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"I have a curfew now?!" She yelled at Flug. The scientist groaned. "Yes. Yes you do. Lord Black Hat  instructs you to follow his orders.  Please don't make me regret taking you in." Flug groaned. (Y/n) frowned, leaning against the wall. "Whatever. What time do I come back home?" She asked, looking at the list of who she's gonna have to kill. "8 p.m. on weekdays and 10 p.m. on weekends." Flug winced as he dropped his wrench on his foot. (M/n) groaned. "Well, it's better than nothing. I'm off!" She saluted to Flug and ran out the door. She stopped at her tracks. "Damn it, I have to get Dementia." She knee better than to leave without Dementia as she was kept on watch.

Dementia constantly tripped the girl as they walked and would rant about how ugly Flug is and how amazing Black Hat is. "Demi, Black Hat is our boss. You can't romanticize him. He's pure evil and malice. He won't like you back. He only likes you because you're the most chaotic out of the both of us." She explained. Dementia gasped and giggled. "He likes me?" She squished her cheeks, revealing her fangs from the grin. (Y/n) sighed. "Never mind. So what were you saying about a wedding?" She changed the topic. Dementia giggled. "I was hoping you'd be my bridesmaid! You'll look so pretty in a dress!" Dementia shook (y/n) by the shoulders. She shrugged. "I guess so."

(Y/n) wasn't excited for weddings. In fact, ever since she became a villain and joined the organization, she found her way to crash weddings by setting the church ablaze or using her powers to gather clouds together and rain on the people below. She especially hated couples on dates. All clingy, kissing, flirting, fooling around. She found them as idiots ready to cheat on one another. Why be in a relationship in the first place if you're going to be dishonest. She avoided relationships all at once.

Dementia pointed to a man down the block. "Is that the hero?" She asked. (Y/n) looked at the newspaper clipping she tore off before. "Yup. And he's not on the job either. So he looks like a civilian." She noted. "Let's get him!" Dementia charged. (Y/n) stepped on her hair to drag her back. "Flug instructed us that we need a few samples from him. His powers more specifically. We need a hair or blood. Don't maul him down yet." She helped Dementia up and walked closer to the man. "Let's corner him somewhere. Hmm." The (h/c) haired girl thought of a plan on her own. "Dementia, you're strong enough to yank hair right?" (Y/n) questioned. Dementia scoffed. "That's it? Haven't I told you of how my opponents faces look like when they meet nutcracker?" She cracked her knuckles. "I don't think so. How about you show me~?" She pointed time the clear path leading to the hero down the street. Dementia chuckled and launched at the man. (Y/n) grinned to see Dementia get her daily murder spree kicking in. (Y/n) felt her ear perk up by a few civilians scream and cameras shuttering. "Kill him faster!" She yelled at Dementia. Dementia growled, munching on the crunchy flesh in her mouth. Police sirens appeared around them. (Y/n) raised a hand in the air, as if for them to stop. "Put both of your hands in th-" She clenched her fist closed and crushed the police men around her. Many ran away from her or ran inside stores to hide while recording.

The man was breathing heavily, laying on his back, teeth missing and flesh from his cheek chewed away. "Done!" Dementia giggled. (Y/n) walked next to the man and pressed two fingers to the side of his neck. "But he has a pulse." She frowned. She pressed the back of her heel, allowing a blade to appear from the front of toes. The man gasped as she elevated her back backwards — aiming to his head. "No please-" "Quit your whining!" She growled before she kicked the man. He gargled in the blood arising from the back of his head.

She tapped the knife back in her shoes as she checked his pulse again. "He's gone. For good." She looked back at Dementia. The girls were bloody and exhausted. "Let's go. More cops will come in if we wait anymore." She walked down the street, her dripping shoe prints next Dementia's tail dripping and dragging behind them.

A gun cocked from afar. "Freeze!"

(Y/n) turned around. A civilian with a gun. Aiming for them. She raised an eyebrow. Right before he shot at the shorter girl, (y/n) laid out a whispy white shield in between the bullet and the two of them. In a blink of an eye, she reverted the bullet to the civilian. "Come on, Dementia. Let's go find lunch." She guided Dementia who cheered and slipped beside her, slithering on the walls.

By 5:36, Dementia was excited for the next hero they'd kill. "With Dlug, I don't have this much fun! I'm really glad you came here!" She hugged (y/n) who panted against the wall. She nodded in response. "God, I hate running. Guh." She yawned. "When's curfew again?" Dementia asked. (Y/n) dug deep in her brain. "8?" She shrugged. Dementia groaned. "Why so early?" Dementia sat on the ground. (Y/n) frowned. "Because Flug is still keeping me on watch. They're scared I'm talking to heroes." (Y/n) sat beside Dementia. Dementia shook her head. "Hah! You hate them! And you have a reason to hate them! I'll do anything for Black Hat!" She giggled. (Y/n) nodded. "Well, since we have time to kill, what should we do before we head back home?" She asked the green haired girl. She hummed. "I was thinking maybe throw toxic waste on random people!" Dementia clapped her hands. (Y/n) nodded.

The girls got up from their seats and as they were about make their way out the alley, a snap of a glass bottle could be heard behind them. (Y/n) turned her head sharply to the sound. A man was him holding an empty broken wine bottle. She stood in front of Dementia. "Maybe some other time Dementia. Right now, we have this bum." She whispered. "Him?! He's nothing against me!" Dementia chuckled. He charged at (y/n) with the bottle. She grabbed his hand and twisted it, causing the bottle to fall to the ground. She right hooked the man, causing the man to black out in an instant. "Do we kill him?" Dementia asked (y/n) as she as known for killing anyone who who cane in contact with her. "'Rule No. 942: Kill random underlings to make an example of everyone else to create terror around you.'" (Y/n) she quoted one of the rules of being a villain. She kicked open her blade again. "I be damned if he stays alive, thinking he could bring me down." (Y/n) added before killing him.

As they made their way to the door to the mansion, (y/n) removes her shoes before she stepped inside unlike Dementia who climbed around the walls. (Y/n) yawned, holding her bloody shoes in her hands. "Ugh, I'm so tired." She complained. Dementia tackled (y/n) down. "So you're tired? How about I knock you out cold?!" Dementia giggled. (Y/n) scowled at her, using her powers to throw Dementia into the ceiling. She stood up and made her way upstairs. "(Y/n)!" Dementia whined. "I'll make dinner soon. Hold on." The said girl yawned.

After dressing into black shorts with white stripes and a thin grey V neck shirt, she went downstairs to make dinner. She entered Flug's lab. "Here." Flug handed (y/n) his empty coffee mugs as he ran around with a clipboard and a hard helmet. "May I be of use?" She asked. He pressed his hands together. "Please!" He begged. She nodded and placed on his hard helmet as she handed his metal face guard. "Get me my blow torch and the-" "Tungsten plates and moose tongs?" She asked. He nodded. "Bring about 6 plates of them!" Flug addresses as he searched in his cabinet drawers for the certain nuts and bolts he needed. "What invention are you making now?" She asked, laying the plates on the floor. "Lord Black Hat suggested on making a new lock on his office door and wants an invention that brainwashes the enemy. A mind control ray." He explained. (Y/n) peeked at the plans on the table and nodded. "I'll get the forget me nots and the clock." She explained Flug who gave a thumbs up.

After gathering his materials, she made her way to the kitchen. "Quick! Make something good! 5.0.5. is making cake again!" Dementia shoved (y/n) to the kitchen. She sighed and nodded. She took a (f/c) apron from the wall and opened a cook book. "We never had this before." Dementia took the book and pointed to a random page. "A pasta salad?" (Y/n) reassured Dementia. 5.0.5. shrugged and went to the pantry and cabinets for the ingredients. "Okay, let's work, 5.0.5." (Y/n) sighed.

After serving Dementia and 5.0.5., (y/n) made her way to Flug's lab. Her (e/c) eyes widened as she watched Flug almost complete his invention. "That's... amazing." She whispered to herself, knowing if she said it any louder, Flug would get scared and might break the invention. She placed his dinner on an empty table and walked out. She didn't want to disturb him.

(Y/n) stared at the grandfather clock next to her. It was 8. She was home early just so she wouldn't be scolded by Black Hat again. That and Dementia really missed him.

Speak fo the devil, her eyes glanced up, staring back at the man himself. His thin slit eye stared at her lazy and tired (e/c) orbs. She walked back to the kitchen to wash the dishes they all possibly left.

Anywhere but be under the demon's gaze.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now