Chapter 1

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You might be wondering, how did a shy, goody girl like me fall in love with the infamous Dallas Winston? That criminal, playboy, greasy teenager.
I know, I thought that too. Our love was like a sheep falling in love with a wolf.
Something like that. Two completely different people. Now, how did that happen?
Well, let's start from the beginning.
It was a warm, Spring day.
My mom and I had just moved to a small neighborhood in Tulsa. She thought that moving to a new place was a good thing, you know, new environment and learning new things and people.
I was going to third grade in a new school, I wasn't exactly thrilled on the whole idea.
"But I don't wanna go!" I whined as I repeatedly pounded my little fists on the floor.
"Now, Y/N," My mom sighed as she knelt down to me lying on the floor, "It will be fun, I promise."
I just scrunched up my button nose and turned away from her. I rolled my eyes because she said that last time.
"You'll see," She said, "You're going to play with the other kids and have a great time. You might even make a lot of friends there."
"But," I sighed, "I'm shy..."
Tears started to form in my eyes as I curled myself up in a ball.
"Aw, it's okay," She said softly, "Maybe not tomorrow, but some day, you will warm up."
"Are you sure?"
I thought for a moment.
"Okay." I finally said with a smile.

That was the biggest regret of my entire life.

It was my first day of school in Tulsa.
I wore my everyday outfit. A skirt and a t-shirt. But it wasn't like the ones the Socs wore.
I hated fixing my hair so it was always messy.
I nodded my head as I looked in the mirror. I took a deep breath in and walked out the door.
I had reached the class I was going to.
I felt confident in the beginning. But now, I just wanted to run all the way back home.
I peeked through the doorway and saw tons of squealing children. They ran around the classroom and talked with their friends.
There were so many of them in one class. I was so overwhelmed with anxiety.
Were they going to hate me?
Will they like me?
What do I do?
The knot in my stomach grew tighter.
I hid in the corner of the class by myself, watching everyone playing with all their friends.
The teacher called everyone's attention and they all slowly fell silent.
"Today, we have a new student." She declared.
I gulped and my eyes slightly widened.
She gestured her hand at me to come to the front of the class.
Every step I took to the front of the classroom felt like slow motion. I could feel everyone staring at me as I looked down at the floor.
"Go ahead and introduce yourself." She whispered.
I finally looked up. All the eyes were on me.
I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there, silent. Everyone glanced and murmured at each other in confusion when I didn't speak. My heart beat faster than ever.
Luckily, the teacher saved me.
"This is Y/N L/N," She announced, "She's new here and I want everyone to make her feel welcome. Now, take that open seat next to Dallas over there."
She pointed at a boy with long, dark hair, slouching on his seat and narrowing his eyes at me. He had a cold, intimidating stare. He didn't seem to like me by the looks of it.
I quickly shuffled to the seat, hiding my face from embarrassment.
I pulled up the seat next to him, scooting away a bit so we weren't so close.
The whole time, he just stared at me. I just ignored it.
He didn't speak to me the entire day, he only watched me. Silently judging everything I was doing. Was I doing something wrong?
A few hours passed and it was lunchtime. Those hours felt like days to me.
All the children filed out of the classroom with their lunches and went to their friend groups.
I was left all alone, but it was fine. I was always alone anyway.
I made my way to an empty table outside and nibbled on my lunch like a squirrel, swinging my dangling legs from the bench.
I looked at all the other groups while I ate. Then I saw Dallas, the boy I sat next to.
He was in a group full of tough boys. One had a Mickey Mouse t-shirt and brown hair combed back. There was a boy with crooked teeth and dark hair that curled in wisps. Another looked like a movie star, he had perfect brown hair and a stunning face. The last one had black hair and big eyes, he looked shy like me.
Dallas was play fighting one of them. Then his eyes fell on me.
I almost choked on my food as I quickly looked away, pretending to not notice him.
But I couldn't help it but glance back again.
This time he was whispering something to them, secretly. They all laughed, except for the shy boy and the movie star boy.
Dallas whispered more and they were now laughing like crazy. The two boys still weren't laughing.
I had a feeling it was about me, but I brushed it off and continued to mind my own business.

School was finally over for the day. My mom drove me back home.
I sat in the back seat, resting my head on the window.
"So," My mom asked, "How was school?"
"Fun." I lied. I didn't want to worry her, "Everyone is so nice."
Luckily, she believed my lies.
Once I got home, I threw myself on my bed. I groaned into my pillow because I would have to do it all again tomorrow.
Then I thought about that boy, Dallas. I wanted know more about him.

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