Chapter 8

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~Your POV~

Time had flown by. I'm now sixteen years old.
I still have my messy hair but it grew down to my waist. I actually wanted to get it cut but I didn't really mind having long hair. I let it cover my face a bit.
I still don't really care much for fashion either and I don't wear makeup.
I've gotten a little more confident in talking now to people. I could actually have a conversation with someone now.
We had moved away to a different city in Oklahoma, farther from that neighborhood.
I've forgotten about Dallas a bit. All I remembered was that he was a bully. But that was all in the past, we were only kids. Sometimes I wonder what he's up to now. Probably chasing chicks, he looked like that kind of guy.
I was doing homework while listening to one of Elvis' songs on the radio.
I was interrupted by sudden knocking.
"Come in." I called out.
The door swung open. It was my mom, she was squealing and jumping up and down.
I was genuinely scared.
"Uh..." I said, "What's going on?"
"I just got the job!" She explained.
"What job?" I asked.
"I applied to a new, better job. I get paid even more now."
"Wow! That's great. Where?" I said, taking a sip from my water.
She stopped jumping and became nervous.
"You're not gonna like this...but, we have to move back to that neighborhood."
I spit out my water. I choked on some that went down.
"That neighborhood?!" I cried out, still coughing, "That neighborhood where I was bullied?! That neighborhood you said we should stay out of?!"
"I know," She said, "But that was years ago, it's probably better now. Also, better job and more money."
I sighed. She could be right, times change.
"Alright." I groaned.
Mom cheered and squeezed me tightly. I tried wiggling away but I couldn't.
Great, going back.
A week went by and we had already picked a place. We packed up all our stuff and went on a road trip.
I slept in the car seat most of the way until my mom woke me up.
"We're back!" She said.
I squinted through the window, the brightness from the sun hurt my eyes.
I looked at all the houses and the buildings. Everything was exactly how it was years ago. Except, there were some groups fighting on the streets everywhere they went.
There was always one group that had greasy hair and poor clothes and the other looked rich and clean. I wished Mom had picked a better job somewhere else.
She wasn't exactly fond on the sights either, but she still acted positive.
We reached the house we were staying. It was small but hey, it was a home.
We unpacked all of our stuff from the car and into the house. There actually wasn't a lot.
The day was still early so I decided to go out for a walk around the neighborhood. Mom told me to be careful and stay away from those gangs. Of course I would, I wasn't stupid.
I strolled along the neighborhood, looking at all the houses. Everything looked smaller than I remembered it, probably because I was only a child.
I laughed to myself, it was like time had stopped here. I enjoyed seeing everything again.

~Dallas' POV~

So many years have passed after that time, I was now seventeen. My life has been going downhill since then. Well, my life has always been going downhill since I was born. I get thrown in the cooler, left school, enjoyed a life of a tough greaser, and you know the rest.
I was the infamous Dallas Winston. Everyone knew me around here. Tough and intimidating. It suits me.
I still remember the things I did to her. I remembered every moment clearly. I wished that I had forgotten it, but it never faded away.
It still haunts me every so often. Not a lot anymore because I do a lot of things to keep my mind off of it.
The gang had forgave me and forgotten it though. Johnny's still my best bud.
Anyway, enough about me and to the story.
I was with the gang at the Curtis house. We were outside in the porch, getting ready to go to the drive-in.
Darry of course didn't want to come, he said he had better things to do than movies. Sometimes we wonder if he's a forty year-old man trapped in a twenty year-old body.
"Everyone good?" I asked as I started walking out the gate.
"Y'all go on without me, I'll catch up!" Soda called as he rushed inside the house.
Steve went to stay with Soda as always. Two was going to follow later because he had something to do. Pony and Johnny gave his car a push and off it went, sputtering and squealing in the distance.
It was just Johnny, Pony and I who walked out of the gate.
I was in the front while they were in the back, trailing behind.
Johnny asked Pony for a light and they were both lighting up their cancer sticks.
I was just walking, minding my own business.
I saw a chick walking down, she was looking at all the houses. Must be new.
She didn't look like those attractive ones so I just ignored her.
But when we passed, I glanced at her face. I slightly gasped. No way, was I seeing shit?
It was her. She was all grown up. She looked a little different.
My eyes widened as I stopped in my tracks.
She didn't notice me so she kept walking.
"Wait!" I called out to her, "Are you..."
She spun around in confusion, looking if I was talking with her or someone else.
Then she looked straight at me. She squinted her eyes to get a better look at me.
Her jaw dropped and her eyes became wide in shock.

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