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(Y/n) felt his hand on her waist, not allowing her massive large air like hands to extend out. She sighed, knowing Alessandro was like no other guy who would accept rejection. 'Are those who hate rejection end up psychos?' He gave her a cup of tea which she rejected. "It's just tea, (y/n). I just want to treat you out since you're working so much." He grinned. She growled. "How did you find me?" She snarled at him. She didn't notice they were at the opposite side of the park where the massive trees made it seem like a forest at 9 pm at night. "You need to face rejection more often." She snapped and walked away. "(Y/n) please." He begged, holding her hand. She growled and released her hands at him, tearing him away. She screamed as his claws dragged along from her wrist to her knuckles before he let go. She held her bleeding hand to her chest, squeezing it tightly, feeling the blood gush and pulse heavily. She had to make it somewhere safe from him. She threw her phone at him, causing bits to fly around and into the fountain beside them. (Y/n) winced, not sure where to run. She was about to run down the dimly lit park exit until he grabbed her ponytail and dragged her to the edge of the shadowy side.

She rubbed her arm as he let out a soft chuckle. She stared at his now fully black eyes, staring at her with a blood lust grin. "Please, understand I'm doing this for someone who is just like me. No one is going to miss you, or me. We're fit together. Please, (y/-" The fallen girl used her hands to grab tree branches from tree branch to swing her up and above the man, running away. "A true villain will never run! You're pathetic!"

She stopped at her tracks. She frowned. Tears were about to burst out her eyes. The man that once encouraged her and allowed herself to open up, wanting the best in her, bring it all down.

(Y/n) has been there before. She's not going to let someone speak down about her.

Turning on her heel, she tied up her hair in a bun. He scoffed. "God, you look like those teen girls in middle school getting ready for a fight!" He held in his chuckle. As much as she felt confident, (y/n) knew if she said one word, she'd break down in tears. She was a pathetic crier behind doors. She could get upset as much as she could but would cry when she fought someone she knew for too long. Even a week can get her attached.

She really is pathetic. Crying over a guy she doesn't know for more than a week. Did she crave for attention that much? Maybe she was too clingy.

God how much she wanted to hug someone and cry for hours and help her soothe her down.

She took a deep breath, having her eyes burn up. "What do you want?" She asked silently. His gaze softened at her. "I told you. It's you. If you run away from Black Hat, I'm sure I'll protect you." He grinned. "For what? Why for? I don't need you to protect me from anyone! And certainly not Black Hat! You said it yourself, we're pathetic and no one would miss us. I will have his back e n if he doesn't have mine. He freed me! He freed me from people like you! I am in debt with gratitude! And I would forever want to work for him! I have earned so much because of him! I don't need people like you, to come walk all over me! There is a difference between you and Black Hat and that's one doesn't need others to understand his status. He's all powerful and doesn't need others to make him feel important. He is the very thing that is keeping me from being a bum." She felt her eyes being overwhelmed with tears. She began to pathetically laugh at herself as she sobbed out, "I am nothing and I get it! I know that already! I am told that day after day after day! I won't be missed and neither will you. Neither of us. And I can't change that! I'm worthless! I am a circus pet! A clown! And I can't fix myself! I don't wanna be fixed! There's no hope in me! I'm disgusting! I'm disgusting! I'm nothing! I'm a waste of space!" She tugged at her now glowing and levitating hair. Tears fell on the concrete beneath her as she sat on her knees. Clouds circled around her. Spiraling above. She covered her eyes. "I wanna go home. I wanna go home." She whispered. 5.0.5. would Pat her and she would be hugging him and Dementia would make jokes and try to cheer her up while Flug would console her. But she knew it was all for the job. She was living a terrible lie of being friends with others.

Alessandro sighed. "I can help you with that." As he extended out his claws and charged at her. She knew he couldn't kill her. Especially from someone who is at her own level. "I'd rather die by someone else's hands! Someone more honorable! I won't go down without a fight!" She panted, using wind like scythes at him. He laughed as he dodged them in a breeze. "You speak fo Black Hat very highly. I have a question." "No! I'm done opening up! Just die!" She yelled at the man.

(Y/n) as a child would hear people arguing, Moses specifically her family. It didn't phase her. All families did. She just didn't imagine her parents and siblings would all fight. About her. "She's weird! And so different! Why does she have powers but we don't?" Her older sibling yelled at her father. "She's gifted." He grinned ear to ear, knowing he'd have someone to take his legacy. "More like she's special and not the good kind." Her father slapped his wife. "What the fuck?!" Her younger siblings yelled at him. "Don't talk bad about my daughter!" He colder at his wife who was left in shock. (Y/n) was sound asleep on her bed. She was just a child. She had done nothing wrong. And yet she was looked beneath them all. Even if she found a family, she was unwanted.

Even now, she was unwanted. Even with her captor, she was unwanted.

(Y/n) felt lightening strike the man over and over again who still fought her, more like her force field she made. She didn't want to look at anyone as of right now. All she could do was silently cry and stare blankly into space.

Once lifting her head to stare at his demonic eyes, she pressed her hand on the shield, which made him land against a tree that snapped in half. (Y/n) stood up and walked towards the man. "Why are you putting up a fight? I thought you said we won't be missed? Or did you mean I won't be missed?" She asked, tears pricking at her eyes. He sighed. "No (y/n), we're bonded together. You see,-" (y/n) couldn't hold her patience anymore and tore at him. He howled as he couldn't fight against the hands that dig and tore apart him from flesh and spit his organs to spill. Feeling his skull crack. She sat against a tree, pulling her jacket hoodie above her head. She didn't use it often since she's indoors but, she used it to cover her sobs.

5.0.5. hummed and awed at the fountain. Dementia climbed the fence and the benches, scaring the civilians away. Flug groaned. "She's not on the scanner. I can't find her." He tried finding her phone but couldn't find it. Black Hat reached inside his shirt and pulled out the vial. Flug seem shocked to see Black Hat wearing jewelry but didn't question it. "She's here." He toyed with the vial.

The feeling of her blood near him at all times touching his own skin gave him such delight. It was euphoric. The teasing craving of her presence became stronger each time she passed by or even touched the vial during work when alone. The greedy desire for her only became stronger and the appetite of her around him subdued once she was around for even a second to even ask for her schedule. Her scent lingered in the park, but it seemed so much savory than before, even pungent.

They all followed their boss who teleported to the scene of the crime.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now