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(Y/n) looked for a stamp and there was nothing. She knew they had to be here by foot. Her eyes looked at the sticker that sealed the letter. 'Should I just give it to Black Hat or should I read it now? I don't want to disturb him.' She pondered. "Ah what the hell. Last time I hid something he went mental. I'll just go there." She groaned.

She wasn't sure if he was in his office but by knowing Flug was in his office, he was sure Black Hat was there. Although Flug sleeps until 2 in he morning. She sighed and made her way to Black Hat's office.

She could hear Dementia running down the hall to not get in her pajamas. She bursted into Black Hat's office and noticed he was putting everything in his place. 'Shit, he was already leaving. Way to go, dumbass.' (Y/n) gulped. "Evening, sir. I'm sorry for barging in, I have- there's-" She lifted the letter up to his vision. "Bring it here." Black Hat waves her over. "It has no stamp and it was found on my bed." She addressed.

Black Hat's back straightened and took the letter from her hand. He opened it for her.

If you're reading this Black Hat, we want our successor back.
What you have done is monstrous; kidnapping a hero's daughter, abusing her, torturing her, locking her away.
We'll get her back. You've had her for 4 years based on her disappearance.
She was just 18.
Shame on you.

(Y/n) dear, mama is coming to get you.

Black Hat frowned at the letter. "He tortured you?" Black Hat asked. (Y/n) remained silent. "They're accusing me of kidnapping you, ignoring the fact it was him. It was all over the media. By the way, your mother says hello." His words made her eyes widened in shock. "But he said he killed them." She whispered.

(Y/n) wore her uniform she wore for work. She tapped on Flug's door. "We have business to take care of." She said. Flug yawned and got up. "What for?" He asked. "Search a hero by the name of (l/n) and just, (l/n)." She asked him which he got to work.

(Y/n) found their locations with Flug's help. "Are you going to pay them a visit?" Flug asked. "In a way I am. They've got the wrong idea of media and they lie." She said before she walked out to Dementia's room chambers.

She knocked on the floor beneath her. "I know you can escape. Let's go." She said before she stepped off and the lizard girl appeared in her straight jacket looking feral. "Where we going now?" Dementia grinned. "My home town."

(Y/n) wasn't sure what her plan was as Flug flew her and Dementia to the house. "This was your home? It's just a tiny apartment." Dementia scoffed. "That's my older sibling's home. Look, if anyone runs to or out that room, you kill them, got it?" (Y/n) instructed which alerted Flug and Dementia.

(Y/n) knocked on the doors. 'Let's hope Black Hat is getting closer to her than we are.'

She looked at the gun in her hand. Tears welled up in her eyes.

(Y/n) frowned as she walked to his office. "Here's her location." She explained. Black Hat examines it before his gaze shifted to (y/n). Her eyes were blank and facing the ground. "You're going to make sure she's dead right?" She asked. "Of course I am. A hero who think they can tarnish my reputation has no business there. But you aren't going to go out doing nothing either while I'm gone." She reached in his desk. He handed (y/n) a velvet cloth that was wrapping something inside. She lifted the cloth and stared at the gun in her hand. "What's this going to do?" She asked. "Your powers will alert other civilians near by. You said you're the only one in the family to have powers. But you'll never know who will take venguen you. You have two siblings correct?" He smirked. Her eyes widened in fear. "I won't-"
"You won't what? Do as I say? Have you forgotten who you work for? It was fate. Don't tell me you've forgotten how badly they treated you while you lived with them. It's for my reputation to get this business over with." He dismissed the girl. She shook her head. "What if they have kids?!" She cried. "Don't you think they'd search for you instead of having fun?" He snapped at her. She frowned and clenched on the gun.

(Y/n) took a deep breath as the door opened. She didn't take A good look at the man before she raised the gun and shot him in the throat. She heard a woman scream. Inside the house was a raggy and rundown apartment with a woman screaming in the couch wearing nothing but a lingerie. She walked in and shot he own a as well. She stepped over the man and walked around the house, looking around to find anyone. She heard a small bit of whispers. Obviously there were children in there. She sighed. She looked at the gun in her hand as she reached for the phone in her back pocket. She took a deep breath, putting her phone away and grabbed the room doorknob. She swung it open and screamed as she closed her eyes and pulled the trigger over and over.

(Y/n) sat in her seat of the flying hat like contraption, taking deep breaths. She couldn't believe what she had done when she opened her eyes. All she could do was walk out the house shaking. Flug didn't question who was in there.

(Y/n) walked to her her younger siblings school. She watched several kids stare at her on why a 22 year old woman was at a high school. She sighed. 'I'm going have to kill everyone here.' She sighed.
Standing at the steps of the school, she could hear the students run away from the security for ditching just like she did, some or drunk like she did for fun, or got kissing like she did. She wiped a tear away as her massive hands extended from the ground and crushed the school from above. The students screamed and blood crushed with grinned up bodies. (Y/n) crosses her arms, hugging herself. "Why the fuck am I doing this? Why?" She muttered.

Dementia sat beside (y/n). "Guess where Black Hat's at?!" She pointed to her phone screen. (Y/n) frowned as he was at her home. "Let's just hope he's done with it and we can g-" The ship began to fall. "In your seats!" Flug yelled as 5.0.5. sat in his booster seat. (Y/n) got up from her seat to help 5.0.5. buckle up. "Breach!" He yelled. (Y/n) turned around as she saw her home getting closer. She hugged 5.0.5. before they crashed.

Black Hat paced around the house and up the stairs, hearing a radio and whistling. There was an old man in a hospital bed while a woman was in the kitchen. "Hello. I was expecting (y/n) to come home. Since I am her mother." She turned around.

The woman was slightly overweight, quite chubby but knew how to keep her beauty at her age. "Where is she?" She demanded. "Killing the rest of your kin." Black Hat grinned. She rolled her eyes. "You forced her. I know my daughter and she would never kill them. She's a natural born hero." She scolded the man. "So you're any better? You didn't even bother searching for her in the past 3 years even when she was kidnapped by another hero." Black Hat scoffed. She frowned.

"I know where she was. And she was safe with him!" She yelled at Black Hat. "So you allowed her to get beat up by your own kind?" He chuckled. She glared at the man. "That was her training. He paid for her hand and we accepted it. Her father needed the help and money. He-"
"You sold her off?!" Black Hat yelled at the woman. "I know what's right for her! Not you! You know nothing about her! I bet she's somewhere dangerous or even worse— dead!" She yelled at the man. "I told you she's-"

A massive explosion could be heard with a massive earthquake. "What was that? What did you do?" She yelled at Black Hat. "I think that's your daughter." Black Hat scanned around and heard a car beep.

"She's here~"

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now