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"This isn't working," Kai remarked for the nth time.

"Say that again and we will cut your tongue out."

"And eat it."

"What the fuck-"


"Look, Kai," Taehyun sighed, "If you have any other idea how to get off this island besides aimlessly wandering, then please do share."

"I'm just saying, what if people find us?" Kai argued.

"If they can even see through this mist," Yuna muttered, swatting at the fog.

"We don't even have a plan," Yeji reminded.

"Well, the first place we should check is the military base that we went the last time. Because, firstly, it's the nearest secure place the humans can hide and secondly, we have nowhere else to go," Jisu suggested.

"Good plan," Taehyun agreed, "This is what we mean, Kai."

"Okay," Ryujin said, "First we need to get off this island. Maybe follow the water, because that's what we first felt when we arrived here."

"And try not to make too much noise," Chaeryeong sent a pointed glance to Yuna, "Or else they'll find us within minutes."

"Let's go."


Back in the cave, the smoky haze seemed to suffocate everyone in there, children wailing and others coughing, weary embers flickering.

Collapsed houses were no more than blocks of rubble, the beautiful gardens destroyed and the dining hall trashed. Shattered glass from windows and the glass ceiling lay cracked and gleaming sharply. It looked like a disaster zone, which it was.

Namjoon stumbled around helping people up and comforting those who survived, then turned to survey the ruins. There had been too many gifteds, so the humans gave up after collecting the majority of them. It made Namjoon's heart ache to see all his blood, sweat and tears crumble to dust so quickly, but it made him feel even worse at the thought of how many gifteds had expected this place to be safe. And he had let them down. He felt a shaky hand on his shoulder, turning to see a limping Jeongguk, who managed a wan wobbly smile.

"This was what had to happen," The younger insisted, "The only way."

A soul for a soul.


As they followed the rushing stream, soon they were ankle-high in the icy waters. "Here," Jisu said, "We cross here."

"How do you know?"

"We're in the deeper part of the river, and that's where we came from last time."

"Okay then."

Stepping cautiously through the waters, cringing as their shoes got drenched, the cold fog seemed to sting their eyes, which they quickly closed.

The mist started to feel warmer and warmer, the water seemingly evaporating as they got closer and closer, and when they finally felt the scalding sun on their cheeks, their eyes blinked open and they were back at where they started.

"Do we still have the notebook? We may need it when we finish saving the kids...hopefully," Soobin asked.

"I have it," Taehyun said as he dug around his bag, his face draining of colour when he pulled out not their notebook but-

Everyone was stunned, staring at his hand like they couldn't believe it was real.

"I don't get it," Jisu murmured.

Because there, sitting perfectly in his palm, was the glowing mystic orb.

(AN: Apologies for the weird and bad writing, I've been rushing this, and I've been kinda busy, so sorry if there's less content because right now I'm preparing for exams and such so...thank you for continuing to read this!)

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