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(Y/n) looked at the hero they had to exterminate with Flug and 5.0.5. Dementia wanted to stay so she could flirt with Black Hat a little longer. "So we're taking down a gang of these high school kids?" She asked. "They're just kids. What harm can they do?" She scoffed to herself as Flug helped 5.0.5. in his booster seat while he dragged in Dementia. She hasn't seen Black Hat all day which honestly bored her. The small hang out they had only once still stuck to her mind. Even with Demeyshe didn't have that much fun. "It was fun while it lasted." She check the map of the high school. "They have an abandoned factory there too. With a couple of tunnels." She pointed out why Co Dementia was now eager to go. "What if we take pictures of each other?! What if we catch a ghost!" Dementia jumped up and down. "Or a demon." (Y/n) soon became eager.

Then she felt her face heat up.
The several demons in those tunnels waiting for them to explore.
(Y/n) grew a tinny crooked grin as she hugged Dementia. "I wonder how they look like! Maybe a broad and dark demons!" (Y/n) knew demons can take the form of a handsome man to take what they want. She thought of a man with red eyes and black nails and hair. Her eyes widened to the thought of meeting other demons. "Or maybe a serious and stunning demon who can't take no." She gave a cheeky grin of a tall man with dark hair and had glasses on. "Maybe a brute strong-" "You're getting too excited." Dementia spat as she realized her friend had a thing for foreign demons or foreigners all together. "What can I say — I'm a sick for anything and anyone." She admitted she was bisexual and/or pansexual before.

Black Hat put down his newspaper once he heard the girl ramble on about demon hunting with Dementia. He clenched the newspaper which then burnt up and fell to the floor and some on his lap.

(Y/n) found a camera in Dementia's room while Dementia found a few tongues in Flug's lab. The bait and the film would be set to catch any demons. "Tell me again why you want to catch demons?" Dementia asked. "I never met a demon besides Black Hat and I grew an interest in them and want to see if they're innocent or not." (Y/n) grinned as she made her way to her seat. She expected Dementia to sit by her but unseats between the two was Black Hat. Dementia felt her dream come true that Black Hat wanted to have her at his side.

(Y/n) felt something on her hand and noticed it was Black Hat's hand. His fingers softly rubbing her hand, enjoy how tiny her fingers are. She wasn't used to hard work like working in yards so her hands were soft and brought such satisfying flesh for him to scratch and bite at but also caress.

(Y/n) was mentally screaming on why her boss would hold her hand but ignore Dementia. 'This isn't okay! I know Dementia likes Black Hat and she can't handle him better than I do and gross!' The girl couldn't say no since she wasn't able to question Black Hat. She scooted closer from her boss only for him to interlink their pinkies. 'What the fuck! Let go before Dementia sees this! She'll have my head!' She yelled in her mind.

(Y/n) looked at the sky outside and sighed. She couldn't have enough of this sight. Seeing all the massive clouds that were turning white to orange. Dementia's voice rambled in the distance in the back of her skull, enjoying the view of the clouds passing by them.

Their hands still remained distant from each other as they avoided each other. "Isn't it beautiful out there? I mean, not as beautiful as me but you know." Dementia giggled. "Get away from me Dementia or I'm going to make pottery out of your bones." He growled, only to squeeze (y/n)'s finger. She winced but didn't care. "We're here." Flug announced. (Y/n) sighed, eagerly removing her seat belt and went with Flug immediately to stay away from Black Hat.

"There are two tunnels leading the conference where the hero is at right now. Alright, Lord Black Hat sir, you may wait as we'll bring his head right for you." Flug grinned underneath his mask as he wanted to please his boss. "5.0.5. and I will take the left route while Demegyia takes the middle and (y/n) takes the field above." Flug said as they approached the tunnels. "Good thing they don't smell as bad as I thought they would. Maybe because it's for decorative use for an entrance and can't get their cheap suits ruined." (Y/n) scoffed as she climbed a few broken steps and grabbed onto the tops of the tunnels. "See ya on the other side, Dementia." (Y/n) waved off as Dementia gave her a thumbs ups and crawled inside the tunnel. (Y/n) groaned as she pulled herself up and looked up at the massive trees around her. She gulped and knew she'd get lost but had to deal with it. "Maybe Dementia should take this route!" She called out. "Why?" Flug asked. "I don't have night vision!" She yelled. "I'll give is a flashlight!" She waves the object around. She gasped as she was tugged into the forest. She couldn't hear what Flug said before she ran on her tip toes and looked up to see Black Hat grabbing her by the arm. "Just walk faster." Black Hat snarled.

She mentally screamed at why he was acting this way and this was her chance.

"Don't touch me!" She yanked on her arm. That wasn't working. "Let go!" Nope. "You're getting way too touchy and you know how Dementia feels about you! Let me go!" She yelled. Black Hat walked deeper in the small forest where the flashlight was the only thing that kept her safe and knew it was Black Hat guiding her. Anywhere else was havoc. She heard a twig snap which made the girl jump in her toes and run with Black Hat. "Quit dragging m-" "Run!" (Y/n) screamed as she was in the dark with her boss she couldn't understand his motives well enough and had to be in this creepy dark place with so many leaves touching her with bugs- Nope.

(Y/n) scammed around the area in case there were any traps around her. Just as she stayed cautious, she noted a rope in front of her. "Don't ateo there, it's a tr-"
Barking could be heard behind them. (Y/n) turned around to see the rabid dog chasing them forward. She made a shriek in front of her but the shield triggered the rope and got the dog caught in the trap. "That was one stupid mutt." Black Hat smirked. "I hate this place already." She groaned.

She believed the rope would only have one trap so there was no use to be scared of it until several arrows aimed at her and Black Hat. "Stand back, sir!" She stood in front of Black Hat although she was well aware Black Hat could protect himself. She made a force field in front of them. She yelled as they got caught in her shield and snapped, jumping the girl a bit on her toes by the impact. (Y/n) put her shield down but one last stray arrow hit her bun.

Small strands of hairs hit her shoulders. "What the fuck!" She screamed as her hair fell down from its usual bun to keep it out of her face. "Well what can you do now but continue the damn mission." Black Hat scolded her. (Y/n) nodded and walked in front of him.

As she past by the demon, his fingers entangled themselves in her firmly grasping her hand and the other collecting the strands of her hair.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now