Chapter 17

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~Dallas' POV~
I sat in bed, fiddling with a pocket knife in my hand. It was way past afternoon yet I was still on the bed.
It had been a few days ever since me and Y/N made up. I haven't seen her or the gang since. I hoped that they weren't still mad at me, especially Johnny. I think it would be best if I left them alone for a while after what I did to them.
I sighed then stared up at the ceiling, letting the knife drop down onto the bed.
I didn't really feel like doing anything today, and that was odd because I was always looking for trouble.
I rolled over to my side and closed my eyes.
I remember her putting her arm around me when I spilled my feelings. She was so sweet, so gentle, the complete opposite of me. I smiled to myself as I remembered her touch.
Then a knock on my door got me out of my daydreaming session.
"Come in." I sighed as I sat up in bed.
It was Buck.
"The kid Johnny and a chick are outside waiting for you." He said, "They asked for you."
"Johnny and Y/N?" I asked as my face lit up.
I walked past him and down the stairs quickly.
I opened the door and both Johnny and Y/N were standing there.
"Hey, Dal!" Johnny greeted me with a smile.
I was about to say hey back to him but then I was confused because Johnny acted like he forgave me.
"Wait, why are you happy to see me?" I asked, "Shouldn't you be mad at me?"
"Oh, Dal." Johnny said, "There's no reason to get mad at ya. You're my best bud. Y/N told us what happened, everyone in the gang is okay with you now."
I relaxed my shoulders and let out a sigh. That was good news to hear, so next time they see me they won't try to stab me.
I looked at Y/N and saw that she was staring at my body, wide eyed.
I forgot that I was shirtless when I came down.

~Your POV~

I couldn't help but stare at him shirtless. He had rock hard abs, when he exhaled, they showed even more. He had muscular arms, I never saw them because he would always wear a leather jacket.
And his handsome, tough face added with the body, I felt like I was going to melt.
I felt myself heating up and I couldn't look away.
Dally looked down and let out a low chuckle.
"You like what you're seeing here?" He teased me.
I quickly switched back to reality and looked away hurriedly.
"I-I'm sorry!" I stammered out, "I-I didn't mean to stare!"
"Nah, you're okay." He chuckled and smiled, "It's my fault for not wearing a shirt when I came down."
Damn, his smile was so cute too. Get yourself together!
Anyway, he offered us to come inside.
Johnny refused and said he had to go somewhere.
"See ya later Johnny." Dal said.
Johnny smiled and waved as he walked away alone.
Dal took me upstairs to his room.
It was decent, a little messy but not that bad.
I sat on his bed while he put on a shirt.
"So, why did you come here?" He said as he sat next to me.
"I just wanted to check you too, to see how you're holding up." I explained, "Johnny told me that you stay here often. I asked him if he could take me here in a few days."
"Getting clingy for me, aren't you." Dal teased me again.
"No!" I denied as I softly punched his shoulder.
He laughed at my reaction.
I couldn't help but laugh too.
We both sat in silence.
"I can't believe it." I slightly chuckled.
"That I'd be here, friends with my enemy from elementary school. Who knew?"
Dal smiled a bit but then it faded, I saw his dark eyes turn sad again.
I regretted everything.
He shook his head then smiled.
"Hey," He said, "You want me to take you somewhere today? Consider it a date to pay you back."
"A-A-A d-date?" I stammered out as I felt myself turning red.
Dallas laughed again.
"Why? Haven't been on one before?" He questioned while lying down on his side on the bed, resting his head on his arm. He flashed a devilish grin that made me gulp, "Especially with a bad boy like me?"
I kept blubbering nonsense, trying to find the words.
He was right though, I haven't been on one before.
"I'm just playing." His chuckled, "Let's just go out to the dingo or something, Johnny and Pony could come too."
I sighed of relief.
"Wait, what about Sylvia?" I asked.
"What about her?"
"Aren't you with her? She might think you're cheating on her for me."
"Oh, I left her." He said casually.
My eyes widened, he just said that like it was nothing. Then I maybe thought, maybe Dal is the playboy type. I didn't want to be the next girl to fall victim, but it was near impossible.
I sat in silence and looked down.
"Something wrong?" He asked.
"Uh, no." I said, putting on a smile, "Just thinking."
"Wanna grab a bite to eat at the dingo?"
"But I don't have any money on me."
"It's fine, I'll pay."
"Oh wow, thank you. I'll pay you back later."
"No need." He said as he gave me smile.
It made me blush a bit.
"So are we inviting Pony and Johnny?" I asked as I got up.
"Yeah, I think Pony is at the DX, when he ain't got nothing to do he's always there. Or probably walking around somewhere with his head in the clouds. We'll find Johnny around, he doesn't go very far."
He opened the door for me and I awkwardly walked out.
We walked in silence. He puffed out clouds of smoke from his mouth while holding another cigar in his hand.
I noticed it was starting to get dark a little. A breeze swept up and it made me shiver.
We reached the DX and Soda, Pony, and Steve were there.
Soda pointed out at us and waved. Steve smiled and Pony waved also.
"What do you know, Dal and Y/N together!" Soda said as we reached them, "We was just about to head back home."
"You guys look like you're dating." Steve teased.
"No we're not!" Dally and I snapped at Steve in unison.
"Okay, okay." Steve chuckled as he backed up.
"We was heading over to the dingo, wanna come to grab a bite to eat?" Dal asked.
"Sure!" Pony said.
Steve and Soda thought for a second then nodded.
"We're also picking up Johnny, do you know where he is?" Dal also asked.
They all shook heads.
"Let's go look for him." Steve suggested.
We all walked together in one big group, looking around for Johnny.
We passed a big football field and Steve noticed something lying on the ground. He picked up what looked like was a denim jacket, it was Johnny's jacket that he wore everyday.
"Looks like Johnny forgot his jacket." Steve said as he held it.
Something didn't feel right about it. Johnny always had his jacket on, I don't think he would forget it.
Steve stopped for a second and examined the jacket closely. Everyone did too.
It was stained with rust, even the grass.
He looked up and his expression changed instantly from happy to shock.
It caused a chain reaction for all of us to look at the same direction.
I slightly gasped and covered my mouth with my hand. Everyone's face drained of color.
Johnny was lying on the street, motionless and groaning in pain.

Doll Face Freak: Dallas x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now