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The gang, (ten including Jimin) were still standing in the exact same spot, pondering on what to do.

"I-no offence, but I really am tired of all this running around," Taehyun confessed, "Do you think we should just wait for Jisu to come to us?"

"Well, she doesn't have the map nor the stars to guide her. "

"I'll go find her," Chaeryeong volunteered, "You guys just stay where you are."

"Will you be okay alone? I can go with you," Ryujin quickly added in.

With that, the two set off without a second word, leaving the rest behind standing awkwardly.

Jimin plopped down on the ground, "Well, might as well sit down, we'll be waiting for a while. Yeonjun, how's the stomach?" Yeonjun winced as he bent to sit down, "Well, it's as good as it can be."

Tense silence ensued, no one daring to comment on Taehyun's sudden departure or anything on what they should do next. But the same thought rang in their heads: we've completed the three tasks, what now?

Honestly, no one had the answer to that.


Jisu and Heesung were ankle-deep in the cold biting water, disoriented and very uncomfortable, but they struggled against the rushing river to get to the other side. Heesung made light remarks as they wandered around the surprisingly foggy island, then they tensed as two dark figures approached them.

Jisu stiffened, exhausted and anxious, and activated her gift without even thinking twice, and the two figures floated upwards.

"Woah, woah, Jisu, calm down, it's us!" Came Ryujin's startled voice.

"Oh," Jisu blinked, then set them down carefully, "Sorry, I just-"

She trailed off in embarrassment, having stalked off in a huff the last time they saw each other. But the two girls' faces were full of warm smiles and forgiveness.

"It's okay, Jisu," Chaeryeong said, "We're fine. Taehyun came back too!"

"And uh, who's the new guy?" Ryujin asked, eyeing Heesung apprehensively.

"I'll introduce you guys, but for now, where's the rest?"


So the ten were reunited once more, tasked yet again with the job of finding the new sanctuary.

"If there even is one," Kai muttered under his breath.

The very-large group head off, the map finally revealing the location of the new hide-out.

"I will throw this thing into the sea once this is over," Taehyun tiredly murmured.

"Bad idea!" Jimin chimed cheerfully, "Humans may find it, and you never know what they'll do!"

"Thanks," Taehyun said dryly, "Can I burn it then?"


When they got to the new "sanctuary", it was like deja vu, but at the same time so different.

The whole place fell dead silent the moment they entered, not hindered by any security mechanisms.

In everyone 's eyes, held the same burning message, this is all your fault.

That was true, in a way. The whole catastrophe was mostly due to them coming to the island in the first place. Now everyone looked like war victims.

Eyes were pinned on them as they walked through the incredibly bleak place. The walls were dirt as if they had chipped a hole through a cliff and had everyone gather in there. No houses, no gardens, no dining halls. And, especially, no shrine for the orbs.

Because they were with Taehyun.

Jimin seemed right at home as if he knew this place well and it was his whole idea. The older immediately gravitated to a small tent where the other leaders must be gathered in, taking his place among them. Leaving the ten (and Heesung) standing there. No one approached them, no friendly smiles or flower crowns. Just tense tense silence.


They simply found an empty corner and sat down, feeling like lonely new kids at a summer camp. "Yikes," Kai muttered as they soaked in the gloomy atmosphere. The number of gifteds had been reduced significantly, half of them were probably still wandering the forests, unable to find the new hide-out.

And what exactly were the leaders doing? Were they coming up with some great plan to rescue the missing gifteds? Were they trying to find a way to turn back time, and get everything back to normal? Or were they just as clueless as the rest of them?

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