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(Y/n) sighed heavily through her nostrils, scratching her wrists that grew itchy by the torn but thick denim cloth that tied her hands behind her hands behind her back and eyes were blindfolded to not remember her way back... or the lack of trust. The ride was clearly by plane of some strange flying contraption shaped as a black top hat. All she knew was that they were traveling above ground or tree level based on the turbulence at the start of the ride. Not used to planes as she traveled on one but can't remember, she cuddled close to the blue care bear she remembered as 5.0.5.  who gave her a tight squeeze.

"Thanks bud." The girl muttered out as the blue bear patted her (h/c) hair that was ruffled around by the fight not too long ago. "What were you doing with a hero?" The lizard girl's voice rang beside her. She had to remind herself her name was Dementia. "I was held against my will. Apparently the asshole was watching me for years. I could t fight either in that stupid apartment. The damn hero made it built against my powers." She scowled, remembering her first attempt to be let out. She was banging on the walls and howling, begging to be let out.

"So if you were forced with a hero, why did you still become a villain?" Dementia asked, leaning against the girl. The domino effect then made he two girls lay against the fuzzy blue bear. "I wanted to show everyone one day who they're really praising. Sinners dressed in white and muscles. Monsters. No one can be more terrifying than them." (Y/n) spat, a snarl deep in her esophagus came out as she had to remind herself who she was forced to love and be loved by. "They're nothing. They're anything but a hero." She added, calming down her nerves. "Dr. Flug, right?" She asked.

The said doctor looked back at the tied up and blindfolded girl. "You work for Black Hat... the founder of Black Hat Organization?" She asked. "Yes. Have you never heard of us?" Flug scoffed at his question. "Would it be wrong if I said yes?" She sighed, pausing, thinking of her next response. "I had limited access to the internet and I watched all of your videos and the organization. That's how I was able to get enough trust from him to let me out. You said to gain the trust of your enemy and the backstab them." She reminded herself. "And not to indulge in love." He grumbled, crossing her ankles together, leaning against 5.0.5. "Since how long did you find out about the organization?" Dementia asked, curious of how their game didn't reach the kidnapped girl. "Barely last week. You've been around for 3 years apparently. I must seem like a loser." She chuckled to herself. "Pretty much. But considering you've been held captive by a damn hero, I see a bit of sympathy." Flug admitted, turning back to the panel, driving.

5.0.5. And Dementia dropped their guards near the tied up and blindfolded girl as she seemed to be asleep by how quiet and still she seemed. Dementia was combing her hair down as 5.0.5. was serving drinks. It was when the landed (y/n) found out her blindfold was slowly falling and the binds on her wrist were untied. 'Seriously? A hero could make better knots than this.'she thought to herself as she was made to stand up and pushed to walk to the direction they all went. She peeked through the blindfold to watch their footsteps so she wouldn't bump into any of the three or they'd notice her bonds undone.

Through the sounds of their footsteps, she indicated who's footsteps matched who and would be careful when getting away with something. Along with the thin blindfold, (y/n) was able to locate the rooms and where the front entrance was at. They stopped as Dr. Flug entered a room with two massive burgundy doors. "Why'd we stop?" (Y/n) asked. "Because Black Hat has been waiting to meet you. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell you this but, we've been wanting to find you the past month." Dementia twirled a bit of her red dyed bang. "Why? I wasn't even a villain until now." (Y/n) explained her confusion. "Meh... I didn't hear much but he did mention a mercenary for some debtors that seemed to outrun us and he thinks he needed someone who can blend in the crowd of someone helpless... pathetic and someone with their own powers besides being experimented on. You were just in the area." Dementia out down the girl. "A mercenary?" (Y/n) remained still.

Being degraded was a regular basis for the girl. Abuse, guilt and blame meant nothing. Name picking were small jokes to her. Small slaps became small pinches and punches turned into small smacks on her hand.

Dr. Flug peeked out the door and motioned Dementia to come inside as 5.0.5. went to wherever in this mansion.

Being dragged before the dimly lit room that was engulfed by the Apple red and scarlet hue in the office. The tall throne like spinning chair had the head shaped into a top hat. 'Their logo.' (Y/n) took a deep breath, hoping to god to not embarrass herself. The man's silhouette stood proud with broad shoulders. For a slim figure, he still appeared much taller and could easily be misunderstood as a weakling if not for the top hat and coat. In anything else such as a casual attire of Dr. Flug, he would get away of not striking fear but as she stepped closer, it wasn't just the figure.

Her (e/c) eyes lingered around his lime green naturally stained fangs that peered visibly from his wide Cheshire smirk. His diamond eyes and slim pupils stared back at her (e/c) eyes. 'He probably knows I can see through this.'

As she stood before the man in the black top hat and long coat, she dropped the rope and stood before the man with her arms crossed. She shook her head, allowing the blindfold to fling off. Dr. Flug squeaked and grabbed them top of his paper bag, sweat visibly on his bag. "How-" Dr. Flug nervously mumbled to himself. "I've seen heroes tie villains better." She admitted coldly. Her (e/c) eyes stared back at Black Hat.

Not cowering away or hiding, she calmly stared at the man. Was this person not going to cower soon?
Apparently not if she could admit she wasn't serviced properly.

"Hello, Mr. Black Hat. So, I heard you wanted to see me?"

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now