Chapter 41

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"Y/N! Johnny!" Dallas yelled out at the top of his lungs through the fire. It was a kind of yell I've never heard before. I saw his eyes for a split second, looking at me from the window in fear.
The board split with a loud crack and came swinging towards me. Just before it was about to touch me, I was able to push Johnny away with all my strength.
I screamed as I felt it swing down on me and I collapsed to the floor, limp. I was so in shock and I was filled to the brim with adrenaline that I couldn't feel pain seep in yet. I couldn't see if I had wounds because the smoke blinded me and I couldn't even move anyway.
The smoke grew and I was choking and coughing on it. My strength had disappeared and I was now powerless. I squinted and saw Johnny lying on the ground, screaming and coughing for help.
"Y/N! Johnny!" Dallas cried out desperately again. I could see his silhouette and he was inside trying to look for us.
"Dallas!" I strained before everything turned black.
I woke up drowsily somewhere I was not familiar. Everything was white, was I dead? My vision began to focus more and I realized I was in a hospital.
I couldn't remember why I was there. I looked around silently for anyone but I was alone in a room full of loud machines.
Finally, a nurse walked in.
"Oh, I see you're awake now." She smiled, "You've been out since this afternoon."
I looked out the door window and noticed that it was dark outside, night already? What did I do? Why was I here?
"It's amazing how you survived breathing in all that smoke." The nurse said.
Then it hit. The fire.
"Dallas! Johnny! Pony!" I immediately bolted up but I was cut off by a sharp pain in my body.
"Hey, hey, hey!" The nurse quickly rushed over to me, "Just relax, they're fine. They're outside in the waiting room."
I sighed of relief and laid back. I looked at my body and saw my arm in a cast and my side all numb. In the mirror, I saw I had cuts and bruises plastered all over my face.
The nurse saw I was examining myself and went closer to me.
"I was told that you were out cold in a burning church." She said, "You guys saved those children, all of them are fine, no injuries thank heavens. But y'all got hurt, especially you. When the ambulance came, they spotted a boy carrying you and another boy out."
Dallas. I relaxed and she continued to speak.
"Another was passed out on the floor and luckily had no burns. The fellow that carried you out had burned part of his arm but he's fine. The little guy is awake too, doctor told me that he had a broken leg from a fall and some small burns but nothing too severe. All three are in the waiting room with some interviewers. On the other hand, you were the one with the worst outcome."
You don't say. I sarcastically thought but I kept my mouth shut.
"The fellow that carried you out-," She said.
"Dallas, his name is Dallas." I interrupted.
"Dallas," She said, "He said he saw you get hit by a falling board and he was speaking so fast that he sounded crazy. He tried sneaking into your room to see if you were okay. Lordy, he might be thinking you were dead. Is he a brother?"
"My boyfriend." I shyly said.
She smiled and continued again.
"Anyways, your arm was broken and your side was cut by the board. Luckily, it wasn't too deep. They had to stitch you up. Do you feel any pain?"
I shook my head as my eyes widened. So that's what happened to me, I couldn't feel it because I was so in shock. I even passed out, was I bleeding a lot? No wonder Dallas thought I might be dead, I looked like I was anyway.
"When will I go out with the others?" I asked.
"Possibly later tonight." She said, "Just take some rest at home and you'll be as right as rain. No big movements or activity and make sure to eat enough food, your blood sugar was low. Any how, you kids are some superheroes that's for sure."
I smiled and closed my eyes, letting a sigh of relief.
But then I remembered Johnny and Pony being wanted. So much for being out of sight. But then again, they were being interviewed. I guess they were heroes now in the eyes of society.
Oh man, I promised Mom I was going to be there before dinner.
There was a knock on the door and my Mom came in at the right time, worried as can be.
"Oh my-Y/N." She rushed over.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." I hated her worrying about me.
"I didn't know what to think," She rambled on, "They said something about a fire and then Dallas and you and you were injured-,"
"Mom!" I interrupted, "I'm fine. I'm free to go tonight. Everyone isn't too bad. And we saved those kids."
She still had a worried look but she sighed.
"I'm proud of your heroic actions but don't do that again!" She scolded me.
I rolled my eyes and smiled. She gave me a kiss on the forehead and then checked her watch.
"Oh no, I have to go." She said.
"What?" I asked, "But you just got here and it's late."
"I know but I forgot I had to help out at work, there was a problem and I volunteered to help out before I knew about this." She sighed, "But who will pick you up?"
"We can ma'am." A deep voice said from the door.
It was Darry and Soda.
"Hey Darry! Hey Soda!" I smiled.
Soda gave a happy wave and Darry nodded.
"Mom, these are some close friends." I explained.
"Hi Mrs. L/N." Soda cheerfully shook Mom's hand, "Say, we haven't really met before. I'm Sodapop Curtis."
"My name's Darry Curtis." Darry shook Mom's hand afterwards, "I have a car with me, I can take her home. My kid brother is out there too, he was in the fire with Y/N. They know each other and I know her. You can trust me."
"You seem like a very responsible man." My Mom examined Darry.
"Very indeed." Soda grinned.
Mom looked at her watch again and frantically went to the door.
"Alright, be careful!" She said, "Don't stay out, go straight to home, got it?"
"Got it!" I said.
Soda slumped down on the chair next to me.
"Boy, you got hurt pretty badly, huh." He looked at me.
"As bad as it looks, I feel okay." I said honestly, "You two didn't get any sleep, did you?"
They both shook their heads.
"But, now we can tonight." Darry said, "I made up with Ponyboy and now he can come home."
"That's good." I smiled, "Are they still being interviewed?"
"Yep." Soda sighed, "Got boring though so I skipped outta there. Dally's real serious. He won't speak a single word now and he got that dangerous look. Nobody wants to go near him let alone talk to him."
"I wanna see him." I said, "Could you maybe get them? Don't let the interviewers come in though."
Soda nodded and walked out of the door.
Not a second later, Dallas came rushing in.
"Doll!" He exclaimed.
He grabbed my free hand and looked at me worriedly.
"Dallas I'm fine." I smiled, "I'll be free to go tonight."
Pony and Johnny walked in slowly. Johnny had crutches and was still getting used to it.
"Hello." He shyly said towards me.
"Hi Johnny." I said.
"Erm..." He hung his head low, "Thanks Y/N, for saving me. If you didn't push me, who knew what would happen."
"No problem Joh-," I said.
"No problem?" Dallas growled.
He squeezed my hand and looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed. His sharp teeth were clenched.
Darry whispered to everyone and they all made their way out the room to give us some privacy.
"Yeah, it was no problem." I said once everyone left, "I feel fine Dallas."
"Well you ain't lookin it!" He raised his voice.
My eyes widened and I just looked at him.
After a moment, he let out a heavy sigh.
"I-I just," He bit his lip, "I saw the board breaking right after I pulled Pony out...and I saw you go in front of it. Then you got hit."
His voiced cracked at the last sentence.
"Oh, Dallas." I held his hand, "I'm so sorry I made you worry."
He stood up and walked away.
"It ain't your fault!" He yelled, "It ain't Johnny's or Pony's either. It's all my fucking fault! Everything is! I was right there, I was right there! But I just stood there and watched!I-If I had only been faster, no, if I hadn't just stood there like a bitch, you and Johnny wouldn't have gotten hurt. You both could've been killed and it would be all my fault!"
He punched the wall multiple times and rested his forehead on it.
I knew why he would feel guilty, but it truly wasn't his fault. I didn't know what to say to him. When he acts like this, he sets his mind straight and never changes it.
I was finally about to say something when he had left the room.
I rested my head back and let out a heavy sigh. I was just so tired and it was an eventful week.

I woke up later to some of the nurses and the gang telling me that we can go. They said I shouldn't walk because of my side being all cut up and some painful burns on my legs so they got me a wheelchair. Soda pushed me while everyone walked beside me, except Dallas was at the back. I glanced at him every once in a while and his his face from me.
We left the hospital in a happy tune. It seemed like things were starting to go right for once, but we still had some obstacles.
Darry and Soda helped carry me in the car carefully. The drive was mostly silent because everyone seemed to be drained of energy. Pony and Johnny had fallen asleep and Soda met yawning.
We reached my house and they helped me get out.
"I can leave too." Dallas said in a serious tone, "I'll help Y/N get in her house, y'all need to head home and get some rest. Thanks for the ride, Superman."
"No problem Dal," Darry said, patting Dally's back, "Don't get into any more funny business, hero."
"Mmhmm." Dallas simply hummed.
Their car started to drive off into the distance.
Dallas was helping me up the steps when he stopped afterwards and winced while holding his arm.
"Hey, you alright?" I asked.
"Yeah, don't mind me." He said, "It got burned back there, but it ain't bad."
He gently pushed me into my house and closed the door.
"Do you want me to stay here for a bit?" He asked, "Your Mom ain't home yet and you ain't got no company."
"Sure Dal, if that's what you want." I smiled.
He didn't smile back like he usually did though. He just nodded and helped me in my room.
He opened my drawer and picked out a pair pajamas.
"Arms up." He said.
I did as he said and he removed my hospital gown. His eyebrows shifted when he saw the stitches on my side. Then he looked away and started putting the clothes on me. He lightly touched the cast on my arm.
He carefully carried me into bed and tucked me in silently.
"Dallas." I said before he began to walk away.
I cupped his cheek with one hand and stroked it a bit. He wore a serious and scary look that would make any girl run away but he looked at me with worry in his eyes.
"There's nothing to feel guilty about." I said softly, "I'm here, Johnny's here, everyone. We're all okay. That fire in the past now...and that wasn't your fault, Dallas. It never was. Everything's okay now."
His face softened a bit and he gave me a little nod. I pulled him in for a short kiss before he left the house.

~Third POV~

Dallas walked out of the house and shoved his hands in his pocket. He walked home alone with his thoughts swirling around like a tornado.
I'm here, Johnny's here, everyone's here. We're all okay...everything's okay now...
Y/N's voice repeated in his mind.
Then flashes of Y/N's injured body from the fire came back in his mind. Also the flashes of when he fought her back when they were children. Her hurt faces and screams was now the only thing in his mind and he couldn't forget them even if he tried.
He shook his head and narrowed his eyes at the ground.
"No," He clenched his fists, "It'll never be okay."

Doll Face Freak: Dallas x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now