as he attempted to get his arm released but instead led to (y/n) getting on top of him.

She whined and winced and groaned with every blow she earned to her left side. Tears fell out manually from every punch.

(Y/n) could feel her left side burn up and it hb her eye not being able to open up as it became bruised and swelled up. Her cheek could be dislocated and broken if she endured another punch.

(Y/n) grabbed the hero's neck and forcefully began to press down and choke him. "Die! Die die die!" She screamed as the hero began to claw at her arms but they had no effect on them compared to Black Hat.

Her (e/c) eyes returned as she panted, catching her breath as reality was hitting her.

Something snapped and spectated in her hands.

Guess reality took too long to be processed.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as she held the head of a hero.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now