Chapter 13

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~Your POV~
"Are you okay, Soda?" I asked as we walked together to the DX the very next day.
I wanted to walk with him this morning because I had nothing to do that day. He also invited me to hang out at his house later.
"What do ya mean?" He asked.
"Well, about yesterday. You looked hurt."
"Nah, I'm alright." He said with a chuckle and a bright smile, "Dal was right anyway, I need to actually work or else Ima get fired."
How could he be so freaking happy go lucky? I looked at the sky with frustration.
"But he's your friend, you cannot let him do that to you." I sighed, "I guess he's still the same old jerk from before."
I kicked a pebble, hard. It shot like a bullet across the sidewalk.
"Eh, I still don't believe you in that one." Soda said.
I gave him a confused look. Soda continued.
"Dal is actually dealing with a lot now too. I understand that he acts like that. But he is a lot caring now, really. He just doesn't like to show it, or he doesn't know how to."
I became silent. I was about to ask what kind of problems he had but I stopped, I didn't want to be nosy.
We both heard a person loudly clear his throat behind us. We spun around and it was Steve. Oh yeah, I forget he was with us.
"Are ya two love birds done flirting?" Steve teased as he leaned on both of us.
"What?" We both asked in unison.
"We're just friends." I giggled as I blushed slightly.
I didn't have any feelings past friends for Soda, he isn't really my type either, but I wouldn't mind dating Soda though.
"Yeah, Steve." Soda agreed, "Plus, I have Sandy."
"That your girl?" I asked.
"Mhmm." He replied as he looked dreamily at the sky.
I could tell he really loved her.
I chuckled at how he genuinely loved his girl. Soda really is a saint.
We reached the DX and Soda offered me a spot to stay inside. Soda worked outside today while Steve worked inside.
I talked with Steve a bit. He's a pretty good guy.
We both heard loud chatting outside and looked out the door.
The gang had stopped for a visit again. I watched them from afar as they all greeted each other, I couldn't help but smile because they all looked like one big, happy family.
Dallas had bought a bunch of coke and food from the dingo and was handing them out.
He tossed some to Steve, who quickly gobbled up the sandwich like he hadn't eaten in days.
Then he walked over to me. He dug into the bag and pulled out a sandwich, fries, and a coke.
"Ya want some?" He asked, "You aren't a picky bitch, right? And you won't dump it all on me, right? All the women I offer food to always turn to demons."
He didn't say that in an insulting tone, just asking.
I giggled at him and took the food from him.
"Thanks." I said.
He scratched his head and looked away.
"Yeah, well..." he mumbled, "It's nothin..."
It was kind of weird seeing him not acting so cocky and all knowing. It was nice actually.
"Hey, Dal." Soda called out as he worked on a car, "Save me some, will ya?"
Dally grunted and walked away. I guess he still had a grudge against Soda, I wondered why.
Everyone stood around, talking and eating.
Soda finished after a few minutes.
"Whew!" Soda exclaimed, "Finally, I'm starving."
He walked over to Dally for the food. Dally reached into the bag, then his face struck with confusion.
There was nothing left in the bag.
"All right, who took it?" Dal asked everyone.
"Oops." Two-Bit said as he looked at his second, almost finished sandwich, "Sorry, I didn't know it for you Soda. Welp, finders keepers."
"Fatass." Steve chuckled as he slapped Two's stomach.
It made Two momentarily choke on his sandwich.
"What?!" He whined while still coughing, "I'm fucking hungry and I need food or else Ima starve to death! I ain't fat either!"
Everyone laughed at Two.
"It's alright, Two." Soda sighed.
Soda made his way over to me and sat down next to me. He sighed again out of disappointment and exhaustion. His stomach growled.
I looked at my half eaten sandwich. Without thinking, I tapped his shoulder to get his attention.
I put the sandwich up close to his face and smiled, signaling him to take a bite.
His face brightened as he got the memo. He took a big bite of the sandwich from my hand, he hummed with satisfaction as he chewed. Sauce got all over his cheeks.
"You big baby!" I giggled as grabbed some tissues, "Hold still now."
I started to wipe his cheeks with the tissues.
"There." I said, "All clean now."
"Your turn." He smirked.
He dabbed the tip of his thumb with his tongue and wiped some of the sauce off my cheek.
"There ya go!" He smiled as he sucked the sauce off his thumb.
We both laughed. Little did I know, Dallas watching us with raging anger the entire time.
"I fucking had it you little shit!" Dally growled.
We both shot up and looked at him with shock. Everyone stopped talking.
"What is it, Dal?" Soda asked with worry.
"Don't give me that 'What Dal' crap!" He snapped, walking over to the two of us, "You aren't as innocent and happy as everyone sees you to be."
"What are you talking about?" Soda asked.
Dallas ignored Soda and kept yelling.
"You have an amazing girl, your hunnybun, sugarplum Sandy you call her. But nooo, you don't think she's enough so you two time her. Wait 'till she hears about this!"
"Don't talk to him like that!" Pony snapped, trying to stop the argument.
"Shut it, Pony!" Dal shout back, "You aren't a part of this so keep your mouth shut!
"Stop it, Dal!" Johnny begged, "Don't repeat what happened last time!"
Steve and Two hung their heads down. Pony looked around with confusion and worry.
"What happened last time?" Pony asked quietly.
No one answered. I looked at the floor, my hair falling over my face as I clenched my fists. The painful memories came back again.
"Dal, I don't know what you're talking about, we're just friends. I ain't two-timing Sandy for Y/N and you know I'm not that kind of a guy. So can you please stop?" Soda said calmly.
"Stop my ass!" Dal shouted, getting face to face with Soda, "Don't go lying! I see you getting close with Y/N!"
"Well, why do ya care?!" Soda yelled, starting  to get frustrated, "You never cared about Y/N before! You harassed and tortured her for months with no mercy when we was kids! Y/N did nothing wrong but you hated her guts. And I see you don't certainly care 'bout her now 'cus you ignored her, avoided her, and still talked to her like she was a piece of shit!"
I curled up into a ball, all I wanted to do was run but my entire body froze in place.
Dal growled.
"Mother fucker." He muttered under his breath, "I got a knife on me, I suggest you back off before I pull it on your shit eating face."
Soda obediently backed away, his eyes fading from anger to shock.
"Dally..." Johnny whimpered, his eyes filling with tears.
"You too, Johnny!" Dal snapped, making Johnny stop in his tracks, "You never did anything to stop this, you've always been a coward."
Johnny gasped slightly. Dally continued to spout out words sharp as knives.
"And don't get me started with you two," Dal grumbled as he looked at Steve and Two-Bit, "Don't give me that crap about how I should stop or I'm going too far. You were in this as much as I was so don't act all innocent."
Steve was about to charge on Dally but Two stopped him.
Pony watched in horror at the scene, luckily Darry wasn't here to see it. Everything became silent.
I stood up and walked slowly to Dally. He saw me and didn't say or do anything.
I stopped in front of him and stared him straight in the eye. He looked back with scarily cold eyes, but it didn't phase me.
Tears started flowing down my face as I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Why do you still do this?" I said almost in a whisper, "Why are you so mean to everyone. These are your friends. I thought no one was heartless, I guess I was wrong. I'm also wrong about how I thought you changed after all these years. If you've ever paid attention to me, you'd know that I've actually changed. But I'm getting hints that you aren't. I forgave everything you've done to me I want to see you're a good person. But you...never mind, I shouldn't have agreed to come here."
I quickly walked away, wiping my tears.

~Dallas' POV~

I saw her quickly march off into the distance. I felt my anger disappear.
Then I looked at everyone else. Everyone was in shock and anger. Johnny's eyes were as wide as golf balls and he turned as white as a sheet. Soda had a disturbed cloud over his eyes, a look I had never seen. It was at me. I realized what I had done and guilt rushed over me.
One by one, everyone left me.
I looked at Johnny, the last one. He tried to smile but he couldn't.
"Johnny-," I said but he stopped me by putting his hand up.
"I'm sorry." He whispered.
He turned around and walked away. I looked up at grey sky, it started to rain.
I was alone again. The memory of that day came back, now I was reliving it. Why did I do this? How did I let this happen again? My emotions, my pals, her.
She was right, I never changed.

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