Chapter 40

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I hung my backpack over my shoulder and checked one last time that I had everything I needed. Most of the stuff was for Pony and Johnny.
Some water, a Pepsi (For Pony of course because I knew his addiction for Pepsi), a couple baloney sandwiches I prepared, some medical supplies just in case, and a few jackets.
It was kind of a lot, but I just felt so worried for them.
I checked the time and nodded my head.
"Mom!" I called out, "I'm heading out!"
"Where?" She called back.
"Going out with Dallas again, he's gonna pick me up in a few minutes."
"Okay, be careful. Be back by dinner, no more staying over there, you have homework."
"Yeah, yeah."
I saw her at the dining table, laying out lunch.
"Have a bit, Y/N." She said.
"Nah, I'm not hungry."
"You haven't even finished your breakfast and you've barely eaten these past days." She said with a worried look.
"I'm fine, Mom." I reassured her with a happy smile, "I just don't feel hungry, I'll eat dinner when I come home."
She shook her head and looked at me with a serious look.
"What?" I asked.
"I know that when you don't eat, something's wrong." She raised her eyebrow.
"Everything's alright, Mom." I lied, I was stressed out of my mind this pass week, "Homework just got to me, Dallas is taking me out to relax. I'll be home before dinner and be relaxed enough to eat."
She thought a little then went back to the table.
"No excuses about not coming here on time again." She said.
I laughed and nodded.
There was a honk outside so I looked through the window to see Dallas waiting in the car, looking cool and tough with a pair of sunglasses and his arm resting on the side.
"Bye Mom." I said, walking out the front door.
I walked to the car with a smile.
"What's with the bulky bag?" He asked.
"Stuff for Pony and Johnny." I plopped down in the front seat.
"Huh, never thought of that." Dallas shrugged.
He took his sunglasses that were dangling on his fingers and put them on coolly while giving me his famous grin that would always make me blush.
"Alright, let's go." He said.
He drove pretty fast and recklessly like he always did. We almost got hit and a man yelled, "Damn punks!"
Dally flipped him off but chuckled and had a satisfied look on his face. I gripped onto the seat tightly and made sure I was strapped in. I even apologized to some of the people for Dallas' mischievous behavior, but you got to love him for that.
After a matter of minutes because of his speeding, we reached an area that I've never been to before. Dallas looked like he knew the place with the back of his hand.
"We're here." He said, nodding towards my direction.
I looked and saw an old church that time had forgotten. Pony and Johnny were really in there. I haven't seen them in five days yet it felt like five months.
He parked a few blocks away and not in front to avoid suspicion because there were about a few locals around.
We got out and followed Dal around the building, finding a broken window to sneak it.
Then he let out a long, low whistle ending in a high note. I knew the gang sometimes did this and I thought it was pretty cool.
There was no answer. Dallas found the window and hopped right in before helping me inside.
Then we saw them as clear as day. Johnny was focused on a book to even notice us and Pony was asleep.
"Glory," Dallas chuckled, nudging Pony, "looks different with his hair like that."
Pony opened his eyes and a smile grew on his face.
"Hey, Dally! Hey, Y/N!" He grinned.
"Hi Ponyboy." Dallas grinned and ruffled up Pony's hair.
He really did look different, his hair was bleached way too blonde and it was sloppily cut short. A greaser's pride and soul was hair, I knew that was Pony's. I could tell he hated the new cut.
Pony was piling questions on Dallas until he shut him up by giving him Soda's letter. Pony sat on the bench and read silently with a serious look.
Johnny got up and smiled while walking towards us.
I hugged him. He felt better than I last saw him but physically, not so good.
I examined his now short and un-greased hair, his dirt covered clothes, and his pale and thin body. Luckily, no injuries.
Pony was the same too.
"Have you guys been eating at all?" I asked worriedly.
"Yeah, but I want something other than baloney." Johnny said in a quiet, raspy voice.
"Yeah, y'all don't look too fancy." Dallas pointed out, "You too Y/N."
"Huh?" I asked, "Why me?"
"You look like you've also lost weight." He examined me more, "You've had less energy these days and you look a little pale and skinnier."
"Alright detective." I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine, don't worry about me."
"Got any food in there?" Johnny asked shyly.
"I have some food, but it's baloney." I realized with a laugh. So did Johnny who gave a disgusted expression.
So much for being prepared.
Pony finished the letter and got up.
"Is it safe to go out?" He asked eagerly.
"Yep, cops don't stop to look around here." He said, "Let's grab a bite to eat on me, I'm starved ."
"You're starved?" Johnny squeaked, "Try baloney for five days then you'll be starved."
We all laughed and made our way out the window.
"Wise ass." Dallas grinned, ruffling Johnny's short, black locks.
"Oh, hang on Pony." I said, digging into my bag, "Here."
I pulled out a Pepsi bottle and handed it to him. A smile grew across his face.
"Hey, great timing." He opened it quickly, "We ran out and I was craving one."
"I figured." I smiled.
"Man," Dallas looked at Pony again, "I don't think I'll get used to your hair any time soon. You and Soda had the toughest hair I'd ever seen."
"Yeah, I know." Pony cringed, "Don't need to rub it in."
By the time we went inside the car, Pony had almost finished the whole bottle. Dallas was driving even more recklessly now that he was in an even better mood.
"Hey, hey!" He announced, "No hands!"
"Dallas!" I hissed.
The car swerved into the wrong lane and was about to hit a car when I quickly reached over and turned the steering wheel. My heart felt like it skipped a beat.
Dallas was laughing so hard, he could barely breath.
"You trying to get us killed?" Pony exclaimed in the back.
Johnny slumped back in the seat with relief but still gripped onto the seat tightly.
"Calm down, calm down." Dallas finally said as he turned to the Dairy Queen, "We're still in one piece."
"Would've been a million pieces of Y/N hadn't saved our asses from you." Johnny mumbled sassily.
I burst out laughing because Johnny was rarely salty.
"Boy," Dallas looked over his shoulder, "If you weren't Johnnycake I'd clobber you so hard that you'd see stars in the day."
"Yeah, yeah just drive." Johnny couldn't help but smile and turn red.
Dallas ordered bbq sandwiches, fries, hot fudge sundaes, and cokes for all of us and parked far in the parking lot.
Johnny and Pony ate like it was their last meal.
"Glory," Dallas looked at them with awe, "Y'all weren't kidding, and I thought I was starved. Calm your engines! There's plenty more where that came from."
They only ate faster than before.
I took some fries and munched on them, taking a small sip from my coke once in a while. Dallas glanced at me and shrugged.
"Hey, there's some news going on around," Dallas spoke, "Socs aren't gettin any friendlier. The guy you killed had a ton of friends and now it's all out Socs against Greasers. It ain't safe to walk alone, so I've carried a heater around-,"
He pulled out a gun and I practically choked.
"Dally!" Pony exclaimed, "You kill people with heaters!"
"Yeah and you kill 'em with switchblades too." Dallas said back.
That made Johnny stop eating and gulp down.
"Don't worry." He reassured, putting it back, "It ain't loaded but makes a hell of a bluff."
I let out a heavy sigh of relief. But still, it could get you in a lot of trouble.
Dallas told them about everything about Cherry and the rest of the news.
Johnny paused and looked down at his sandwich.
"We gon turn ourselves in." He said.
"What?" Dallas' eyebrows furrowed and he looked at Johnny with confusion and rising anger.
"Johnny? You sure?" I asked.
He nodded and explained quietly yet firmly that it was self defense and all.
Dallas let out a scowl because he knew Johnny was serious.
He hit the car a couple times and grumbled to himself angrily which caused a deafening silence between us.
The drive on the road was silent too. Pony sat awkwardly while Johnny hung his head down sadly.
Dallas glanced back and his eyebrows finally relaxed a bit.
"Johnny, I ain't mad." He confessed in a voice I've only heard a few times, "I just don't want you to get thrown in jail, it does things to you...and I don't want you to end up all tough."
Johnny and Dallas were talking when something caught my eye. I saw a cloud of black smoke rising from the side.
I looked and gasped loudly, so loudly that everyone turned to look at my direction.
The church was on fire.
They must've dropped a cigar, maybe. But I knew that this was our doing.
Dallas stopped a good distance away and Pony hopped out of the car.
"Hey-," Dallas called out to him.
Pony just ran to the class gathering around the church.
Johnny soon followed.
"No!" Dallas yelled, trying to grab onto Johnny.
I went along too.
"Are y'all out of your damn mind?!" Dallas yelled.
We both stopped behind Pony.
"Jerry some of the kids are missing!" A lady ran frantically to the man.
Then there were faint screams heard inside, no way.
"Ponyboy!" Johnny called out to him but he couldn't hear.
Pony sprung into action and tried tearing the window open through the smoke. He climbed inside and disappeared.
Johnny and I nodded and immediately followed after him. For some reason, I didn't feel scared. I think Johnny felt it too. All I could think of was save the kids.
"Pony!" Johnny put his hand on him.
They yelled over the crackling but I still couldn't hear them. I didn't care and started maneuvering around the broken planks and fire.
"Watch your step!!!" I yelled as loud as I could.
We reached a room where all the scared kids were located.
I didn't feel like the shy girl I was before but I felt brave.
"Don't worry!" I told all the kids, "We'll get you out!"
Johnny grunted and broke some of the planks off the window. He was surprisingly strong and brave now too.
Dallas was outside and removing the planks.
"Dallas catch them!" I yelled.
Pony, Johnny, and I started throwing kids out the window as fast as we could. The smoke started growing thicker than ever and it was getting hard to see and breath.
I coughed and tried covering my face with my shirt, but the smoke was starting to blur my vision.
I felt myself getting a bit lightheaded but I still kept a sharp mind.
I saw Pony getting hauled out the window by Dallas, but where was Johnny?
"Johnny!" I called out.
I heard him coughing greatly and finally saw him a few feet behind me.
"Let's go!" I yelled, "Hurry!"
"Y/N!" Dallas yelled outside, "Where are you?!"
He sounded desperately worried.
I was about to answer back when I heard a loud snap of timber above us.
My eyes widened as I saw it break off the ceiling, coming straight for Johnny.
Without hesitation, I jumped in front of him.

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