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Black Hat looked at the half naked girl fighting for freedom, swollen cheeks from being slapped around and a sore scalp from being pulled on and knocked unconscious, soft tiny hands getting bruised easily, so many heroes humiliating her and yet she still has the balls to keep fighting even when she doesn't stand a chance. But why? If she feels she has no home then why keep fighting. She has no where to go so why keep living the same nightmare?

(Y/n) covered herself the best she could as the men prepared for a fight with Black Hat. (Y/n) did her best and pushed a man down and removed his shades which made laser beams. She aimed his head to his own workers which he attempted to attack on her but put his shades back on. She punched stage side of his head as she was grabbed from under her arms and her legs by two men to be carried somewhere else. "No!" She used her claws that she summoned from her back and threw the men down. She sprawled up on her feet to grab a man's shirt but gasped as a man's head landed on the clean shirt. "Doesn't matter." She whimpered as she was dressing herself up. She turned around by the sound of a gun cock behind her. So they were heroes with less powers and status, maybe that's why they sat here. Then how could they're hard to defeat? Maybe because they have no morals when it comes to villains.

(Y/n) made a dome just in time when the trigger struck. She turned around and gasped to see Black Hat claw out the man in half and tore out his guts and intestines before he moved on to another hero in the now darkened room. The candles had died out by the time it was over. The sunset they arrived at the forest was gone and set down to the early evening. (Y/n) picked yo the now bloody shirt she was about to wear as she stared at the jacket that always shredded beside her. As she got on her feet, she felt something slightly heavy wrap around her. She looked behind her and saw Black Hat but without his coat. "Cover yourself you. I'm not doing it for you." Black Hat cleared his throat. (Y/n) nodded and adjusted the coat. "Why did you rescue me?" She whispered. Black Hat remained quiet. "You could leave me to die. They weren't going to get anything out of me. I would rather die than reveal anything about the organization." (Y/n) fixed the cuffs. "Are you always putting the organization first? If this isn't your home then why put up with it?" Black Hat scolded the girl. She frowned. "I have no where else to go besides the mansion. You helped me escape. And for that I'm debt to you. I don't work here because I enjoy it. I do it because the benefits you give me. Freedom and social interaction. I'm not entirely caged inside a new environment. And who said I didn't call it home?" (Y/n) asked as she walked towards Black Hat who heard her light bare feet patter against the floor towards him.

Even with her face slightly red of crying and being abused and squeezed and bloody, her gorgeous features stood out and were highlighted by the broken blue stained window.

He licked his thumb to heal the small cuts on her cheek and side of her head that were the main reasons she looked paler but still, the scent of her blood wasn't as strong as it was before. There was something different. It wasn't tainted. The urge to indulge on her soul and blood was gone. There was something else in the way. Something he couldn't understand. It was right in front of him and he knew it but couldn't explain it well enough. She closed her eyes, knowing he'd heal the small cut on her eyelid that if not healed soon would get infected and cause her to go blind.

Having one hand on her cheek and the other on her shoulder, Black Hat stared at her bruised lips from biting and bleeding and being forcefully kissed on.
His eyes softened as his thumb feathered on her lips, watching the cuts heal but the bruises remained.

The urge to strangle her for being weak and laugh at how she cried subsided by the sensation of holding her frail body. He knew she was at her limit of using her powers and was being humiliated by other heroes he had killed that all watched. And yet there's something about the girl that Joey on going. And it was because she was in debt to him and had no way to repay him for saving her but taking any job offer whether it meant risk of death or diseases.

"Hold still." He told the girl who said nothing in return. She was obedient and more confident than she was before when she was broken. He wasn't sure how she returned so quickly. It didn't matter. Not as of right now.

Black Hat crouched her to height, lifting her chin up slightly. He stared at her lips, watching the bruise go away but not fast enough. Their scent lingered in her and he despised it. Touching her like some doll when she's more worth than a damn teddy bear. She had a high value to him and he knew that too.

Was this what humans called paranoia? Afraid those close to them would die? Would that be the reason he even bothered coming along? Whatever it was, it didn't matter. (Y/n) was a few inches away from him.

His body was telling him to hug her but another part reminded him of Dementia — having the urge to sneak a kiss from her.

As her boss, she couldn't say a word and did exactly that.

He grabbed her hip and pulled it slowly closer to his body, sniffing her lips and felt himself lowly growl under his breath. Either from greed or desire, it didn't matter to him. She was safe and willingly succumbing to him and no one else.

His hands finally held her hand but felt as if the gloves were in the way. Removing only one of them, he let it fall to the ground as he held her hand again, tangling his claws with her soft fleshy hands.

Black Hat closed his eyes as he lowered his head closer the girl's face that he felt her soft breathing.
His lips veiled onto hers, soon fully embracing them.

His fingers coiled around her hand, softly squeezing it through the kiss. Black Hat roughened the kiss by pulled her closer.

He pulled away and jumped up a little by the sound of himself purring of satisfaction from the girl.

He stared at the girl for a few seconds who stood motionless, waiting for her next command.

He didn't have to break her to have her. She gave herself up since the start.

He tapped her shoulder as he walked ahead which she followed out the room, grabbing her shoes that were strayed around the room.

"Thank you for helping another pathetic villain like me. Flug and Dementia are probably lost here and searching for us." She turned on her foot and walked out the room where more blood and bodies were piled over and on the railings. "Watch your step." Black Hat warned her.

(Y/n) and Black Hat walked out the same rose arch walkway they entered from the start, only the bottles had fallen and crashed on the floor and the roses wilted with dark maroon and black petals. (Y/n) plucked a rose and played with the dead crunchy leaf. "I like the sound it makes. Although, it's sad when you step on it." She groaned as she threw the rose ahead and stepped on the petals. Black Hat grabbed a living rose and shoved it to the short girl beside him. "Uh, than-" "Hide it before Dementia sees it." Black Hat warmed her. She hid it in the coat and gulped. "You never answered why you saved me." (Y/n) asked again.

"Do I actually matter in the organization?" She asked. "The organization, perhaps." He answered her. She stared at the glass she stepped on that let out loud crunches. "Do you think that's all the heroes?" She asked. "There will always be more." Black Hat sighed.

(Y/n) stared at the dark midnight sky with airplanes passing by. "Thank you for healing me." She said as the two got on the ship. "Shut up already with your thank yous." Black Hat sat beside the girl who yawned.

(Y/n) let a few tears slip out of her yawn. "Flug told me ya know. That you called the doctor for me. And knew where I was all the time. Saved me twice. I honestly don't believe my soul will be enough to pay up how much you've done for me and all I've been is a brat." She was shifting to side to side as she was getting tired. Black Hat slithered her hand to her arm, pulling her to his shoulder.

"At least I know there's one person out in this world who thinks about me even if I am just a vessel."

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now