Chapter 38

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"Cherry?" I asked.
Then I saw Randy and looked away instantly.
"Hey guys." Cherry said with a weak smile.
Steve stomped face to face with Randy and poked his chest.
"Hey, ya heard?" He spat in a threatening tone, "No Socs aloud here! Now this place is a fighting arena so you best butt out before we gang up on you."
"He probably is looking for a fight." Soda said seriously, surprising me a bit, "But this ain't the time so go back to your own territory."
"I know, I know." Randy stepped back, "But we didn't come here to fight."
Everyone looked at him suspiciously.
"We just wanted to talk." He said.
"Talk my ass." Two let out a lighthearted chuckle, crossing his arms.
Everyone nodded.
"Fine, y'all won't listen to me so I'll leave." Randy sighed, walking away, "Cherry, I'll wait for you in the car."
Cherry nodded and watched Randy walk away with his head down.
"What'd you come here for?" Dallas asked.
"I'm teaming up with you guys." She said quietly after a deep breath.
"What?" Everyone blurted out in unison.
"Why should we listen to you, huh?" Steve crossed his arms, still hostile and suspicious.
"Because I can help." She explained calmly, "Bob was my boyfriend and I knew him well. I also met Johnny and Ponyboy at the movies. I was there for most of it so I'm a witness. I'm supporting you guys because I know Bob was drunk that night and he's a different person when he drinks."
Cherry glanced at me worriedly and I looked down.
She took another deep breath and continued.
"I can speak for your side." She said, her voice shaking a bit, "The boys are considering on confessing that it was their fault. If Johnny and Pony go to court, I don't think they'd be guilty 'cus it was self defense after all."
Everyone looked around and nodded fairly.
"So, you're on our side?" Soda asked.
"Yeah, and I'll also tell y'all some info on our side, nobody knows." She said, "I'll kinda be like your spy, you guys can trust me."
Everyone looked around and soon nodded.
"Uh, Y/N?" Cherry asked me.
"Can I have a word with you for a bit?" She asked.
"Yeah." I went to go walk with her when Dallas grabbed my arm.
"Careful." He whispered then let go.
There wasn't any reason to, but I still liked that he looked out for me. I smiled back at him and walked with Cherry. We made our way to the back of the building, luckily no one was there.
I looked at Cherry and saw that she covered her face.
"Cherry?" I put my hand on her, "What's wrong?"
She looked up and tears were streaming down her face. She drew in quivering breaths and soft whimpers.
I immediately wrapped my arms around her, she did the same. She pulled away from the hug to wipe her tears and get a grip.
"I'm sorry," She sniffled, "I was holding that in for the longest time, I guess I couldn't anymore."
"It's alright." I said, "Just let it all out."
"But it ain't alright." She shook her head, "Everything just changed that night, it's all 'cause of me."
"What? No-,"
"It was! Bob was mad that I was walking with them. When we were alone, I told him we were through. He blamed it on Johnny and Pony. I-I didn't know what he was going to do he just stepped out without saying anything. If I hadn't told him or even agreed to walk with them..."
"Hey, easy easy." I said softly, "I know this is a a series of unfortunate events but it ain't your fault. We'll figure this out."
She nodded and wiped the rest of her tears with a tissue from her purse.
"I'm still angry at what he did to you and Johnny and Ponyboy." She narrowed her eyes at the sky, "Maybe he asked for it, deserved it too. But he was a good fellow when he was sober."
"Yeah." I agreed quietly, remembering the day we met in class.
"Anyways," Cherry sighed, "Thanks for listening to me airing out my problems, sorry you had to go through it all."
"It's fine, Cherry." I reassured her, "You don't have anyone else to talk to about this stuff so it's good to get it off your chest now."
"Yeah. I gotta head out now. Golly, if I stay here five minutes more, I don't know what would happen to me. And I gotta pick up Randy before he gets himself into anymore trouble."
We both walked back to the gang in a circle, discussing about the situation. They were too busy to notice that Cherry and I were back so I walked her to her car.
Randy was still there, but he wasn't drinking or smoking himself stupid. He only sat with a sad look.
When Cherry opened the door, that's when he finally went back to reality. And then he noticed me.
"Oh...hey, Y/N." He said awkwardly.
"Uh, hi." I said quietly while looking at my shoes.
"So, Cherry told me a bit of what happened to you with Bob." He started.
I winced inside a little, maybe he noticed.
"I'm so sorry." He sighed, "We never meant to talk like that, and what Bob did. But the liquor is painfully addictive, I've kinda stopped now. I have some self control after realizing what goes on. I never knew that he'd do something like that. Any how, I'm sorry about that."
"You're okay." I said, "You left anyway so it wasn't your doing. Thank you."
Randy nodded and tried to give a smile but he couldn't.
"You miss him, do you." I said.
He nodded again but this time, he was getting close to tears.
"I wished we'd never done that." Randy shakily said, referring to the incident with Johnny and Pony, "If we hadn't- If he hadn't-Ugh, it's just all too much. It was all our fault. My best bud wouldn't be gone and all the stress on everything, especially y'all, wouldn't exist!"
He didn't have that carefree attitude anymore, it was tense and scared. He didn't really look it but I could tell.
He was right about the stress and anxiety, if everyone still went on like this for days, we'd all lose our sanity.
"You don't have to speak anymore, if you don't want to." I reassured, "I'm glad you came here."
Randy nodded again.
"Thanks." He said.
I nodded and smiled in return. That made him smile warmly. He was right, he was nice when he was sober. Bob was too. No one was bad entirely, it was just an unlucky circumstance.
The engine of their roared as it turned on. They drove out of the parking lot and out in the distance. I watched them the entire time.
I felt Dallas' big hand rest on my shoulder.
"You okay?" He asked me.
"Yeah," I said.
"Did that Randy guy talk crap or what?"
"No." I shook my head, chuckling a bit, "I thought he would, turns out he's only human."
"Damn, you got a heart of pure gold, Y/N." He laughed, "Why don't we head on home? This week is really killing me."
"You and me both, Dal." I agreed, holding his hand as we walked back.

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