Chapter 30

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~2 days later~
"What do ya wanna do today?" Dallas asked.
We both laid together on his bed with him spooning me. I turned over to look at him and thought for a moment.
"Oh," I finally said, "Let's go to the Curtis house. We haven't seen them ever since that day you talked with Sylvia."
"Oh yeah." He said, "Curtis house it is."
"Do you think we should tell them?" I giggled as I played with Dallas' hair.
"Tell 'em what?" He questioned.
"About our thing now. That it's really happening between us."
"I think they maybe got it." He said with smile, "But let's rub it in their faces just in case."
"Oh Dallas." I laughed, rolling my eyes.
"Come here you." He said in a low voice as I
felt his big hands grab onto my waist and pull me close to him.
He kissed me so passionately that I melted at his warm touch.
"Wait." I said, pulling away.
"What?" He asked with concern.
"Let's save the kissing for when we get there, to rub it in their faces. That's what you wanted, right?"
"You naughty girl." He let out a low chuckle, "I'm so glad you're my girl."
We both got up and like always, he escorted my outside the door. Buck said hi to us downstairs and even offered us some food but we had to get going.
We started making our way to the house, intertwining our hands together. It felt so new and fun to do things like this and I didn't want it to stop.
Anyways, we finally reached their house. We heard loud chatting and the TV going on from inside, the gang was all there.
We both walking in without knocking.
"Hey." Dallas said casually.
Everyone's heads immediately turned to us. Then they looked at me Dallas holding hands. A smile began to grow on everyone's faces.
"Y'all are together?!" Soda gushed as he jumped up from the couch with joy.
We nodded and Dallas put his arm around me.
Everyone started cheering and clapping.
"Congrats, guys." Darry said.
"Thank goodness." Pony sighed, "Last time we saw you was when Sylvia was getting all up on Dallas."
"You gave us a scare, Y/N." Johnny agreed.
"Me?" I asked.
"Yeah," Johnny continued, "You took off running. Felt bad 'cus you saw what went on and you looked mighty awful. After Dallas had explained what really happened, you were nowhere in sight. We went on looking for you until Darry said that when he was working, he saw you with Dallas but we didn't know what was happening between you two."
"Sorry guys." I sheepishly said.
"Nah," Steve denied with a mouth full of chocolate cake, "You seem to be doin' just fine now."
He smirked at the both of us.
"So It finally happened when you two was gone." Two chuckled as he laid back on the couch, "Bet ya went at it like rabbits, did ya?"
"U-Uh-No!" I blurted out, turning red.
Steve and Soda burst out laughing and teased us while Darry couldn't help but chuckle a bit. I also saw Pony and Johnny turn a pinkish color.
"Don't lie to me." Two shook his head, "I've been and slept with over hundreds of broads, some being virgins too. I could see it the moment you walked in that your walk was different. Almost kind of like, oh I dunno, a limp?"
I still kind of had the limp but it didn't really hurt that much anymore.
"Look at you, Mister Detective." Steve chuckled.
"Why, thank you." Two said in an elegant voice.
"Ooh!" Soda dragged out, "Dally and Y/N are getting some!!!"
"We did and it was an amazing time." Dallas confessed.
"Dallas!" I hissed as I slapped his chest with the back of my hand with embarrassment.
His comment only made them roar with laughter and whoop and whistle.
Johnny stifled a laugh and Pony was trying his hardest to ignore it.
"Hey, remember when we played truth or dare on my birthday?" Two said, wiping the tears from his eyes, "Y/N said that she would fuck Dallas! Your wish came true!"
Everyone was laughing even more. I laughed along with them but to be honest, I was incredibly embarrassed.
"Why don't y'all join us?" Soda offered, "We was just about to play cards."
"I'm down." I agreed.
Dallas nodded and we both walked to join them in for the fun.
After hours of laughter and fun, we all got pretty tired and decided to watch TV all together.
Dallas and I sat together on the couch with me on his lap. I snuggled into his neck and he pulled me in a bit closer.
"It's so wild." Johnny said, "You and Y/N are together now, a happy couple. It's so ironic. I'm glad that y'all have made up so well, it just proves that anyone can change and there is good in the world."
Everyone smiled and silently agreed with Johnny's comment. Dallas then tapped my shoulder to get me to look at him. When I did, he kissed me in front of all of them.
"Get a room!" Two joked, throwing a pillow at Dallas.
"We already did." Dallas said back with a smirk as he pulled away from the kiss.
"Oh my gosh." I rolled my eyes, "Can we steer away from the sex jokes?"
Everyone laughed again, whistling a bit at us.
"But in all seriousness." Soda said, shushing everyone, "Johnny's right. You guys are a really great couple."
He grabbed his bottle of coke and held it up high.
"To Y/N and Dal." He announced.
Everyone grabbed their soda and beer bottles and held them up.
"To Y/N and Dal!" They said in unison.
Some clinked their bottles together and drank.
"Aw." I gushed, "Thank you guys so much. I feel so at home when I'm around you all. I feel so happy."
Everyone grinned and nodded.
We all went back to watching TV. I felt myself getting sleepier by the minute.
Dallas knew and leaned up to my eye.
"You can sleep, doll." He whispered, "It's alright."
I leaned against him more and he started rubbing my arm, making me drowsy. I fell asleep in Dallas' arms, surrounded by the gang.

Doll Face Freak: Dallas x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now