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Once she made it down, she felt Black Hat grab her shoulder and lead the way to his car. 'Holy shit he's not saying anything, what if I did something wrong? Did I do something wrong? Was it about the kiss? This isn't okay! I can't die like this. Why can't I speak up?!'

The memory of the kiss came back and made her sink into his touch. 'Well, I guess it wasn't so bad.' She muttered.

"Get in." He opened the passenger seat for her. She whispered a thank you to him before getting in. 'I'm going to die!' She gulped. As he entered the car, he reached over and held her hand.

Instinctively she took her hand away. "I'm sorry but I'm not sure why you took me out here and I can't say no or else you'll kill me but I have to now and since we're out here all I have to say is please date Dementia! She's pretty, smarter than Flug at times and really strong and chaotic! I want to be left alone." She said in one breath. Black Hat glared at her.
'Holy shit I fucked up more! No wait! I gotta did this!'

"I mean, you and Dementia are better off together than whatever we're in." She nervously chuckled. "Or if we're in anything. I don't know." She mumbled out of confusion. She wished she could sink her head into the hoodie. "If I wanted Dementia, I would have already had her. And she's not the one catching my eye as of right now." Black Hat growled at the girl. 'Well shit, I guess I Hm got him angry.'
"It's just, It's better if it's you two together. I'm not as smart or strong or know you long enough. Regardless if I did know you I can't be with you because Dementia-" "Why are you always bringing up Dementia?" Black Hat crosses his arms, talking to the girl. "She's my friend, sir. She loves you. And I can't hurt her like that. I would never abandon my friends. And if Dementia likes someone I'll cheer her on. I'm not going to backstab her. Sir, she's happy knowing one day you'll live her back and I can't ruin that dream." (Y/n) explained. Black Hat rolled his eye. "So she's a friend? And what am I to you?" Black Hat went straight to the point with her. 'Think of something! Something not too stupid! Don't say husband! He can't love! Don't pull a Dementia! Pull a Flug!'

She gulped. "You're my boss and we aren't friends. Since friendships end and are disgusting to you. And love." (Y/n) was muttering if that was the answer to move on a different topic. Black Hat stared at her. 'Yup, I fucked up big time. Here lays me.' "What are your views on me?"

"You mean, what do I think of you?" (Y/n) asked in shock. "Just answer the fucking question." Black Hat snarled. "Well, I guess I could say, you are..." She processed her words around. "Brutal, sadistic, masochist too. You're powerful, invincible, terrifying. Um..." The thought of the kiss still lingered in her lips. "You're not as evil- I mean you are evil but..." A light flickered in her head.

"Why do you treat me different from the others? You hate Dementia, you abuse Flug, why do I get the easy treatments? Are you calling me pathetic to work for you?" She asked, raising her face to the man. "If I didn't say it during all this time, then no. If I wanted to break you, I'd do it until you begged for mercy." Black Hat smirked. "And I did. And I got back together again." She remarked at the man, doubting his power to break people down. Black Hat scowled at the girl. "Why did you kiss me? I've been wanting to ask you for a while but-" "But what? Terrified? Ashamed?" Black Hat chuckled. (Y/n) narrowed her eyebrows at the man.

"I'm scared of Dementia more than you! And, yeah. I guess you could say I am ashamed. Because, I liked it." She frowned. "But I can't hurt Dementia. And that's why I'm ashamed for liking it."

"Is this your way of breaking me? Not opening up to anyone and making me hide things from my one friend so I can cut contact from her? Because good luck at that! I have lived 3 years without interacting with anyone as close asI talk to you or Flug or Dementia." (Y/n) sank into her seat. The taller villain gave a mischievous grin. "And good luck to you too." Black Hat started the car. "What?" She asked. "Trying to get me with Dementia." He slithered his hand to hers. (Y/n) stared at the man in horror.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now