Chapter 34

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It had been a surprisingly uneventful week ever since that incident with Bob. We hadn't talked since and he steers away from me if I'm near him.
Many of students asked where he'd gotten that big bruise on his forehead and he would stay silent. Guess he really learned his lesson.
After school, Dallas and I decided to walk to the Curtis house and hang out with everyone.
We were laughing and talking on our way there when we heard someone screaming for everyone in the gang. It sounded like Ponyboy.
We both immediately took off running to where the sound was coming from. Out on the street was a mustang and a ton of Socs around Pony who was laying on the ground.
Dallas took off to get the Socs while I ran to Ponyboy.
Everyone, along with Dallas, charged at the Socs and made them drive away from the territory, throwing sticks at them and grabbing onto their shirts if they could.
Pony sat up from the ground, looking around in shock and confusion.
Soda and Darry immediately rushed to him, Darry shook him violently.
Soda closely examined Pony and saw that his throat had a cut, not too serious but he was bleeding quite a lot.
"Uh," I spoke up. I dug into my pocket and pulled out some tissues, "Here, Soda."
"Thanks Y/N." Soda said, taking the tissues and cleaned Pony up.
Pony kept trying to wipe his tears away and acted tough but they kept coming, poor boy was scared.
"Hey, hey." Soda said softly to Pony, "It's okay buddy, they ain't gonna hurt you no more."
Pony nodded and stood up off the ground, brushing the dirt and rust off of him.
Darry went on and scolded Pony with no mercy, it was kind of awkward hearing their family problems. I just looked away and played with the pebbles on the ground.
Soda supported Pony and tried to lighten up the mood, making Darry smile a bit. But then he went back to a tough attitude and walked back home, muttering to himself while kicking at the dirt below him.
Soda talked to Pony a bit then ran off to hang out with Steve and talk a bit, leaving Pony alone with me.
"I'm sure now that Darry hates me." Pony hung his head down and wiped his last remaining tears from the shock. He kicked an empty can across the yard and shoved his hands in his pockets.
"Pony." I said, "He doesn't hate you. He's your big brother and he really cares for you."
"Hah, yeah right." He grumbled, "Bet he'd want to stick me in a boy's home. All he does is yell at me, the only language he speaks to me is yelling. 'Pony you idiot! Ya never use your damn head!' and 'Movies and books! Get your head out of the clouds and focus on school!' Ugh, I think the only thing keeping him back is because of Soda."
"Pony, don't say that. I've only known your family for a few months but I know you look out and care for each other. Darry doesn't look like it, but he cares for you Pony. He just doesn't want you to get hurt or throw away your life."
"I guess." He shrugged.
"Are they gone?" Johnny peeped, hiding behind the corner of the house.
"Yep." Two skipped, "But they got away..."
"Was it the guy with the rings?" Johnny asked, stepping out to join everyone.
"Nah." Dallas spoke up, fixing his leather jacket and walked back to us, "They ain't got rings on 'em, just your regular."
Johnny sighed of relief.
"Good, they didn't really look like 'em either." Johnny said.
"One day, Imma find the guy who did that to your face." Dallas pointed at Johnny, "And he's gonna pay. Have no idea who that guy is or where he is though, man."
I hung my head down a bit, I knew who it was.
"How are you, kid?" Dallas asked Pony.
"Alright." Pony shrugged.
"What were you doing wandering alone on the streets?" Steve now scolded Pony, flicking his ashes on him.
Pony's face turned into a irritated look when Steve talked to him, I could tell he didn't like him all that well. His mood changed instantly because of Steve, making me stifle a laugh.
"How you doing, Dal?" Steve shifted his attention from Pony, "Haven't seen you or Y/N in a while. Y'all are always somewhere together going at it."
I sighed and crossed my arms, cocking an eyebrow at Steve. Come to think of it, he kind of annoys me sometimes too. Every time he sees me, he always has a sex joke for me and Dal. Two used to do it but then he said it grew old, Steve didn't think so.
"Alright, man." Dallas responded with a smirk.
"Surprised you ain't gotten into the cooler yet, Dal." Pony pointed out.
"Yeah." Two agreed, "You always get yourself into real big trouble, but now you barely do anything illegal. Is Dallas evolving?"
"Nope." Dallas dug into his inside pocket and took out a few packs of cigarettes, "Stole these from the shop, just swiped 'em in front of the cashier when he wasn't looking."
He tossed some to Pony and Johnny, their faces lit up a little.
"But ya are getting soft, Dal." Steve said, "Ever since Y/N arrived, you been nothing but a saint. Is Y/N making you a softie?"
He did have a point. Dallas had been less tough, even around me.
"Shut the hell up." Dallas locked Steve playfully in his arms, "I may be different 'round Y/N, but I ain't gonna be soft on you or any of 'em damn Socs!"
"Alright, alright!" Steve laughed, "Let go!"
Dallas did then elbowed Steve, Soda just giggled at them.
"Say." Steve looked at me and Dallas, "Why don't y'all come with us and the girls to the drag race tomorrow night?"
"I wanna come." Pony said.
"Sorry, Pony." Soda spoke, "We're bringing the girls."
"Which means no kids allowed!" Steve shot at Pony, "And we ain't talking to you in the first place, we was talking to Dallas and Y/N."
"Big deal." Pony grumbled.
I just shrugged and looked at Dallas for an answer.
"Nah." He shook his head, "Feeling like doing something, you know, hunting for action. And little kids are allowed."
Pony gave Dallas a half smirk and raised both his eyebrows.
"Does that sound good, Doll?" Dallas asked me.
"Yeah, I'm up for anything." I responded.
"I'll go." Johnny said, "We'll go. Won't we, Pony?"
"Eh, I don't know." Pony looked a little nervously, "We can't get in any trouble. Darry says if do, the cops will come and the court would split us up."
"Who said we're doing anything illegal, man?" Dallas took a hit from a cigar, "I just wanna see a movie or something, not anything too bad like the good ol' days, right Johnny?"
Johnny nodded and smiled.
"So, movie tomorrow night?" I asked to make sure.
"Yeah." Dallas nodded, "Maybe we could do some stuff before it if we have time."
"I'll come over and join y'all maybe." Two-But joined in, "That is, if I don't get too drunk."
He hopped into his old, rusty car and asked Pony and Johnny for push. His car sputtered and started slowly rolling down the streets.
"See ya guys later!" He called out.
"What's the movie?" I asked Dallas.
"Maybe just some cheesy beach movie like always." He shrugged, pulling me in my arms, "I can buy you some snacks there, my treat."
"Hm, sounds good." I smiled as I leaned up and kissed him.
"You guys look so happy together." Johnny grinned, shoving his hands in his pockets while he walked towards us, "I've never seen Dallas so happy in a relationship."
We both looked at each other and smiled.
"Got that right, Johnny." Dallas responded, making my heart flutter.
"Ponyboy!" Dallas called out from the house, "You got homework!"
"See ya guys tomorrow." Pony sighed, making his way up the stairs.
"Where ya headed, Johnny?" Dallas asked.
"I don't know." Johnny shrugged, "Might wander a bit and go home I guess."
"Well, see ya tomorrow." Dallas said, patting Johnny's back, "Don't get in any trouble, you hear? If your folks hurt you again just tell me."
"Yeah yeah." Johnny gave a half smile.
"Be careful Johnny." I said to him.
"You too." Johnny said back.
Dallas and I walked out of the gate, hand in hand.
Since no one was planning to hang out today, we both just went home. Dallas and I were pretty excited about tomorrow.

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