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(Y/n) felt a light slap on her cheek. She groaned as she felt the rush of numbness on the side of her head. She groaned, tilting her head to the side. Everything was so cold. (Y/n)'s eyes opened to the shadows above her as she sat on her knees. She gasped for air until she realized her mouth was covered with tape and her arms were tied behind her back. She wiggles and groaned to remove the remove the zip ties on her wrists. She gasped loudly as a gun appeared before her. Her (e/c) eyes scowled at the woman. "You're actually weak for a villain. And you're the one killing those heroes down at Mexico City. I feel pity on them. They got killed by a kid." She raised the gun to (y/n)'s forehead. "Your forehead is kinda big." She teased. (Y/n) refused to look away despite being humiliated just a bit. "But so is your stomach but that just means there's more money worth in you." 'Money?!'

The curtains behind them arose which made it visible they all wore ski masks. "Ladies and gentle men, maidens and whores, we present to you a villain who snuck in during our meeting." She stepped aside and revealed (y/n). 'Fucking bitch. At least knocking me out only made me take a cool down and power up a bit.' "Any bidders?" She asked.

A board flashed above them all, behind (y/n). $300 for starters. "$1,000!" A man yelled. "We have a thousand from the gentleman in blue! Anyone else?" The woman pointed her gun at him as if it were a cane. "$2,000!" They yelled out. "Damn, $2,000? That's it?! Come on guys, she's got meat in her bones. Just..." She snapped her fingers and a large man approached her. (Y/n) attempted to pull away from him but it made her situation worse. She held in her scream as the man zip her jacket and tore down the tank top and bra. (Y/n) tried to cover herself but everyone had cameras facing her in all angles. 'Damn, the claws aren't working right now if my hands are occupied.' She groaned. "$3,700!" The bidding began to rise. 'Oh what the fuck! If the numbers keep getting lower they'll tear open my shirt. I gotta get out of these zipties... without showing myself off.' She began to lick at the tape off her lips as she wriggled around.

(Y/n) fumbled to get her feet through her arms. She felt her face deepen in temperature as her eyes scanned around her room, watching her every moves. Shuffling her arms to her front, she covered herself the best she could. "$5,000!" The numbers began to rise. One man stood up. "It's just a girl. What more is she?" One man asked. "This girl is a villain and should be treated as such." The female ran her fingers through her wavy locks. "But whats so significant about this girl?" They asked. 'Oh, shit.' (Y/n) knew they'd question her. She could feel the tape on her face loosen. She opened and shifted her lips to loosen the tape faster. She was spotted near Black Hat." She have a smirk before facing back to (y/n). "You mean we can get access through her?" A few chuckled. (Y/n) spat the tape off her face. "I wish you the best of luck because no one can get shit out of me. Keep raising the numbers though. Maybe by going into debt you'll finally stoop as low as other villains you talk so badly about and abuse like you all are right now!" (Y/n) yelled. They all stared at the girl. "Those are adorable threats coming from a small villain." She chuckled. "Tell is your name." The girl walked up to (y/n) as she caresses her cheek.

"I'm (y/n) (l/n) and the last one standing. You already know I work for Black Hat but understand when I die I can be replaced. No one will come for me. Keep raising those numbers and waste your time. I chose those path of villainy and I already wrote my will." She spat at the girl which she earned a hard slap. (Y/n) grinned as it was a small slap compared to how others have abused her. "Any take-" "$20,000!" They calles out higher and higher. 'I just made it worse.' (Y/n) grabbed the end of the zipties with her teeth and pulled on it the tightest it could go. She lifted her hands above her head and snapped them. She quickly covered herself up and and got up. "Hold her!" She yelled.

(Y/n) created her dome as she ran for the exit. She zipped under jacket and ran to the backstage for a way out. Nothing. Everything was blocked. She used her claws to sweep them aside and claw her way out the steel doors.

An intercom went on. "Testing one two. (Y/n)~ you won't make it free from here. Hello, Black Hat. It appears a nice has run free from its lab. You should really check on her." She tainted. "I already told you! He's not c-"

Men waited for her at the corner to turn with machine guns at hand to shoot her down. She screamed as she ran to the left.

A dead end to an office where several men were drinking and smoking their lungs out. She was about to turn around until hands grab her ankles. She was dragged to the men. "I thought we'd meet the missus but she'll do. Their disfigured and mutated faces puffed out smoke to the girl. Her shield was no more as they began to all tower over her.

"No." She whispered out, trying her best to keep her clothes on as they tugged and teared it off her body.
Their multicolored drool fell in her shoulders as her jacket was shredded into confetti by the men. (Y/n) covered her breasts as they pinned her shoulders to the ground, making her face the ground on her stomach. She attempted to kick the men until they grabbed her ankles. "No please!" She begged.

"It's alright, sweetie. I'll be sure to make you scream~" Her captor whispered as he forcefully kissed her lips. Her eyes were blindfolded as she sobbed, defenseless and handcuffed behind her back.

"Let go of me!" She screamed louder as she rolled on her side and kicked the man's jaw that was tearing away her shoes. They dragged her closed to each other until their sweat was all that she could inhale. She gagged at their stench.

(Y/n) used one hand to summon her hand and dragged as many men she could out the multicolored glass window of dark blue that transitioned from sky blue to navy and thunderstorm clouds to a forest green and grew darker.

(Y/n) screamed as one man grabbed her free hand and tried to pry the other hand off her chest. (Y/n) wishes she could shut her eyes and get this over with but she couldn't. She had to watch everything they were doing to her body.

Which was longer belonged to her as their eyes lingered and touched on every surface they could satisfy their eyes on. Both of her arms were fired in the air as they stared down at her. "Not bad." One muttered as he sat in his knees. As he approached her, she closed her legs and clenched her jaw.

The man next to her squeezed her cheeks to get her jaw to pry open but he didn't succeed, even after getting harshly slapped. So he proceeded to grab her hair in a bundle for him to grab and drag her face closer to him. She whimpered as she tried to close her legs and avoid the man kissing her hand and ankles.

She whimpered and have slight sobs as the man groaned slowly as he satisfied himself one last time, basking himself in her figure. As gentle as he was with her, she attempted to close her legs and kick him away but it lead to nothing. (Y/n) couldn't even tell where he was. Only until after it was over. He kissed her cheeks that were salty and damp. "Awe, princess. If I was too rough you could have told me." He chuckled as he held her used body again his fit figure. She whimpered and attempted to wriggle away from him.

(Y/n) swung her feet at the men and buried her face into the man's thigh. "Damn, I think she's getting exci-" He stooped mid sentence as she but the man's thigh close to his groin. He pushed her off and held himself, literally howling. (Y/n) punched the man holding her hands above her her head until he was dazed out. She sat up and covered herself the best she could out of shame. "Get her!" They yelled. They launched in her again as the lights flickered. Her eyes scanned to the window that was shattered broken. 'Well, what more of a fight could I put up?' She shoved the men off her as she ran to the window. Then she was dragged back to them.
(Y/n) felt the men tie her wrists the fastest the could as zippers and buttons popped open and down. She shook her head.

"No!" She screamed as her was made to face the man between her legs.

He took a large sniff of her face before he buried his hairy lips into hers. She would gag but she was too busy being humiliated.

The door swung open with the room turning into a bright wine red with flames of the candles in the room reaching the ceiling.

The men waiting their turn buttoned up their pants as they were met face to face with Lord Black Hat.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now