Chapter 10

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A few days past ever since I moved. I haven't seen Dallas yet after he left.
Soda, Johnny and I went out to the dingo and caught up with a lot of things.
Apparently, there was division between two types of people, greasers and Socs they called it. We didn't have that in our place.
They were both greasers, so was Dallas and everyone else. But I didn't care.
"Um," Johnny started to say as he played with his fries, "I-I was wondering, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm alright." I replied, "Why?"
"Well, we was worried for you...'cus of what Dal did all those years ago. You left without saying goodbye and we wanted to know if you're okay."
There was an awkward silence between us. The memory of me and Dallas fighting flashed back in my mind. I shook my head and smiled.
"I'm good, really." I said with a little laugh, "No need to worry about me."
Soda wanted to move away from that topic.
"Hey, it's Two-Bit's surprise birthday party today." Soda said to me, "There's gon be chocolate cake, cards, and games. And after we'll go to a drag race. Wanna come?"
"Sure!" I agreed.
A few hours later, we arrived at Soda's house. It was in a corner of a street and it was small like mine.
We opened the door and no one was there except for a very muscular and tall, young man. I had to look all the way up just to make eye contact.
"You must be Y/N." He said, "Soda told me a lot about you. I'm Darry, the oldest Curtis brother."
He reached out his big hand to me and I shook it.
"Where's everyone else?" Johnny asked.
"They're coming soon." Darry explained, "Dallas and Pony are coming in a minute 'cus they went out to get stuff. Steve is getting Two-Bit, he called me and said he'll be here in ten minutes."
"Well," Soda said, "We gotta get ready!"
All three of them left the living room to do their own thing, leaving me by myself.
I awkwardly sat on the couch and waited. I was like the odd one out.
I heard the door swing open next to me. It was Pony holding a bag of supplies. He saw me and waved, I waved back. He made his way into the kitchen.
Someone else entered through the door. Dallas.
He saw me and quickly looked away. He pretended I wasn't even there and followed where Pony went. Rude.
After a few minutes, I got up to see if I could help them. Soda told me to bring the beers out and put it on the table. He handed me all of them. They were ice cold and wet from being in the cooler. I held them all in my arms as I walked to the table.
I suddenly tripped on something on the floor. I yelped as I stumbled forward. Luckily, I didn't fall on the ground. But one beer bottle slipped out of my hand and was falling straight down onto the hard floor.
I closed my eyes, preparing for a loud smash of glass breaking into a million pieces. But nothing. I opened my eyes and saw that Dallas had caught it right before it touched the ground.
I sighed out of relief.
"Thank y-," I started to thank him.
"You should watch where you're going." He grumbled in a low voice.
He set the beer bottle down on table and walked away. I was standing there in complete shock, turns out he is the same from all those years ago.
"Hey, Y/N?" I heard Johnny say as he poked my shoulder, "You alright?"
I brushed it off and set the beer bottles on the table.
"Yeah," I replied, "I'm alright, sorry. Just daydreaming."
Johnny nodded and we both went to help with more things.
The decorations were finally finished. Everyone went to go hide somewhere in the living room while I just stayed in the kitchen. I barely even knew him so I decided to not be in the surprise.
The door opened with a creak. Then everyone loudly yelled "SURPRISE!" as they jumped out of their hiding spots. I watched from the back, smiling at the happy moment.
Two cursed out of surprise then started to gush. Everyone began to party and drink like no tomorrow, Pony sipped on coke instead. I just ate my food and watched everyone having fun.
"By the almighty power bestowed upon me." Two acted as a king, his voice slurred a bit because of the alcohol, "I say we all play truth or dare as our first game. Let the games begin!"
Everyone sat in a circle on the floor. They all forced me to join the game even when I refused multiple times.
Two looked at everyone to see who he would pick on. Then his eyes fell on me, he smirked and chuckled a bit out of mischief. I gulped and smiled nervously.
"Y/N!" He said my name loud and clear, "You're a new person which makes this better. So, truth or dare? Choose wisely!"
Steve kept chanting dare. Everyone inched closer to me. Dallas cocked an eyebrow.
"Uh-erm." I stammered out, "Truth?"
"Hmm, must make this a good one." Two said, thinking while rubbing his hands together, "I got it, okay. Marry, fuck, kill?"
Everyone was losing their minds, oohing and looking at each other. My eyes widened.
Two continued.
"Let's see...Steve, Soda, and Dallas." Two said slyly as he crossed his arms, "You could go any order you like. Oh! And explain why, be honest and thorough."
Everyone oohed even louder. Steve and Soda glared at each other with smirks. Dallas choked on his beer.
Why, oh why me?
I took a deep breath and thought for a moment.
"Um, for kill..." I started to say, quietly, "Steve. Because I don't think he's good in bed or being a husband."
Everyone burst out laughing, rolling on the floor.
"What?!" Steve exclaimed.
Soda pointed at him and laughed. Steve started to get pissed at everyone.
"Damn!" Two snickered, "Y/N's savage! May not look it but you are."
Everyone's laughter finally died down and stayed silent to listen to me.
"For...marry." I said, "Soda, because he's a very nice guy and I bet he'd make a good husband."
"Yes!" Soda cheered as did a little dance.
Steve scoffed and shoved Soda. Dallas glared at Soda, not in a friendly way.
"And that leaves..." Two said with a smirk growing across his face.
"Dallas to...fuck." I said in a high, nervous voice. I said "fuck" very quietly. Dallas looked away and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Whyyyy?" Two asked, dragging out the word.
"Because," I mumbled as I felt myself heating up, "Because I think h-he's good in bed...and he is pretty handsome..."
Everyone went crazy over my comments. I felt like I was going to faint. I couldn't believe the words that spilled out of my mouth. I just told everyone that I would fuck Dallas, my old bully. Man, I felt awkward.
Dallas immediately stood up off the ground, making everyone quiet down.
"Where you going, Dal?" Johnny asked.
"Sylvia, bye." He said in a low mumble as he opened the door and slammed it behind him.
I regret everything I said. The fun started to die down.
"Man, what's his deal?" Two asked.
Everyone shrugged.
"Who's Sylvia?" I brought it up.
"His girl." Johnny said.
"Huh." I said.
"Don't know why he keeps staying with her though." Two said, "She cheated on him too many times to count. But somehow, he still loves her. Should just dump her ass and find another chick."
I didn't say anything. I just decided to leave the party early.
I remembered Dallas' face when I was saying my truth. He was blushing, hard.

Doll Face Freak: Dallas x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now