Chapter 24

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~Dallas POV~

I hopped swiftly out the window and ran outside of the school.
I didn't care if anyone saw me, I just needed to get away. I regret coming into the school again, I regret doing everything to her.
I thought I was the toughest greaser, so why was I running away in fear?
Good thing no one was actually here to see me like this.
I couldn't stop myself. I didn't want to see her face again, for now. How could I bring myself to do that to her? She was truly innocent and a nice gal, there was no reason to.
I was a monster.

~Your POV~
I jumped out the window and looked all around, he was nowhere in sight.
My breathing grew harder as I tried looking closely and quickly.
"Do you see him?" Pony asked as he panted and ran right beside me.
I shook my head.
"He ain't anywhere." Johnny said as he ran back to the both of us.
I small whimper escaped from my lips. What have I done? What's gonna happen to Dallas?
I was scared that he might get himself into trouble. Pony told me that Dallas does anything illegal when he's in a dangerous mood. He told me he's even gotten thrown behind bars way too many times to count.
I felt incredibly worried, Pony and Johnny were too.
"I'm gonna go to the left, y'all go to the right." I said with sudden determination.
"But you'll be alone Y/N!" Pony refused.
I knew that being alone on these streets had bad consequences, but I didn't care.
"I'll be fine." I reassured them.
"No you won't!" Johnny said with a higher voice, he was starting to get fidgety, "Just stay with us! D-Dal is fine alone, or maybe...But what if you don't find him? What if you get lost? What if Socs jump you? Wha-,"
"Johnny." I interrupted him, "I told you. I'll be fine. I promise. I did this to Dallas so it's my responsibility."
"But he..." Johnny said nervously, referring to our past.
"That doesn't matter anymore." I said.
Johnny's eyes widened. He couldn't help but smile at me.
"Shoot Y/N." He softly said, "You and Dallas are so close now, it's ironic."
I chuckled a bit and started walking away.
"I'll catch you guys later." I called out, "Stay safe!"
"We should be telling you that!" Pony called back with a playful smirk.
I let out a small laugh and started jogging and looking for Dallas.

~Third POV~

Sylvia propped up her legs onto the hood of her car and took a swig of her beer bottle. She let out a sharp exhale and put the bottle down.
"Want one?" One of her greasy, girl friends in the car offered her a cigar.
Of course, she agreed.
She and a car full of her tough girl friends were just hanging out and spotting to see if there was trouble in the air.
"Dallas!" They heard a someone yelling out.
"Ya here that?" Sylvia asked as she listened closely.
"Dallas! Dallas!"
She traced the sound all the way to you, jogging and out of breath.
"Oh, Dallas!" You called out, "Please come back! Johnny, Pony and I are worried!"
Sylvia licked her cherry red lips as an idea came to her mind.
"Hey girls." She got her friends' attention, "We got prey."
They all sinisterly laughed and Sylvia started the car to follow you.

~Your POV~

I kept shouting for Dallas but he was nowhere to be found. He had gotten so far so quickly.
I heard a car loudly beep behind me, making me jump.
It was Sylvia and some other girls.
"Hey little sheep." She called out to me.
"Have you seen Dallas?" I panted.
"Oh you little thing." She sighed, "I thought I told you to forget Dallas."
"But no, we're just friends that's all."
"Uh Huh." She said sarcastically.
"I don't need your help." I muttered as I started running away.
Her car quickly swerved in front of me, blocking my way from crossing the street.
I stepped backward as all of them piled out of the car and walked towards me.
They had me backed up into an alleyway behind me.
I watched them with fear, wondering what was going to happen to me.
"You never listen." Sylvia said, "I told you forget Dallas, you didn't. I told you that he would never love you, yet you follow him like a duckling."
Her friends giggled and stepped closer to me.
My heart was pounding out of my chest and my knees felt weak.
"Ima make sure you listen to me this time." She said almost in a whisper.
One of her friends charged at me, then another, now all of them.
I felt hard punches to my stomach, kicks to my legs, my hair being pulled so hard that it felt like it would come off.
They all laughed at me, screaming and crying in pain. How could they find this entertaining?
So this is what it was liked to be jumped.
They all finally stopped. I was laying on my side on the ground. My hair was a mess and stuck to my face because of the tears. My stomach ached so bad from the punches and I could feel the bruises.
I couldn't seem to move at all.
Sylvia grabbed part of my hair and pulled my head off the ground, making me cry out a bit and hiss.
"Let that be a lesson to you." She breathed into me, "Dallas will never like you, never. So stop prancing around in your own little fantasy world and look at reality for a change. You'll always be the freak from elementary that everyone hated. You made Dallas soft, now his life is worse because you barged into his life."
She let go of my hair and left in her car with all of her friends.
More tears started filling my eyes. I curled up and sobbed into my arms, laying down in the alleyway.
"Y/N!" I heard someone shout.
I looked up and it was Dallas running towards me.

Doll Face Freak: Dallas x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now