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Flug stepped on the cigarettes and waited for his boss to exit the room. Once he left he grabbed the cigarettes and incinerated them. He'd have a word with her later. So would Black Hat.

(Y/n) came home, looking high and low if Black Hat was around just as she thought, he was at the base of the stairs. It didn't matter where she went. That was her path to the boiler room which was Flug's lab and her room upstairs. She frowned and walked to him. "Is something wrong?" She asked. He glared at her. "You don't look any better from what you right now. Hideous even." He groaned. She shrugged. "I can't change that." She sighed. "But you have. You see, you've been sneaking out lately and the only thing I know a woman would leave so long out her own home for a man. And I found this... thing, ugh. Apparently you 'cover up' your skin? So are you getting ready for?" Black Hat clenched the bottle of make up on his hand. She sighed and removed her sweater and showed the small weird patchy skin on her shoulders, cheek, wrists, hands, arms and neck. "They're to cover up the bruises I have on me. I don't want to seem easily defeated to other villains so I hide the bruises." She explained. He grabbed her cheeks, squeezing them as he turned her head side to side. "Who the hell grabs you like that? What did they do, strangle you? Tie your hands behind you or something? And why the wrists?" He touched her skin which she winced and pulled away from him. "You're making more of them again." She groaned.

It was him all along? None sense. All he's done is protect her and make her know the role of the house and what she does. These are from battle. "Again! Hah! I haven't seen you for days! Don't like on me like your mother did." Black Hat chuckled. (Y/n) frowned. "Fine. Is that what it's all about?" She asked. "No. Who gave you those bruises?" He crosses his arms. She scowled at him. "You did. But they never healed fast enough. Ya know, when you dig your claws in my arm and slapped me and punched me? Dragged me home too?" She asked.

Ah he remembered. Clear as day.

(Y/n) sobbed as Dementia wrapped her arm up in her tattered shirt. She panted and held in her low cries to soften down before she bothered Black Hat.
She was back handed, almost hit by his cane, clawed at, tugged back. She pleaded him to stop but never did.

The disgust emotion he felt at the end. "I could just give you a day off. You have nothing important of a job anyways." Black Hat scoffed. "I don't want to stay here." She muttered but the man ignored her.

'What the Fuck? Since when was I scared to talk to his roach eyebrows looking self? If I can't grow past him then what the fuck? He can't break me down if I don't have any feelings left.'

"I won't be needing a day off. No one can do my job better than me." She crossed her arms to the man. Black Hat glared at her. "You're staying and I'm the one in control! Have you forgotten you owns you?" Black Hat leaned closer to the girl who now seemed unfazed. "You only own my soul. Not my mind or my voice or my decisions." (Y/n) had to set the record straight. The two stared at each other.

The front door opened to Flug with the mail. He had several letters in hand. "What's that?" (Y/n) asked. Flug gulped. "Fan letters and checks. This ones for you, (y/n)." Flug handed a pink and white small letter to the girl. "Thanks." She seems confused and checked who it was from. "Admirer." She whispered. This was the only letter she had but knew it was a joke. Black Hat burnt his letters in an instant but kept an ear open to (y/n).
(Y/n) rolled her eyes at the letter and tore it in half before she threw it in the fire. Dementia was crawling on the walls when she watched her tear the paper. "Geez. What did they say?" Dementia asked. "All I read was love and admirer and I got sick of whoever wrote it."

Black Hat picked up the letter and pieced it together to see how many fans she would soon have.

I doubt you'll read this but I'm a great fan of Black Hat but I saw your cameo in one of his videos and I felt like you were so normal compared to the others and I loved that. I admirer your skills to get your work done. But I have a few questions for the Black Hat fan base:
1. Are you and Dementia related?
2. Are you with Flug?
3. Is 5.0.5. your son?
4. Are you a hero in disguise?

Black Hat also tore the paper more and threw it in the fire again.
"5.0.5.! You'll have to sweep the ashes afterwards." Flu groaned as he'd have to put his son more work. Black Hat turned to look at Flug.
Her nickname for Flug was Fluggy, ran to him when in danger, called each other mutual friends, partnered with him with plans and weapons.

(Y/n) yelled at Dementia to stop throwing forks at Flug who just wanted his coffee. "Dementia!" She yelled as she grabbed a frying pan and hit the floor for Dementia to slip and fall. "Here's your own lunch." (Y/n) a plate to Dementia who threw the food and chewed on the plate. "It's plastic." She glared at the girl who continued to chew on it. "Oh geez." She picked up the wasted food and threw it away. "(Y/n), I have to check your stitches." Flug called out for her. "Be right there." She said.

Removing her hoodie, Flug notes a few things down. "Wear jackets or coats, the pull overs will cause the stitches to get loose. Let me see your wrist." He went over to exam it but saw makeup covering the wounds. "Go wash it off." Flug sighed. Once (y/n) returned he found scratches on her besides from Black Hat's dagger like claws. (Y/n) tilted her head to the side for Flug to exam her wounds of being strangled before. "Who the hell strangled you?" Flug seemed confused. She remained silent. "Well, looks like the stitches are healing. I can't say much about the bruises. They haven't healed lately. Also, I'll need a sample of your blood." Flug grabbed a needle. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at him. "Why for?" She seemed concerned. "Experiments." He inserted the needle into her vein and watched her since as she still. He removed the needle and cleaned up the area before he placed a bandage on her. "You're free now." He grinned.

Flug made his way to Black Hat's office with a small cloth in his hand. "The vial, sir." He said before Black Hat looked up from his work. Hearing the words of having his prey's blood around him again would bring back the blissful euphoria he had before whenever his tasted her blood.

As much as he never admitted it, he longed for the day she would become more as Dementia; clinging onto him so she would have his scent in case any other villain cane to take her away. Get a taste of her touch everyday and anytime. Seeing her more than once in the morning but every day was the only good thing in this wretched world among the others. Seeing her stand up after every punch and blow he gave her made her seem indestructible when all she needed was a bit of an eye opener.

She was broken before and he tore her down from what she was. (Y/n) probably won't grow anywhere close to Black Hat as he would expect from her. He didn't care. Why should he? After all, having her around was just the best thing to keep for his entertainment.

(Y/n) sat beside Dementia who was playing a few video games. "(Y/n), why don't you and Flug go out somewhere?" She asked. (Y/n) rolls her eyes. "We're just friends Dementia. I said that before. Besides, falling in love gets you no where. Money does and so does status." (Y/n) frowned. "Well, do you ever think Black Hat will fall for me soon?" Dementia giggles at the thought. (Y/n) couldn't shatter her heart by reality because she wouldn't accept it regardless. "He's a demon and demons can't love. Maybe he'll just get attached to you. Who knows. Demons get possessive on what they claim is theirs. They can't love. They're all evil." She had to remind Dementia which only made her more excited.

(Y/n) sat on her window sill with one foot firmly placed on the bed so she wouldn't fall. Flug talked about her cigarettes over the phone and she couldn't smoke. She was well aware of that and thankfully wasn't an addict to it yet. Her eyes landed on a small centipede crawling on her window.

It reminded her of Black Hat in a way. Sleazy, watching over her, always there, creepy, the eyebrows too.

Will there ever be a time he won't be watching over her?

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now