Chapter 47

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~Dallas POV~

I knocked on the door and looked through the window.
"Hey, Buck!" I called, "It's Dallas, man!"
I heard his big footsteps and saw him walking to open the door.
"Hey, man." Buck said with his toothy smile.
We gave each other a handshake and Buck let me inside.
"You don't look too good, Dal." He pointed, "You lost weight, some muscle too."
"Yeah, it was my own fault." I sighed.
"I heard about what happened with you and your girl." He said as he offered me a beer. I took it.
"You know?" I asked.
"Everyone in town knows. Spread like wildfire."
I groaned a bit, but at the same time, I used to it.
"You alright?" Buck asked me.
"Yeah, a bit." I responded.
"Okay, you just seem different, probably just my imagination."
It wasn't. I finished the beer and set it down roughly. Right when I did, the door opened.
"Dal?" I looked over my shoulder and it was Tim. I can't believe I forgot about him, my pal.
"Tim." I said back as I shifted my body to face him.
"Where have you been?" Tim said worriedly mixed with irritation after a handshake, "You wasn't there at the rumble. And then I found out you went to jail and that girl you was talking shot and in a coma! Then you were bailed out, I've been looking but you was nowhere! Ever since you got that girl, you ain't telling me nothing, Dal! And I never see you doing trouble or fights with us no more."
"I know, Tim." I said, "I didn't mean for all this shit to happen and it's my bad for not telling you. There's just a lot going on and I just wanna talk with you right now."
"Alright." Tim glanced at me, "But you're gonna buy me a beer while you talk."
I bought him many, I knew I had a long story to tell. I told him everything that happened that the news didn't have. He never looked away and listened without a word.
"I wish I could've told you earlier, I'm so stupid." I sighed and slightly hit my fist on the counter.
Tim shook his head and roughly patted my shoulder.
"It's alright." He said, "We're here when you need us."
He stood up, dug his hand into his pocket, and gave me change to pay me back for the beer. He walked away towards the door and stopped.
"It's good to see you're still alive." He said without turning his head, "Just don't go soft, you pansy."
"Wasn't planning to, Penis Breath." I said back mischievously.
Tim looked over his shoulder and chuckled lowly with a smirk. He turned forward again and left out the door. I watched his figure walk past the window until it was gone.
"I got somewhere to be today, Dal." Buck said as he came around the corner while putting on a jacket, "I have to close up."
"It's alright, I was just popping in for a visit." I said as I stood up.
We both started to head for the door.
"Stay safe out there, Huh?" Buck ordered me.
"Yeah, thanks." I shook his hand.
We both parted ways but I didn't know where I should go next. I decided to just wander, I was still afraid to go to the hospital and everyone was out doing their own thing. I realized now that people stared at me more intently than before. Parents hid their children away from me and steered clear. A cop watched me cross the street. I just want to be alone. I need a cigarette.
I sighed as I sat on the curb of the street, leaning my head against the pole as I lit the cigarette.
I'm sorry...
My eyes widened and I looked around. That was Y/N's voice. Then it hit, the memory when we sat together in the rain came back, replaying so vividly. This was the exact same curb. I could see the non existent, cold rain pour on the streets, and something warm. I slowly touched the back of my shoulder, I could almost feel her soft hand. What I would give just to have her safe with me.
"Dallas!" A voiced called out to me.
The memory vanished as I was popped back into reality. A real clean car skidded to a stop along the side of the road.
It was Cherry who called me. She hopped out swiftly and said something to someone in the car. Randy. He hesitantly stepped out and walked beside Cherry towards me.
I stood up and kept a hostile presence in front of Randy and blew a smoke cloud in his face. His face twisted slightly and he swatted the smoke away.
"Oh gosh, I've heard what happened lately!" She said to me in a frantic worry, "I just feel so awful! They won't let me into the hospital to visit and you were the breaking news of the entire town. How's Y/N?"
"Wow, I'm so glad to see that you care about me after all that happened." I said sarcastically.
"Well, you're always rude to me and I can see that you're clearly fine!" Cherry snapped back.
I let out a growled sigh.
"I haven't seen Y/N yet, last time...never mind." I managed to get out.
Cherry wasn't having it. Her neatly drawn eyebrows knitted into irritation. I was starting to hate this bitch.
"What?! No you gonna tell me if she's alright or not-!" Cherry walked up to me.
"Cherry." Randy put his arm in front of her, "He's going through some things too."
He whispered the last part, I pretended not to hear.
Cherry stopped and realized she was going too far. She sighed and looked down, crossing her arms.
"Sorry." She mumbled.
I said nothing to Cherry. I looked up at Randy in the eyes, he looked away. Coward.
"So are y'all just here for Y/N?" I said with a little anger in my voice.
"I didn't, I mean I do care, but you're going under worse things than I am." Randy looked down, "I just feel so stressed right now, nothing feels normal."
"But you ain't done nothing." I said back.
"I know!" He snapped, he caught his tone and cleared his throat, "I know. That's the thing, I ain't done nothing for Bob and everyone else and look at where they are now. My best friend is dead, I led him to it and ran away like a coward. I thought I was tough but now I feel like I can't do this anymore. I wish I can do something right."
Randy kicked at another stone and turned to walk away.
"I..." I blurted out, he turned back to face me, "I know how that feels."
Spilling my feelings to them made me cringe inside but there was no turning back now.
I tried to say more when Randy stopped me.
"It's good, Winston." He said with a small smile, "It's over now, all we gotta do is move forward. And talking about this in public can hurt your reputation."
I smirked back and nodded. Silence filled the air where we stood for a minute.
"Look, we don't have to be friends." He said, "But I just want you to know that we ain't those kind of Socs and we're here if you need us."
I was still kind of suspicious of him but what the hell.
I reached out my hand and motioned him to shake it. He did with a smile.
He and Cherry walked back to the car where the drove off in that beacon of a car.
I wondered what I was going to do next, time moved slowly today. Randy said to move forward, good advice. I kept walking straight, letting my mind wander. Now I was starting to act like Ponyboy. I was crossing the street when I hauled to a stop. The hospital was right in front of me. I had no idea how I got here, I should've kept a sharp mind. I gulped and a strange feeling came from inside me.
"Hey, get a move on, Punk!" A guy honked at me which started a chain of people judging me.
I learned how to walk again and sat down near the hospital entrance. I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't want to see her, I was afraid to see her like that. And what if I lose her then? I can't bare to see it a second time.
Then again, a voice told me to go inside. I miss her face, her soft skin, her lips. Even if it's the last time, at least I can get one more good glimpse of her. I chuckled to myself, I promised Tim I wouldn't go soft but I lied.
"Shit." I muttered slightly, I didn't have a gift on me.
I look around to see small flower patches near the walls of the Hospital. Easy. I walked inside with weak legs, a bundle of flowers, and an innocent smile.
I finally reached Y/N's floor and my heart was beating out of my chest. I took a deep breath and turned around the corner to the hallway where her room was from.
I accidentally dropped the bouquet when I saw her mom sitting there. The flowers scattered across the floor and peddles flew in the air. She stared right through my soul. I knew I was dead meat then and there. Way to go, Dallas.

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