Chapter 27

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"Y/N!" I heard Dal's voice call for me.
I whimpered and ran behind a tree to hide. His running footsteps came closer and I could hear him greatly panting.
"Answer me!" He called out, "Shit, Sylvia is going to pay."
I tried to kneel when I slipped and collapsed to the ground. Unfortunately, he had to hear me.
"Y/N! You okay?!" He exclaimed.
His hand reached out to me but I stood up by myself and looked away.
"Look, about what happened-," he started as he started to put his hands on my shoulders.
"Save it!" I snapped.
He stumbled back in shock, giving me time to run away.
"Hold on!" He desperately shouted.
I felt his strong hands grab my wrist and spun me around to look at him. I strained and punched his arm to let me go but he was ten times stronger. More tears started uncontrollably flowing from my face.
"Y/N, please listen to me!" He finally said.
I stopped and stared into his eyes.
"I didn't kiss Sylvia." He quickly explained.
I could've called bullshit and walk away from him forever but there was something in his dark eyes that made me feel he was telling the truth.
"Let's go inside to talk about this." He said.
I nodded and we walked in silence into his room. I sat on his bed, wiping away my tears and biting my swollen lip.
Dallas awkwardly put a blanket around me and sat on the bed.
"I didn't kiss her, Y/N." Dallas finally broke the silence, repeating his words.
I glared back and scooted away. He noticed and his eyes shifted, thinking what he should say next.
"Sylvia told me that we should be together again and ditch you." He cleared his throat, "I said no."
I stood up threw the blanket on him.
"Crap!" I blurted, "I saw you say more, you told her that you loved her!"
He stood up and his eyebrows furrow.
"I didn't tell her that." He denied.
"Hah, like I didn't see you kissing her!"
"Fuck, that ain't me! She said I love you and I told her 'I don't, fuck you'. Then she glanced over my shoulder and before I could even say anything, she had her lips all over me. I pushed her off and I saw you running away crying! The gang flipped me off but then I told them everything and I went to find you!"
He finished his quick speech and gasped for air. I looked at him, wide eyed.
"So wait, you didn't say 'I love you'?" I asked.
"No, why the hell would I say that to a whore ex?" He caught his breath, "That what you heard?"
"I guess." I scratched my arm sheepishly, "And you didn't kiss her back."
"No, I'd rather give up smoking than have her do that again." His face twisted.
"I'm sorry." I apologized after a long silence while wiping my lip with the back of my hand, "I should've jumped to conclusions."
"Nah, you have every right to, it was tough coming from a bad angle. If I was in your place, I'd jump to conclusions too."
I smiled at him, making him grin back.
"Say, Y/N." Dally said slyly.
"I guess it's my turn to lay down the questions. Why did you run away crying when you saw me and Sylvia? You and I are not together after all."
I froze and a shiver coursed through my body.
"I-I-I." I stammered, turning red.
He glanced at his eyes, he stared right through my soul. I bet he could hear my screams of torture in my head.
"Is there something wrong?" He purred lowly.
That voice was making it worse, and he knew it. His smirk grew wider while I turned tomato red.
There's no hiding now.
"! You..." I sputtered, internally face palming myself.
His eyes widened a bit but then he gave a less cocky smile, almost warm.
He took a step towards me and I looked up at him, he was so close and tall.
"There's something else that I didn't tell you about what happened." He said almost in a whisper.
He chuckled at my reaction.
"I told her that I didn't want to be with her cus I have finally found real love. And that love..."
My heart was thumping out of my chest.
"It was you." He said with a grin.
I was blinded by tears of surprise and happiness the moment he said that. He wiped them away with his thumbs and all I could see was him. He still had his hands cupping my face. He leaned down ever so slowly, our eyes fluttering shut and our mouths slightly parting open. Our lips met and I was floating in heaven. This is what a kiss felt like. He surprisingly tasted sweet.
I started to kiss back with an instinct I never knew I had. He placed his hands on my waist while mine wrapped around his shoulders. Our hands slowly started to explore each other's bodies.
We kissed for a great amount of time and before we knew it, it was dark.
"Dal." I exhaled, breaking the kiss.
"Yeah?" He said in a husky voice.
"I want to do it with you, if it's alright."
He smiled but then he looked at me with concern.
"Are you sure about this? I mean, you're new to this. If we start, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to stop."
"I just, I feel safe with you. I want it to be you."
He nodded and turned off the lights. The street lights through the window gave a dim light.
"Since you're a virgin." He started, "Let's make this a damn special night."
I looked at him dreamily as he was on top of me on the bed.
"You're shaking, Y/N." He said, stroking my face, "Are you scared? We can stop."
I looked at my arm and I was, but I only felt love for him.
"No, I'm not actually. This is new, but I don't feel scared. Because I'm here with you, I love you. I trust you and I never want to leave."
He smiled and kissed me passionately. So much time passed, but it felt so fast and blissful.
We laid in silence with my body pressed up against his. He held me in his arms and I savored the warmth he gave off.
"Y/N, I wanna tell ya something." He said quietly.
"Mmhmm." I said drowsily.
"About that day when we were kids and we fought." He said nervously, "I hate thinking about this but I have to say it. I didn't mean for it to happen, that day. I came inside the class to apologize to you. I knew what I did wrong but I hurt you again. It hurts. I feel like a dick, I wish I never existed."
"Dallas, don't say that. That was all in the past, we can't change it. I know it was bad, but it was good to. Without it, I wouldn't be here with you in your arms right now. I love you."
It felt weird saying I love you, but it felt nice.
" too." He managed to say.
I giggled at his struggle because of his toughness.
Maybe this was all too soon, but it just felt right. I think he felt it too. And what's life without a little adventure and fun?
I snuggled into his chest, his warmth made me feel fuzzy inside. He stroked his hand up and down my back and kissed the top of my head. I fell asleep immediately, feeling safe.

Doll Face Freak: Dallas x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now