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"I'll never understand why people fall in love with others just to hurt them." (Y/n) admitted her belief. "Maybe they had it coming." Dementia bit into the glass goblet. "Or they have sociopathic tendencies who are natural narcissists and want people to depend on them so they won't be pathetic to others in order to make themselves seem more important." Flug snuffed the wine and winced at how strong it was. (Y/n) shrugged. "Guess so." She whispered. The two morals at her side knew she couldn't get over her captor. Not out of attachment but never understood his mentality. But he's dead so she couldn't ask him. (Y/n) turned to Flug.

"So how was the talk with Black Hat and Alessandro? Another customer or someone trying to step over the lord himself?" (Y/n) rolled her eyes at the thought of someone attempting to take down Black Hat. Flug gulped and tapped on the sides of his glass. "Well, ya see-"

"I understand if it's so soon to ask permission from her boss and who practically owns her, but I would like to understand on your opinion." Alessandro grinned. Black Hat snarled, eating the urge to throw the wine on hi until Flug cleared his throat. "As you said, Lord Black Hat owns (y/n) so he is not obligated to speak immediately so if he wishes, he will call out for you. Now shoo." Flug stepped up before anything gruesome happened.

"We weren't on the same page. I was the only one who spoke up. I couldn't get the boss upset when he's out in front of others." Flug nervously chuckled. (Y/n) hummed. "So was it anywhere near about taking over Black Hat?" She asked. Flug shrugged. "Never got to that point." Dementia sniffed the air. "There's a traitor around us." She growled. (Y/n) sighed. "I knew this was too good to be true." (Y/n) yawned, as it was passed her bed time near 10. "We should find Black Hat and leave." (Y/n) added in. "5.0.5.! Where are you?" Flug looked for his son while (y/n) went to find Black Hat while Dementia would scout for the elephant in the room.

As she made her way to Black Hat, she was about to let out the news until a man's hand was on her shoulder. His force to stop her was working as she was about to turn to him but with one finger he kept her head facing Black Hat who was a few yards away. She kept her cool and calm and knew it was just another drunk man hitting on her. "You work for him?" He whispered with slow chuckle. She scowled at the feeling of his breathing on her cheek and neck. "Don't we all?" She gulped, feeling his hand on the back of her neck. She understood she was physically incapable to defend herself but she would have to put up a fight. "Not me. And certainly not you. Weren't you that one hero's daughter?"

She forced her feet to walk forward, quickly getting into Black Hat's line of vision. 'I won't be saved by him but it'll alert him that he's the hero. And he hates heroes! Where the fuck are you, Deme-'
(Y/n) could hear heavy loud footsteps and felt herself being levitated in the air by her elbow. She yelled as her arm felt as if it were torn with her skin burning by his touch. "You're all dead!" The man removed his wig and revealed his ash grey hair. "Let go!" (Y/n) reached in between her breast and stabbed his hand several times before he threw her down. She held on his hand and stabbed his thigh before he kicked her. "You're dead!" "And so are you!" She yelled as she clung to his belt and climbed up to be in front of him. "You really are gonna show yourself off like that?!" He yelled. "Yup!" She yelled and stabbed his chest. He bowled as he pulled her hair. "Stay still winch!" He slithered his hand to her throat. She growled and used her whispy claws to be drown out and tear at the man who transformed into a bright beaming ball of diamonds. She winced at the brightness as other villains did too. (Y/n) retracted her blade and stabbed again, hoping she aimed right.

Black Hat winced and looked through the gaps between his fingers. His eyes widened to see (y/n) attacking the man.

Her scream alley everyone know the danger she put herself in.

She was thrown to the crowd below. "(Y/n)!" Flug, Black Hat and Alessandro yelled out as they ran to catch her. Flug tripped which made the waiter trip over him and throw his drinks in the air and hit the hero. Black Hat barely got a glimpse of Dementia leaping in the air and saving (y/n). She slid on the ground and hunched over (y/n).

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now