Chapter 39

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After a long walk, we had finally reached Buck's. I knew that the moment we walked in, Buck knew it was me and Dally. I came there pretty often now so we got pretty acquainted.
Buck held a bottle in his hand and motioned it to Dallas.
"Beer?" He offered.
"Always." Dallas smirked.
Buck tossed the beer to him and got out another one.
"Want one?" He asked me.
"No thanks, I don't drink." I refused.
"You should." Dallas chuckled, "It'll put some hair on your chest."
"And end up having a hairy chest like yours?" I cocked an eyebrow, "Nuh uh, I'd rather stay saint than be a big foot."
Buck laughed loudly at my remark. Instead of getting offended, Dallas gave me a dangerous smirk. Not the bad one, the good one.
"Since when were you a naughty girl?" He said in a low voice, pulling me in by the waist.
"You know," I said in a whisper, smirking also, "We've been together for a while now, but there are other sides of me that you don't know besides my shy and angry one."
"I had a little taste of your naughty side that night Pony and Johnny came over." He chuckled.
I couldn't help but blush, what I did came out of nowhere. And, we never got to do the deed. Dallas leaned in slowly towards my ear.
"Why don't you show me again in the bedroom?" He whispered seductively, sending shivers down my spine, "And maybe after, I can show you mine again."
I was internally screaming. Dallas' smirk grew wider.
"Don't make too much noise, people are coming over." Buck interrupted with a disgusted expression.
"Too bad, Buck." Dallas said loudly, "Get comfortable 'cus we have all night."
I was embarrassed but excited at the same time.
I took his hand and pulled him up to the bedroom. I slammed the door behind us upstairs with a kick and pinned him against it. I immediately grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to my lips, roughly kissing him.
"Damn, woman." Dallas said in a growl between the kiss.
His hands started to travel down my body, so I stopped him and pulled away from the kiss. He knew what I was doing and he hated it. His eyebrows furrowed with frustration and a growl escaped from his gritted teeth.
I giggled and began taking off his jacket and shirt, throwing them anywhere in the room.
We made our way to the bed and I pinned him down again, never breaking away from the kiss.
Then the door suddenly creaked open.
Dallas and I shot up to see who it was.
"Soda?" We both asked in unison.
Luckily, none of my clothes were off and Dallas still had his pants on. But I felt so embarrassed for getting caught right before the act again.
Dallas groaned because we were interrupted again.
"Oh, shit." Soda exclaimed, turning red but still grinning like usual, "Sorry guys, I needed to get something. Oh, so that's what Buck meant when he said y'all we gonna be there all night."
I laughed and rolled my eyes.
"Now I can tell that you and Pony are brothers." Dallas joked.
"Aw, quit it." Soda laughed.
"What do ya need?" I asked getting off Dallas.
"I just n-," Soda stopped and looked at the ground.
I looked down and saw that it was Pony's sweatshirt he had that night, or rather, Soda's sweatshirt.
"I knew it." Soda sighed.
"Look we don't know where they are." Dallas stood up.
Soda didn't say anything.
He picked up a pen and piece of paper and started writing quickly. I looked at him and he looked like he hadn't slept at all. I felt bad for him.
"Here Y/N." He said, folding the paper and giving it to me, "Just give this to him when you see him, wherever he is."
"O-Okay." I nodded, putting the paper away.
"I gotta go now." Soda said, making his way to the door, "What I need isn't important anyway, and I better leave you two alone."
He winked at us and his bright smile appeared again. He closed the door quietly behind him and his footsteps disappeared.
"I feel pretty awful for Soda and Darry, worrying for Ponyboy." I said.
"They're all they got." Dallas sighed, plopping down on the bed.
"When will we see Johnny and Ponyboy again?" I asked.
"Hmm, it's starting to get a little safe," Dallas shrugged, "Maybe in a few days when all the rush is dying down."
I nodded and smiled.
"So," Dallas licked his lips, "We have some unfinished business to attend to, don't we."
"Yes we do." I smirked, getting back to where we were.


I was still hobbling as I walked. Dallas and I had a little too much fun. So much, that I couldn't even take a step when I got out of bed in the morning. I was recovering though. The moment the gang saw me, Steve and Two had to make sex jokes again. Well, at least it lightened up the mood.
Dallas, Two, and I were walking down the street from the Curtis house. Two followed because his car got wrecked and decided to walk with us for a bit until he had to head home to babysit this kid sister, which he didn't mind because he would be earning money.
I was lost in thought until I saw a shiny, nice car park near the empty lot. I immediately recognized it was Cherry's car and she was the only person in it.
We stopped in our tracks and watched Cherry step out and walk towards.
"Hey," She greeted us with a smile.
I gave a wave to her. Dallas just gave her a cool nod, acting tough.
"What's up?" Two grinned, chewing something between his teeth.
"Well, everything's peachy." She shrugged.
"Any news so far?" Dallas asked, taking out a cigar.
"Yes," She nodded and became serious, "Everyone is still fed up. They're all so mad, not just at Johnny and Ponyboy, but to all you greasers. They want to start a rumble soon, or that's what Randy told me."
She winced when she said rumble. I could tell she hated fights, I did too.
"Hm, a rumble, eh?" Two smirked, "I heard some 'em Socs talking something about a fight the other day, guess that was it."
"Weapons or skin to skin?" Dallas asked with a game face.
"Skin to skin I think." She thought.
"Sweet." I heard Two whisper so Cherry wouldn't hear.
"I don't think Randy would fight," She said, "He hasn't told me but I can tell, and he ain't that type of guy. Look, just...don't get into trouble with the fuzz or something in the fight."
Cherry was getting uncomfortable, talking about the rumble.
"Aw, shoot." Two chuckled, "Nobody ain't gonna call the fuzz 'round here in a rumble, besides, it's skin to skin. Nothing too bad won't happen except for cuts and bruises."
"And broken bones." Dallas added with a laugh.
Him and Two did a small handshake.
I looked at Cherry and rolled my eyes with a smile, it made her laugh.
"So anyways," She said, "That's all on our end, nothing else changed. Any news on your side?"
"Nothing much." Dallas shrugged. He lied, but it was good that he did. Telling her about the gang's stress and greaser celebrations about a Soc being killed by greasers wasn't the best idea.
"Anything on Johnny and Ponyboy yet?" She asked also.
"Nah, we're still trying to find 'em." Two kicked a stone and watched it skip across the street.
"Well, okay." She nodded, "It was nice talking, see you guys later."
Cherry and I waved and she walked straight ahead to her car and drove away.
"I gotta head back home now." Two patted Dallas' back, "Catch you guys later."
Two walked away with his hands in his pocket and a skip in his step.
"Want me to walk ya home?" Dallas asked me.
"Nah, it's okay." I shook my head, "Home isn't far."
"I got something to tell you before you go." Dallas stepped closer, "Let's visit Johnny and Pony tomorrow afternoon."
"Really?" I blurted out, "It's safe now?"
"Yeah, all the craze has finally died down while I searched the town earlier today." He said while looking around, "So be ready tomorrow afternoon 'cus Imma pick you up and take you to the church."
I nodded.
"Bye Dally." I went up on my tippy toes and kissed him on the lips.
"Bye Doll." He smiled.
I made my way down the sidewalk and I could still feel Dallas watching me until I was out of sight.

~Dallas' POV~

I watched her take the corner and disappear. I wanted to make sure she was fine until she was out of my sight.
I smiled again like a dope and turned around to walk back to Buck's. I definitely looked kind of stupid because of my love sick look, but no one was there to see me anyway. I really did love her though.
I walked down the streets, eyeing through shop windows with a cigar between me teeth.
I didn't feel like stealing anything, I felt tired and lazy. I was about to cross the street when something caught my eye.
I looked back and looked through the window.
"Damn." I awed a bit.
I needed to get that for her.
Not stealing, but actually buying. I hated doing everything the legal way but I had to control myself. If I stole it for her, she wouldn't want it and it wouldn't be as special. Plus, I couldn't risk getting caught for her. She was my world.
I dug into my pocket and pulled out cash I didn't spend for a month because I stole things. Gladly, it was enough.
I smirked and walked into the store.

Doll Face Freak: Dallas x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now