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Dropping the head and walking over to Black Hat, his eye was shut as his monocle was cracked. She glanced down at the wound as it couldn't heal because of the debris stuck there. She reached down and as much as she was disgusted, she removed the now flesh covered debris she watched the wound heal itself before she was sure it was healed correctly. (Y/n) turned to the plane that crashed and check on Flug and the others.

"Flug!" She yelled out and noticed three silhouettes waving at her from above. She squinted her eyes and saw 5.0.5. waving at her. She grinned and saw them all safe and coming down.

(Y/n) kneeled down time Black Hat who was now awake but snarled at the slight stinging at his side.

He was ready to yell at (y/n) for what was she staring at until he noticed the blood drenched girl with small bits of her clothes burnt, creating holes by the heat radiating off her body next to the two heads that rolled out of her hands and body of the knocked out girl.

Her face would need a few stitchings and some bandages but she would heal.

"Did you heal yet?" She asked in a low voice, rasp from the yelling. Black Hat nodded as she sat by him. She sighed, ready to fall asleep. "You missed a head." Black Hat said as he stared at the knocked out girl. (Y/n) gave no response but a shrug. Her eyes were growing heavy as she fell on Black Hat's shoulder.

"I'll help you up." Black Hat got up on his feet and turned to the girl. She suggested as she forced herself to stand up. She couldn't think straight of her actions as she leaned to into his chest with her eyes closed. "So how do we go home now?" She muttered and yawned.

Black Hat didn't answer straight away as he stared down at her face again. "How many times do I have heal you? It's honestly getting tiresome." Black Hat groaned. "Til my due date arrives." She grinned as she stumbled back and looked at her boss. "You that's tilted. She muttered as she noticed his tie that was loosened up and the sleeves of his red shirt was slightly cut.

Black Hat fixed his hat and adjusted his tie. He licked his thumb but just on cue, (y/n) responded, "I'm not closing my eyes this time." She answered with a shy smirk.

She felt his wet finger rub onto her cheek and eye.

Black Hat's finger trailed down to her lips that were bruised with bits of blood on it.

What more could be paradise; her in his arms, beat up and bloody.

"You really did this on your own?" He seemed surprised by the shirt girl that was once taken down by several heroes could kill two heroes bare handed. "Yep." She grinned, revealing her blood stained her teeth.

Black Hat could feel the tension and adrenaline from the girl. He held the girl a bit closer which eased her down a bit. "Ya know, when I was fighting them, I kinda throughly I'd die. But I'm lucky I didn't. I would have liked that death. Being killed by heroes. All I wanted to do was save you all, mainly you because you were down and I didn't wanna go down without a fight." (Y/n) frowned as she stared at his chest, not looking at the man until he raised her chin. "For someone as short and meek as you, you hold your ground some how." He said. She nodded. "Ain't it funny how you can be a villain but a hero through few eyes." She muttered. He pinched her cheek which she winced. "A what?!" He snarled. "You helped me. You're helping me right now. You saved me from other heroes. And when the men were around me too. Who knows how many other villains you've influenced. You've done so much and I'm an idiot. Weak too." She mumbled out.
Black Hat was ready to claw at the girl but softened his eyes at her.

"Perhaps I am. But not to everyone. Depends on where you're viewing me from." Black Hat admitted as the girl shyly hugged her boss.

He brushed his lips on her cheek, twirling his finger in her tangled up hair.

(Y/n) grinned of joy, hugging her boss. Why couldn't they stay like this forever? Was it wrong she didn't want to let go. She felt at home and safe right where she was. Funny how through everyone's abuse she became immune to others damaging her.

Knowing she was awake and alive and had her blood own lips tempted Black Hat. It was either that or bite her neck that he also had the urge of strangling her. Perhaps it was just his intrusive thoughts of being a villain.

What could he regret it?

"Hold still." He muttered as he cupped her cheek and ruffled her hair. "Wha-?" She asked as her hair poked her eyelids, causing her to close her eyes. She opened her eyes as he boss leaned into her.

(Y/n) knew where this was going.

A quick thought could be processed before she grabbed onto Black Hat's shoulders to tiptoe to his height for the kiss.

'I hope Dementia doesn't see us.'

She pulled away from the quick kiss. "I gotta check on the others." She muttered until Black Hat snarled. "No one mentioned them son either should you." Black Hat disliked the fact she cut out the fun by thinking of others. "But what if Dementia-" "What about Dementia?" Black Hat snapped back.

"She likes you and if she sees us, I'll definitely get killed." (Y/n)'s voice held worry. Black Hat rolled his eye. "Well I don't like her. Except for her destructive methods. I prefer to have this now." He said, shutting you the girl, pulling the girl in another kiss.

(Y/n) eased against the man. She wasn't sure why she even accepted the kiss. Did she love him?

(Y/n) pulled away again. "What now?" Black Hat growled. "I need to process this. I gotta check on Dementia." She held her hands up in defense and fumbled with her thumb as she walked away.

'What just happened!'

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now