Chapter 18

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Dally and Soda started running as fast as they could to him. Pony, Steve, and I followed behind them.
Johnny was lying face down, he was head to toe covered in dirt.
"Shit, Johnny." Dally muttered with concern under his breath.
"Johnnycake?" Soda said softly.
He slowly and gently turned Johnny's body. I almost threw up at the sight of his beaten body.
Blood stained his clothes in splatters like an abstract painting. His face was so cut up and bruised, he didn't look like Johnny.
More blood dripped down from the gash on his cheek and onto the ground.
It looked like something out of a horror movie.
Pony stumbled back and froze, he looked like he was going to be sick too.
Steve fell to his knees right next to Soda, I could hear him groaning something.
Darry and Two rushed over to us from across the street. Two looked different because his face was always comical, now it was filled with shock and anger.
Darry watched the scene, standing there speechless.
Dally started cursing and he held his mouth like he was going to puke. I thought Dal was the toughest and meanest out of everyone, meaning that he doesn't mind gore. But he looked like he had seen a ghost.
Johnny was motionless, like he was dead. I was hoping he was alive and so did everyone else.
Soda called his attention. Johnny managed to say Soda's name but his eyes didn't open.
Johnny told us he got jumped by some Socs and he told us about a guy with rings, that was the only thing he remembered about the guy. He was telling us the whole story when he couldn't take it anymore, he started sobbing uncontrollably.
Johnny was so broken and hurt, it was painful watching him like that.
To think that Johnny was smiling and brave earlier today, now he was scared out of his mind. I had a feeling that this day would scar him physically and mentally for the rest of his life.
Soda started to comfort Johnny in a soft voice.
"We have to take him inside before he bleeds too much." I said.
Darry carefully picked up Johnny in his arms, carrying him without much effort because Johnny was pretty light.
We all went inside the Curtis house and gently went to clean up Johnny.
Soda took Johnny's blood stained clothes off and put on new ones on him.
I was cleaning up Johnny's face.
I was slow and my touch was light, I didn't want to hurt him more.
Johnny was sniffing and breathing fast. He was still trembling with fear from being jumped. His wide eyes were bloodshot and scared.
He sort of made me remember the time Dallas had pushed me to the ground and Johnny and Soda came to save me. I was scared, hurt, and shaking like he was. Only, his treatment was worse than mine.
A tear rolled down his cheek and I wiped away with my hand.
"We're here for you Johnny." I said softly.
"Th-Thanks." He mustered out in a raspy voice.
I smiled a bit and continued to clean his face, now putting bandages over his skin.
He weakly put his arms around me to give me a hug.
I hugged him back and stroked his hair. I felt him bury his face into my shoulder as he cried himself to sleep.
Everyone watched Johnny and me around the living room.
I carefully laid Johnny down on the couch and put a pillow under his head.
Darry got blankets and covered Johnny while he slept.
The only noise in the room was Johnny's still trembling breathing.
We all watched Johnny with worry.
Then Dallas immediately got up from the chair, making everyone jump.
He had his head hung down low so we couldn't see his face. His fists were clenched so hard that they were shaking. He let out a low growl between he gritted his teeth then muttered something I couldn't understand.
Dal finally looked up. His fiery eyes could turn a person into stone.
I felt a wave of fear rush over me for a second when I saw his face in a dangerous mood. Last time I saw him looking like this was that day when we fought back in elementary school.
Everyone looked different when they're mad, but Dal looked like a whole new different person.
Dallas slowly walked to the front door.
"Where ya going?" Two asked quietly.
Dal didn't answer. He opened the front door and left, slightly slamming the door behind him.
Everyone stared at the door speechless. I got up off the ground and faced everyone.
"I'll follow him." I said.
"Be careful." Pony said, "When Dal is in a dangerous mood, he does dangerous things."
"I know." I responded as I clenched my fists, "I'll see you guys soon."
I walked out the front door and started searching for Dallas.

Doll Face Freak: Dallas x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now