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(Y/n) woke up to her alarm ring and a text from Black Hat. Several texts actually.
Wake up. Moron, get up. It's late. Wake up!
(Y/n) yawned and got ready for the day.
As she made her way to make coffee for Flug she made two cups, since she'd be stuck with Black Hat all day. No one could know why.
(Y/n) almost fell asleep, reading through the files and helping make plans to destroy the heroes and answer the phone from other villains to have a meeting or get their purchase picked up or order again.
(Y/n) rubbed her eyes as she felt her eyes get heavy. She yelled in shock to feel water get splashed at her. She opened her eyes to Black Hat carrying a spray bottle of water to keep her awake. She sighed. "Thanks." She muttered as she wiped the water if her face. She hummed in confusion as the man sat by her and read through the files with her. She leaned against his shoulder for support which he allowed.

Until Dementia could be heard outside the door.
(Y/n) sat up from her seat and answered the call that came in as she highlighted a few points on a hero and prices to pay for it as Black Hat turned into a black mist and teleported to his desk. (Y/n) frowned as Dementia still continued her dream of having Black Hat to herself. (Y/n) yawned and continued giving the orders to Flug as her eyes grew heavy. She wouldn't have been sleepy if it weren't for that stupid date.

But being in his arms felt so warm and comforting coming from the dangerous villain.

(Y/n) softly grinned as her heart quickened It's pace and face bloomed roses on her cheeks.

Now done with the paper work and Dementia gone to bother Flug, (y/n) was alone with Black Hat. "Sir, I don't see you stamping your signature in those papers." (Y/n) felt her eyes grow tired.

Her eyes widened once Black Hat wrapped the girl in his coat and slithered his arms around her waist, hugging her closely as her back was against his chest. He pressed his cheek behind her neck as shrugged and relaxed against him. He wasn't so bad after all. Just super, clingy.

"Alright, I have to get back to work and so do you." She yawned but Black Hat growled and pulled her back down. "Sir we have work that must be done." She wiggles around which Black Hat found amusing to watch. "Fine." She knew what he wanted and so she tilted her head back so the man had access to her lips and kissed her.

(Y/n) couldn't help but grin against the kiss as she pressed her hands on the side of his face. Once pulling away she went straight to work. "Not so tired now, are you?" Black Hat smirked. She rolled her eyes. "Guess not. You can go back to work now." She said.

Black Hat was entranced by her hands that were once in his face. His demonic instincts and urge to tear them out their sockets or nail them into a cross subsided before he shook his head. "And who's going to tell me exactly what I can and can't do? Hm?" Black Hat smirked. "The customers will when you're falling behind." (Y/n) muttered as Black Hat twirled his claw into her hair out of boredom. She had to admit, it was cute to have someone clingy on her. But she didn't think it would be her boss.

On her free time she did a bit of research and demons dot believe in love which she understood that but were possessive and mistaken love for obsessions and find it nearly impossible to get it straight through their corrupt minds as greed and desire is all they understand in order to sin. This practically summed up Black Hat in a way.

Especially when her new job was always staying in his sight and never leaving him. After her several almost near death experiences, Black Hat scolded her for almost dying and scared her in front of the others but never laid a hand on her anymore. It was odd but she didn't bring it up. She didn't want her boss to be questioned. Nor did she really care.
(Y/n) was hoping not to get attached to her boss in any ways but, it was nearly impossible for that to happen.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now