Chapter 33

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I sat on the stairs to my house and waited for Bob to pick me up. It was a little past sunset and the streets grew darker by the minute.
I heard a mustang from across the street and looked at the direction where it was coming from.
As it got closer, I saw that it was Bob and another guys in the front seats.
He slowly pulled over in front of my house and gave a little honk.
"Ready?" He called out to me with a smile.
"Yep." I smiled as I walked to his car.
I climbed into the back seat of his car and he began to drive.
"Oh, Y/N." Bob said, glancing back at me, "This is Randy, my best bud. Randy, this is Y/N a new girl from school."
"Hey." He greeted me with a nice smile, "You know, you like one of us, a Soc. Are you one?"
"No, actually." I responded, "We don't have a lot of money but we aren't broke. And this outfit is actually pretty cheap."
"Huh, okay." Randy nodded, "But you'd still pass as one with your good looks."
"Thank you." I quietly said, blushing a bit.
"Randy's right." Bob agreed, "You could hang out with us, the higher ups. You'd fit in."
"Well, thanks," I laughed a bit, "But I have to pass. You guys seem nice but I'm already in another group on our side of the neighborhood."
"You hang out with greaser girls?" Bob asked.
"No. They're guys."
"Hold on, you hang out with those bums?" Randy laughed.
Bob laughed along with him.
"What do you mean?" I asked, my smile starting to fade.
"You know what we mean." Bob responded, "Those white trashy scum that roam around the streets like rats. Fucking disgusting with their greasy, long hair and rags."
"Why do you even hang out with those losers?" Randy chuckled.
"Because they're my friends." I said a bit sternly, "And they're nice guys, they treat me like family."
They started to laugh even more.
"Greasers ain't nothing but trash." Bob laughed, "They're born trash and'll stay trash forever. Hey, Randy. 'Member when we jumped that weak greaser a month ago?"
"That one with the black hair?" Randy agreed.
"Greasers, they act so tough. When really they're weak softies like that loser."
Wait, what did he just say? No he couldn't be, he didn't jump Johnny, right? Bob was a nice guy...
I shook my head and watched the scenery out the car window. I wanted to steer far away from this conversation. The greaser they were talking about couldn't have been Johnny, it was someone else.
A faint smell started to fill the air. It started to reek into a strong and unpleasant smell. Alcohol.
I looked over and saw that Bob had opened a flask in his hand and took a swig out of it. Randy had done the same too.
"You shouldn't be drinking while driving." I said with concern, "You shouldn't even be drinking at all, you're underage."
"Ah lighten up." Bob said, "Everyone drinks around here it's no big deal."
He took another big swig from his flask and sharply exhaled. I knew he did this more than once because the car didn't seem to swerve out the lane.
I didn't know how many he drank out of that flask but I knew it was a lot because his mood started to change. Randy was too but Bob was starting to look like a different person than the nice guy I met earlier at school.I guess this is what alcohol really did to you.
Before I knew it, we reached the drive-in. Bob parked in an open spot.
"You guys go on ahead." Randy said as he got out the car, "I'll get some food. Save me a seat, will ya?"
"Got it!" Bob responded.
Bob started to get out of the car, stumbling a bit because he was drunk.
I uncomfortably was going to open the door when Bob did for me.
"Um, Thanks." I said as I started to get up.
But Bob blocked me. I tried to move around him but he still stood in front of me.
"Um, can you move?" I awkwardly chuckled.
He he took the last few gulps from his flask the threw it on the ground.
"You know, Y/N." Bob slurred, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, "You look like a fine chick, real fine. The moment I saw you, damn, I just fell in love."
He slowly started to step closer to me. I stepped back but only collapsed onto the car seats with nowhere else to go.
"I-I know we just met today." I gulped and heard my voice become higher and quieter, "But I know this isn't you, it's the alcohol. Please, I just want to go home now."
"Wanting to leave already?" He chuckled lowly, "But the fun's only gettin' started, Baby."
I looked at his eyes and they were filled to the brim with evil lust. My breathing quickened, I felt myself starting to panic. I didn't know what to do.
A light flashed in my eye. I squinted and looked down to see where it came from. It came from the rings that he wore, the light from the lamppost bounced off of it.
My eyes widened and I slightly gasped.
Johnny said it was a guy with rings.
"What's wrong?" He slurred, bending down and putting his hand across the side of my face, "You're looking pale."
I looked at the rings on his hand with fear as he stroked my cheek.
I started shaking uncontrollably.
"You look awful cute when you're scared." He said in a low voice.
I let out a small whimper. His other hand started to snake up from my knee and to my thigh.
"Please!" I cried out suddenly, "Someone help!"
Before I could say anything else, his hand covered my mouth.
"Shush little rabbit." He cooed.
I thrashed and kicked but I was quickly stopped by his strong body. I couldn't scream or move. I was completely trapped.
All my shouts were muffled and useless as he stuffed a cloth in my mouth to keep me quiet.
He lunged on top of me and I could feel his harsh breath on my face, reeking of alcohol.
I watched in horror as he started to touch my body, I couldn't do anything but try over and over to get help.
He started roughly kissing my face, I whimpered and started crying, feeling him take over.
Please, someone help! I thought. Dallas, please!
"Stop squirming." Bob growled and pinned my hands up.
I realized my leg was free so I kicked him hard in the stomach. He yelped in pain and clutched his stomach but then I felt a hard slap across my face, making my head spin a bit.
"Be a good girl." He hissed. My heart dropped the moment I saw him starting to undo his pants.
"Help!" I screamed once more, a little muffled from the cloth.
He raised his hand up high and was about to slap me again when someone grabbed his arm right before he made contact.
Bob spun around to see who it was.
"Get your damn hands off her." Someone growled angrily, I didn't know who it was because I was still in shock.
My eyes were blurred from the tears and only saw a tall, dark figure. They quickly adjusted and I saw that it was Dallas.
"Dallas!" A muffled yell escaped from my mouth.
I felt a wave of relief wash over me.
"What?" Bob slurred as he eyed Dallas and stepped towards him.
"Ya heard me you little shit." Dallas shot back, "Get your damn hands off my girl."
Bob held up both his fists, still swaying side to side from the booze.
"Make me." He slurred.
This only sparked Dallas' rage even more. With a single blow to the head, Dallas manage to knock Bob out and collapse on the ground.
"Mother fucker!" Dallas snapped, going down on him and punching him with no mercy, "This. Is what. You fucking get!"
I watched him with my eyes wide open, barely blinking. After a while, his punches slowly and he calmed down, breathing heavily. He got off of Bob who lay passed out and bloodied, looking worse than Johnny that day.
"Shit, Y/N." Dallas said as his attention immediately left from him to me.
He ran over and took the cloth out of my mouth. I was hyperventilating by shock and my cheek was red from the slap. Tears ran down from my fearful eyes.
"Doll." He said softly, picking me up into his arms, "I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner."
I shook my head and closed my eyes.
"I'm just glad you came." I spoke hoarsely, "I'm sorry Dal, I should've listened to you."
"No don't be sorry." He shook his head, "You didn't know. I should be sorry, I got hostile because I got jealous and thought you'd grown tired of me. And you should be free to be friends with anyone you want."
"Dallas, I'll always love you." I kissed his cheek, "Thank you."
He smiled and kissed my forehead.
"I'll make sure he won't do this to you ever." He swore, "You're safe now, Y/N."
I did feel safe. I didn't notice I was still crying until now. Dallas let me cry into him while he walked with me still in his arms.
He drove me home in the car that he borrowed from Buck again, it wasn't parked too far.
I didn't tell Dallas that Bob was the one who jumped Johnny. I didn't want there to be more fighting, I just didn't like it. Dallas might even end up in jail if I told him and nothing good would come out of him getting revenge.
I was still shaken from what Bob had done to me, but I was glad that Dallas always had my back no matter what. He was there for me every single time I got into trouble here. Before, he fought me. Now, he fought for me. I smiled and felt myself starting to calm down.
I wanted to pay him back someday.

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