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"Ya know, being with Black Hat isn't as terrible as I thought it would be. Although I can't hug him too long or my wings might get burnt. It terrible for him since he's so touchy and clingy. Not that I mind. I mean, what other guy out there could love me? The again, I did say demons can't love." She sighed as she stared at the cliff in front of her. "Black Hat wanted to throw you over the cliff where Little Jack finds his meals there. But I convinced him not to. So you're technically home." (Y/n) frowned.
"I wish you could be here. Here to help me out when times got rough. It's just this stupid fence. The doctor said I can't be too close to a grave or I might resurrect the dead and Black Hat doesn't want you back here. But I forgive you." (Y/n) grinned as she turned to her left.
There was a small tombstone and two twigs shaped as a rug with a puppet of Black Hat. (Y/n) frowned. "I'm sorry I took this all way from you, Dementia." She muttered. "(Y/n)! Where are you?" Black Hat yelled out. (Y/n) sighed. "I love you, Dementia." The girl got up from her seat and shrunk her white and (f/c) faded wings before she slithered back in her jacket that allowed her wings to spread out and not get squished by the clothes. She held on the chain link fence, staring at the grave that was far beyond her reach all around it, making it a small dome. "I'm still surprised he even listened to me." She said before she walked back inside. Black Hat crossed his arms as he wore a face of disgust. "I told you to stay away from the idiot." Black Hat growled. "I forgive her." (Y/n) explained until Black Hat grabbed her hand and led her back inside.  "I don't. Especially as what you are now just like te others wanting to destroy me. A hideous angel with those wings. I should cut them off." Black Hat groaned. (Y/n) sighed. "Are you just mad because we can't sleep in the same bed-" "Shut up! You left my office without a word while I had to answer a customer that wanted a refund. Swear to fucki-" He stopped mumbling as (y/n) held onto his hand tighter and walked by his side. "I'm sorry. You were just worried. I can defe-" "Hah! Worry?! Why would I worry over a damn angel? You'll all end up in hell one way or another." Black Hat scoffed. (Y/n) linked her arm with Black Hat's. "I just wanted to make sure you didn't bring that bitch back in my domain." Black Hat whispered. "I couldn't. The chain links are too small for my hand to fit in there." She frowned. "Quit talking to her to begin with. Maybe I wouldn't have to follow you around." Black Hat scolded her. "And quit dying. You're supposed to be in bed rest but I'm not allowing that. Since you angels believe you're better than moi." Black Hat smirked. "When did I say that?" She raised an eyebrow. "You don't need to say it to believe it."

He opened the door to his office which she stepped in and went to her small desk at the corner. Black Hat sat beside her and removed his coat before wrapping it around her. "We work to do." She attempted to push him away to not hurt him but it was ineffective as the demon hugged her as he pressed his cheek against her own. "Um, I have work to do." She said. "I know. I'm just checking in if you're doing it correctly." He smirked as he kissed her cheek. 

Not accustomed to someone naturally clinging on her besides wanting her legs open, she shifted her body away from the man.

Black Hat understood what she was doing and lightly purred as she kissed his cheek back.

She felt his claws softly run down her feathers. She lightly chuckled. "I thought you said they were hideous." She asked with a smug grin. "Coming from someone who has no ears, you're deaf. I said angels are hideous." Black Hat gave in depth. She frowned. She could never win against this man. "Then that makes me hideous." She grinned, hoping he'd say something nice to her. "Well of course you are. All dolls are hideous. Only difference from you and then is you're not made out of plastic. But you're both short." Black Hat chuckled as he remembered the times he tripped her. She sighed. So much for winning.

"Sir, I have work to do." (Y/n) still referred to the man as boss, lord or sir to be more professional even after several scoldings that when alone, she is free from those names. But under very few conditions.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now