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"You're awake!" Seokmin's cheerful voice greeted them as the eight (minus Yeonjun and Taehyun) opened their eyes. Yeji sat up hurriedly, her injured arm fixed and the blood cleaned up. "Is Yeonjun okay?" She asked worriedly. At the same time, Jisu asked Ryujin, "Where's Taehyun?"
Chaeryeong frowned, "You didn't see him? He left suddenly, he ran off, I think he freaked out or something-"
"Are you not gonna figure out where we are?" Jihoon bickered with the blue-eyed boy, Junhui. "My dude, I teleported us to a safe place, can you be more grateful? I'm pretty sure we are somewhere in the forest-"
"Yeah no shit Sherlock."
"We're lost in the woods."
"If you sing that damn song I will stuff a rock into your gullet."
Jisu sighed, "Ignore them. Minghao can patch Yeonjun up, but what the hell happened?"
Kai laughed, "First time I heard you swear. Kind of."
Shaking her head, Ryujin replied, "I think Yeonjun killed Seri."
Everyone froze for a moment to process.
"And then Taehyun bolted right after he tried to strangle us with vines."
Yuna sighed. "Rough day."
They all waited in silence. "Well?" Ryujin asked, "What do we do?"
Jisu shifted slightly, "Well, Taehyun was always the one to make decisions."
"A real leader," Kai joked, but his normally cheerful face turned grim.
"Where do you think he went?"
"Honestly? He could have gone anywhere, just teleport himself through a forest or something."
"Would he have gone back to the island?"
"Well...he did have the orbs."
Ryujin turned to the thirteen boys, "How did you guys get here?"
Mingyu shrugged, "We were in the fight, got a little too excited, then Seokmin thought it was a good idea to go into the base to look for chocolate."
Everyone stared at Seokmin dumbfounded. "What?"
"Anyways, we found you guys, injured and on the brink of death," Minghao added as he dug out the glass spike from Yeonjun's chest and placed a hand at the hole. The group marvelled at the sight of the bloody flesh closing up neatly, leaving only a puckered scar. One that he would have forever.
"Maybe we could try going back to the island," Jisu suggested, "The other gifteds are probably there too." Chaeryeong rubbed her wrist, "But the humans?" They exchanged worried glances. Yuna then frowned, "Wait, guys-we did what we had to do, now what? Are we supposed to magically wait for everything to go back to normal?" "And we left Sejin back in the base-" "Forget her, Jisu," Ryujin snapped, "She's probably dead. We saw her going supernova or some shit. She probably died."
With a trembling lip, Jisu then said, "So what? Was this all for nothing? All that effort and energy, all wasted? What did we accomplish? Nothing." Huffting, she stood and muttered, "I'm going to go find Taehyun."
"What?" Yeji followed her up, "Are you crazy? You're going to be defenseless."
Jisu scoffed,"You know what was cute? When those 'leaders' said we were the strongest. The most powerful gifteds. Please, five of us got taken down by one girl. We're not the best. That was some sick, twisted joke. We're just lost, homeless kids that were desperate for a change of scenery. " As they watched her retreating figure disappear into the forest, Yuna sighed. "We have to try and go back to the island," She volunteered, "There's nowhere else to go."
All they could give were defeated looks.
With two gone and one severely injured, the remaining group were just about to leave when they remembered one thing. "We don't have a map," Kai realised, "So we're basically the blind leading the blind."
A cough sounded from behind them.
"Uh, hi," Seungcheol said, "But I may be able to help."
"He's like Pocahontas," Jeonghan said, nodding sagely, "One touch and he can find out who was killed at this very spot and why and how to avenge them-"
"Are you okay."
"Anyways," Seungcheol cleared his throat awkwardly, "I may be able to figure out the route back. With my psychometry. Maybe."
"Works all the time," Mingyu said with an encouraging smile.
"What about Taehyun and Jisu?" Yuna asked, nibbling at her lip worriedly.
Lacing her fingers together, Yeji replied, "Well, if they're together, they would be able to manage. Jisu's been with him since the beginning, I'm sure they'll be fine."
"So let's go," Soobin clapped his hands together in an effort to motivate them, "Let's go home."
Seungcheol knelt down on a path and placed his palm down, his eyes closed in concentration. They waited expectantly, though they were unsure what they were waiting for. Then, golden particles began circling around them, fusing and unfusing with the ground, the history of the path swirling around them in a mesmerizing shimmering cloud of sparkling dust. Footsteps formed on the ground, leading straight ahead.
"There you go," Seungcheol said with a proud smile.
Subconsciously, Yuna curled her fingers around Kai's and nodded. "Let's go."
They followed their own yellow-brick road, watching in awe as the golden footprints traced the path as if invisible shoes were walking before them. And it wasn't just one set of the same footprints. Layered footprints of different sizes and shapes were in front of them; all their different shoes.

I have a couple more exams whee super tired but i really wanted to update

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