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(Y/n) zipped up her jacket as she wore a spaghetti strap in stead of her usual T shirt for work. Only because 5.0.5. was washing and the machine broke in the middle of the wash. She could always buy them. But it was easier to just wash them. Now he she was on her way out to buy some shirts.

(Y/n) felt uncomfortable if her skin was exposed, especially how low her spaghetti strap allowed her cleavage to be seen. "When the fuck did I buy this?" She reminded herself about Dementia telling her it's alright to show a bit of skin. She gulped, tugging on her collar higher. He knew today was going to be a bit hotter than usual so this would be alright for shopping right?
She didn't get a chance to talk to Black Hat but she would soon. Once she has appropriate clothes on.

As she made her way to the jacket isles, she was amazed by the varsity jacket. She sighed. "I'm only hear for shirts damn it." She has to remind herself.

She picked out a few T shirts that had some graphic designs on them but picked out a few more shirts that exposed some skin like her arms, chest or even her shoulders. She'd get used to it. (Y/n) bought her shirts and was malinger way out the store when loud gun shots were fired. She looked behind and noticed people running from the wild men in the truck shooting. "Villains." She rolled her eyes at the amateurs who wore a mask. She made her way to a near by exit. "Let's just hope these freaks don't follow me." She groaned.

"Help us please!" They calles out to her. "Oh hell no." She wasn't made to be a hero. (Y/n) walked faster and turned the corner from the men. "Leave me alone losers!" She yelled out as she ran from the men.

Once making it on a few subway stops later, her phone rang. "Yes?" She answered. "Why the Fuck are you cities away?" Black Hat growled. "I was sent running from some creeps in a truck. I'll be home soon." (Y/n) heard a truck revving in the background. She turned around and noticed the same men. "You fucking bitch." She whispered. "Just get home and stop wasting my time. I still have a word with you." Black Hat was about to hang up when gunshots were fired. "(Y/n)?"
The said girl said down the wall, gasping as her rib was shot in. She growled, attacking the men with her claws. "It's a witch!" They yelled out trying to escape her but couldn't which she landed her hand on them, crushing them. (Y/n) grabbed her phone, noticing Black Hat was still on the line. "Yeah I'll be home soon." She hung up. "Just my fucking day." She groaned.

As she walked to the entrance of the mansion, her jacket was soaked in blood. She couldn't let Black Hat see her like this. She had to heal, at least bandage the wound.

She made her way to Flug's lab and slammed the door behind her. "What the hell, Deme-" "You have to help me." (Y/n) begged which the blood and her voice caught Flug off guard. He yelled at the mess she was doing and how she got injured by some rookie villains trying to get noticed. He helped her lay on his table which she did. "I can't see the wound if you don't take the jacket off. "Fine." She allowed it and removed it, which Flug groaned. "I don't have much Anesthesia but, maybe getting you drunk could help. Altho-" "Just help me." She winced out.

Dementia giggled as she snuck into the wine cellar and came out with several bottles. One of them crashed and spilled on the carpet.

(Y/n) got drunk enough to start swaying around. "Hopefully you don't throw up. Now lay down and let me work." He instructed which she complied to. Dementia held her hand. "Since when were you nice?" (Y/n) jokes. Dementia grinned softly. "Knowing you're gonna die." She stuck out her tongue. (Y/n) closed her eyes.

5.0.5. washed her jacket by hand which the odor of her blood intrigued Black Hat. It wasn't like her 7 days out of 30 bloody weeks that smelled of iron. This was, sweet.

He made his was to the washroom where 5.0.5. hung her jacket that was stained of red. He sniffed the air and went to the living room where wine was spilled and temporarily done cleaning. Was (y/n) already home and drank his wine?
Black Hat clenched his fist believing he had a beat living in his mansion. "I outta kick her out." He said before the scent of blood grew stronger. There were tiny specs of blood on the floor, leading to the boiler room where Flug's was at.

"No Dementia! You grab it from here! Yes like that! Now, stay still." Flug's voice yelled in the lab. "So what about that end over there? Also, what do we do with her?" She asked. Black Hat couldn't understand the pieces he's gathered around. The blood, the wine, her jacket— was (y/n) dead?

He barged in the lab and saw Dementia wearing a lab coat and holding up (y/n)'s foot instead of her arm for the IV while Flug has his glove covered in blood. (Y/n) was breathing threw one of Flug's gas masks and had a heart monitor on her that was usually used for experiments like Dementia.
Black Hat's eyes widened to see the girl laying heir motionless. "What the fuck happened here?!" Black Hat yelled at Flug. Flug gulped. "Apparently while on the call with you she got shot by some rookie villains trying to get noticed. And she made her way here and tried to hide her wound before she spoke to you and um... I didn't have enough anesthesia for her so I believed we could get her drunk and and she would be alright and.... here she is." Flug gulped as he stuck the IV into her arm. Dementia shrugged and let the foot fall as she went to get a few knives and scalpels for Flug.

Black Hat stared down at the girl. She was barely even having the no male heart rate for a human. They were losing her. Flug was using pliers and tweezers and tongs to retrieve the bullet and yet the task to not pinch at any organ was too far done of damage. "The bullet is in between the right lung and stomach. I'll have to open her more. But she'll be awake." Flug groaned. He turned his head to the sound of the lab doors being shut and Black Hat gone. He sighed, doing his best to save (y/n).

5.0.5. heard the someone knocking at the front door and opened it to see a doctor, more specifically, a plague doctor. 5.0.5. screamed of the cartoon like ray of lightening behind him. "Let him in, 5.0.5." Black Hat instructed him. "This way." Black Hat led the man to the lab. 5.0.5. wasn't sure what was happening but knew someone was sick. He shrugged and continued washing the wine stain out the rug.

Flug was about to use his tongs until a plague doctor arrived. "Who are you?" Flug asked. "He's going to professionally help (y/n). Step aside Flug." Black Hat instructed while the man looked at her up and down. "Well you've let quite an opening on her. I see. What I also see is that the bullet is lodged. This is a challenge. He scrubbed his hands and wore gloves. "Her heart rate won't work. I'll need Dr. Flug at stand by." He scanned at te massive blood lost based on the IV packet. "Does anyone know her blood type?" He asked. Dementia raised an eyebrow. "Or use a sample of it to test it out? Dementia, you will be in charge of finding someone , anyone with that blood." He instructed as he grabbed his equipment. Flug used his scalpel and went through a fast scan in. "Get one of these people with blood O from the hospitals near by." He gave a list of people and Dementia went running out the room.

Black Hat waited outside the lab for the news. So far, Dementia came back from the hospital with the blood. She sighed as she sat beside Black Hat. "Hola amor~" She giggled. He ignored her like any other day. Except he did something different. He turned to face her with a frown and asked, "How is she?" He asked. Dementia raised an eyebrow in confusion on why she matters. "Is she breathing?" He asked her again. "Well-" Dementia didn't care about her sister for a bit only to get the job done and be with Black Hat. "Is she going to survive?" Black Hat asked. "Yeah yeah I think so. Look, (y/n) won't die without a fight and I doubt she'd Rest In Peace once she finds out she died by some rookies." Dementia shared her opinion. Black Hat sighed. "Stupid bitch. I still have a word with her." He groaned as Dementia nuzzled against his shoulder.

(Y/n) has her rib refactored in place, mended, stitched up from all layers of skin and then patched up with gauze pads and a bandage around her. The doctor sighed. "Guess this was some gang war for some rookies in a turf war. Nothing much if a damage. But I suggest she won't be out fighting any time soon. Say about, 2 weeks, 10 days or more." He addressed the situation to Flug while Black Hat listened out the door. Dementia fell asleep on his shoulder which he didn't even remember she was there to begin with.

(Y/n) sighed, sitting on the lab table before jumping off as she usually does. She yelled and fell on her knees which she got up on her own. "Oh fucking Christ I feel sick." She groaned, holding her head. Flug cleared his throat. "You have a hang over." Flug addressed. Dementia peeked in the room and gasped that she was alive. "You're not dead!" Dementia hugged her. "Not so tightly!" Flug yelled at the girl. She grinned to know she cared for her a tiny bit. "Thanks Flug. Where's-"

The man she was asking for walked in the room. Black hat stared down at her. "Good. You're awake. Dementia, get out. Flug, pay the man." Black Hat signaled them to leave which they did. "Damn, she's in for it." Dementia whispered.

(Y/n) sighed as the two were alone again.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now