>Panda Man<

217 12 10

-Zaks POV-

->>_Week Date:, 00:00_<<-

Nick - "Yeah... Heh... We do have time to talk, so ask anything."

Zak - "I'm just really confused now, so could you explain more about everything?"

Nick - "Ok, so listen. Everybody who Clay has killed, is inside of the cube that Dave has right now. If it gets broken. We get freed, but if we get freed, we forget everything. So that cube has all our memories n' stuff. So during the fight, don't let it break. Got it?"

Zak - "Okay?"

Nick - "Also... Darryl is not alive, he's dead but his soul is in the cube, along with the memories. Just like the rest of us. George, Dave, and Mega will get to see him, but you won't."

Zak - "W-Why?"

Nick - "Because you're corrupted. Clay is too... So... Once you both die. You will be sent to a place worse than hell. No one really knows what it is called, so we call it the void. But when you're dead, you'll become a viewer. They have all their memories of their past lives, but they can't hurt themselves or kill themselves. They will forever exist just to watch us. That's what you and Clay will become. You guys will look just like the rest of them. Tall, black, white eyes. You should know the looks, I know you've seen one before."

Zak - "S-so I can see Darryl?"

Nick - "Yeah but... You can't talk to him. Only Things can. But they are evil, down to the heart. Yes, one did talk to you one time. They're identical to viewers, except they can talk and control people."

Zak - "So... Clay i-is being controlled?"

Nick - "Yeah... Since he's not dead, he can't talk to us, and never will be able to."

Zak - "Doesn't that make you sad?"

I saw a body appear in front of me. It was black and white just like everything else I saw. Then I realized, it was Nick!

Nick - "Listen. After Clay ran off all evil. George has been crying all this time. It's been a month since I've pushed those feelings away. All this time, we've been watching, just like the viewers, except, we don't stay forever."

Zak - "What do you mean?"

Nick - "Once there is nobody left except for the survivor, one of two things could happen. If the one survivor doesn't die, then we'll be able to roam the earth as spirits with all our memories and we will be able to connect with all the other people who died within our generation, but if earth gets destroyed, we get sent to a new planet, but except we build a new society and our generations will create a new world so we can start over. But if you all die and Clay takes over... We will be trapped in the cube forever, just watching the kaos grow until all life is gone. Then we just disappear and not remember anything."

Zak - "That's deep..."

Nick - "I know. Everybody is watching you Zak. You can't kill Clay yet, but what will happen is I will fight for you, while you need to say your last goodbyes."

Zak - "I thought you said I couldn't see anyone?"

Nick - "That's after you die. When you're ready I will unpause time and fight Clay while you say your goodbyes to the others watching you. But you will only have so long to say goodbye before your cursed to watch us for the rest of time. So make these words count. You have all the time in the world, unless you want to stay here with me forever until you get bored out of your mind."

Zak - "This... This is a lot to drop on me at once."

Nick - "I know. Also, good news. When you turn into a viewer your won't have to go to the bathroom anymore!"

Zak - "I... Ok then."

Nick - "Take your time, you'll need it."

Ok... So... What... What do I say to... Darryl... I thought he was gone all this time... He... He was here... He was never gone... He was just watching... Fuck... He probably blames himself for coming to me and not just... Dying...

I tried crying, but I couldn't. Speaking of which. The only thing I was able to move was my head. Everything else was basically frozen, except for Nick... Who wasn't really there. Did I just want to stay here forever? Knowing Darryl is alive? But I'd never be able to talk to him again... I need to man up and say goodbye.

I'd still be able to see him... Right?

Zak - "You said I'd be able to see Darryl?"

Nick - "Yeah. Also... In this form. None of us age, so... We haven't gotten older. Darryl looks the same. Oh umm... Also... You will be able to talk to Dave, George, and Mega after Clay is weak... Oh wait... One more thing... Clay was talking to you about a cure right?"

Zak - "Yes?"

Nick - "The cure, is your heart. I'm serious. So... After I leave, you gotta rip it out of you."


Nick - "Sorry, I forget things sometimes."

Zak - "Maybe someone else should've come to help me."

Nick - "Damn. For your last words to me that's pretty mean. Not nice man."

Zak - "So... I have to rip my own heart out?"

Nick - "Yeah. But, you can't just give it to Clay, you need to convince George and Mega to turn it into a liquid, since George can burn it down, and Mega can freeze it and let the water melt around it. That's when you need to get them to inject it into Clay."

Zak - "How do you even know all this?"

Nick - "Have I not mentioned before I can hear everything you guys are saying? We can hear everything that's coming from the cube, but everything is delayed, so if you tell us something, we'd not be able to hear it for another hour or so ahead."

Zak - "Wow. So you've been watching everything?"

Nick - "We can only see out of the eyes of the people connected to the cube, so yours, Georges, and Megas, or the cube itself. Also, all of us saw Dave cry."

Zak - "Dave cried?"

Nick - "Yeah. When he walked out of the shed thing you guys stayed in, he said he needed to think or something. Then he cried and the funny part is Jacob cried because of that, it was heartwarming. If Dave is the survivor, he won't be able to see us, so... Jake is kind of hoping he dies."

Zak - "That sounds so mean... But it's so understandable."

Nick - "I know. So... Let's hope Dave dies."

I chuckled at that sentence. Now we WANT Dave to die.

Nick - "So yeah. That's everything... Ummm... Let me know when you want to say goodbye."

Zak - "Oh... Uhhh... Ok."

What do I tell Darryl... I need more time to think about this.

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