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By some miracle, they made it into the building in one piece. Chests heaving with pants, they gasped for breath together, vulnerable and easy to be snatched up like prey. Jisu's eyes were watery and stunned as she leaned on the white wall.

"Okay...What now?" Yeji choked out.

"We have the orbs," Taehyun managed, "So find the kid for the cure next."

"Yeah, sure, easy," Kai said, "Why don't we go find a map guide for this place so we can find them easily?"

"Can you not?" Jisu bit at him.

"What?" Kai said, "I'm just saying, we're tired, we're angry, we're frustrated, someone just died, I just-" He stopped there, because of the murderous look Taehyun was giving him. "You think you're the only one feeling like that? I've been on this damn mission from day 1, I'm even more exhausted from all this running and fighting. But we have no choice. There are people counting on us. We can be angry at each other later, but please," His voice broke there, "Please. Let's just finish this and go."

Everyone exchanged the same weary but determined glances. "Okay," Soobin nodded, speaking for the rest, "Let's do this."

"We studied the plan of the building the last time," Yeji started, "We don't have it now, but we can vaguely recall the places. I remember there are only two levels with cells, which would be where the kid is kept. "

"Okay, should we split up to get the two kids?"

"That would be a good idea, actually," Yeonjun decided, "So we can save time. By now, the humans must have figured out where we are. They would come looking for us."
"So let's do this as fast as possible. All of us have our powers back, so fighting would be no problem," Taehyun said, "Split evenly, one team will go for the cure kid and the other would go for the nuclear kid."

"Sure thing captain."

"I'm too tired to say anything now."


The first group going for the first gifted were Taehyun, Kai, Yuna, Yeji and Ryujin. Ryujin had her eyes closed, thanks to her brilliant memory, she had a vague idea of where the most secured rooms were.

"You are a gift to mankind."

"And you would be a gift as well if you shut up."

"That's the room," Ryujin said, her voice so low her words were almost inaudible, mostly to avoid detection from the dozen of men lurking before the door.

"Yep, so...who first?" Everyone swapped hesitant looks, and Yuna rolled her eyes, "I'll go, you babies." She strolled right up and flashed a brilliant smile, the twelve men all gawking at her.


Taehyun sighed and flicked his hand to make it faster, and the men clutched their throats as the air was sucked out of their windpipes, crumpling like paper dolls to the ground. Yuna gave the stirring man beneath her one last stomp, and he went slack. "You didn't have to, you know," She said, but Taehyun shook his head slowly, "We need to move fast."

So she flung open the door.

It was a terrible room, everything was white, as if trying to brainwash the skinny boy that stood in the middle of the snow-white floor.

The boy stiffened, his face devoid of emotion but his terrified eyes giving him away. "Back off," He said slowly, eyes flitting around in search of objects to use as weapons, his fingers groping behind him, though he was heavily outnumbered.

"We're here to get you out," Taehyun said soothingly, "We're like you, see?"
He extended his arm and waited for his finger to set ablaze, but he waited and waited with nothing. Kai coughed, "Taehyun, isn't this the time when your finger sets on fire?"

"It's...it's not working."

"But the orbs-"

"That would be me," The boy said carefully, "If you hadn't noticed, they're kinda-" He gestured to his arm, where the needle poked out threateningly.

"It's your blood that they're using for the cure," Yuna inferred.

"Lovely, just wondering, uh, is it permanent?" Yeji asked curiously.

The boy gave a crooked smile, "Nothing is permanent in this world."

Taehyun broke into a grin, "I like you, what's your name?"

The boy blinked, "I'm Yanan."

"Hi, Yanan, let's get the hell out of here."


They crept back into the silent hall, Yanan quietly acknowledging the unconscious bodies slumped against the walls.

"You did this for me?"

"Don't flatter yourself, let's go."


Then they ran face-first into Jimin.

Kai and Jimin doubled over, holding their injured heads, the other five gawking at them.

"Jimin!" Yuna said, both relieved and confused. The man gave a bashful smile, "Hey, sorry I took so long!"

"Were...were you captured?" Yeji asked.

"Oh, yeah, it took me a while to get away, I had to have a heart-to-heart talk with them before I could wipe out their memories and escape. I had to make sure the gifteds could get away quick and easy too, then I came to get you."

"We need to find the other kid," Ryujin said hurriedly, and Jimin nodded along seriously. "Sure, do you want me to get him to safety?" He gestured to Yanan, who blinked and flickered his eyes to all the six.

"If you could-"

Jimin waved them off, "Sure thing. And...see you back at the island. Please make it back."

And with that he guided the confused Yanan away.

"Okay, now we need to find the others."

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