>Playful Punches<

233 14 5

-Georges POV-

->>Wednesday, 12:23pm<<-

I continued to feel sad from earlier. My best friend... Is going to die...

Jacob's the closest thing I have to a best friend right now. We may tease each other a lot but that doesn't mean we aren't friends. Zak wasn't even as close to him as I am and he cried earlier. They have no idea how I really feel. Sad? Depressed? Words couldn't explain the amount of sadness I'm feeling. But still, I smiled. I put on that fake face that everyone uses so often these days. But sometimes, you have to really try. Try as hard as you possibly can to make things better.

Zak - "Should we wake up Dave?"

Jacob - "We should eat the pizza before he wakes up. Then he won't know we ate any."

George - "Remember what happened last time we didn't share?"

Jacob - "Whatever. I won't share my ideas then."

The last time we didn't share our Mexican food with Dave he got angry, very angry. He tackled Jacob and lightly punched him. You'd think Jacob would have learned, but no. Jacob... We should tell him about his guaranteed death.

I sighed.

George - "Jacob... There is something we should tell you..."

Jacob - "What is it?"

I watched as Jacob looked me in the eyes with a somewhat serious look. I felt guilt wash over me. We needed to tell him.

Zak - "Well... You know how about a year ago that tall creature told us about only one of us making it out alive?"

Jacob - "Yeah?"

Zak - "You're connected to both George and I. So either way you won't survive..."

Jacob - "I know."

Wait, he knows?! I was expecting him to just figure it out now and have a breakdown or something. I watched as he continued to eat his slice of pizza not surprised.

George - "Aren't you sad?"

Jacob - "Kind of... But at the same time. If I fix the cube I'd be able to take us back two years and stop Clay from doing that face reveal."

I face palmed. Why couldn't I have thought of that before? But wait... What if something goes wrong and he does end up dying? 

George - "It might be too risky."

Jacob - "Yeah but-"

We heard a phone ringing. Jacobs broke. And Zak's was in his pocket. I stood up and walked over to the kitchen counter seeing it was my phone that was ringing, I picked it up.

??? - "H-Help. Sp-Sp-Spifey. Cold, m-mountain. S-seymour..."

George - "Hello?"

No response.

George - "Are you ok?"

Still no answer.

The phone got hung up. I was confused. Who was that? There voice didn't sound familiar.

Zak - "George? Who is it?"

George - "I don't know. It was an unknown number. They're voice was shaky and they said something about being on a mountain and some place called Seymour."

Jacob - "Hold on."

I watched as Jacob snatched Zak's phone and googled something.

Zak - "Hey! Give it back!"

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