
241 14 4

-Jacobs POV-

->>_Wednesday, 4:17pm_<<-

I managed to open the door with one hand while I held the cube. I kicked off my shoes and walked past the others straight into one of the bedrooms not caring which one it is. I checked to see if it had a lock on the door, but it didn't.

I sighed and layed myself down on the bed. I noticed a clock on the bedside and saw it was 4pm already.

I guess time really flies by when you're consumed in your own thoughts.

I glanced back at my hand which still looked kind of bubbly. It should heal up in a few days. I sighed and looked at the cube one more time.

This time when I looked at the cube it was different. It had the same colors, same numbers, but it was different somehow. I couldn't put my finger on what it was. I stared at it until there was a knock on the door. I hid my hand under the blanket.

Jacob - "Come in."

I watched the door open and saw George walk in.

Jacob - "What is it?"

George - "I wanted to see if you were okay. You seem uncomfortable, you okay?"

I laughed nervously.

Jacob - "Yeah. Just not really feeling the best."

I watched as George came and sat down by my feet.

George - "Like, are you feeling sick? Or not in a good mood?"

Jacob - "Uhh..."

Think of something Jacob, think!

Jacob - "I-I'm fine!"

Jeez, you really got him fooled this time. That stutter was an immediate give away.

George - "Come on."

He scooted a little closer but I backed up further onto the bed.

George - "Jacob, what's wrong. You usually don't act this way unless you're being bothered."

I mentally screamed at myself for stuttering.

Why did I have to stutter?! Now of all times!? If he sees my hand he'll go into full on question mode! I don't know whether I want to be alone right now or not.

George - "Tell me."

He looked me in the eyes. Seeing him serious was kind of funny, so I began to laugh. I watched as George face palmed. Right before I thought he was going to get up and leave, my stupid body forgot about my hand for a split second and put weight on it causing me to let out a small yell.

I pulled my hand towards my chest wrapping my other hand around it dropping the cube while doing so.


George saw my quick reactions and stood up and walked next to me while I layed on the bed. He just stood there confused yet I could see the worried look in his eyes.

George - "Are you sure you're okay?"

Jacob - "I'm fine ok?!"

My breathing quickened. I don't know why I was panicking but I couldn't stop.

George - "Calm down."

The pain in my hand subsided a little after the dumb thing my brain decided to do.

George - "Is your hand ok?"

He gestured to the hand I was hiding from him.

Jacob - "Ok, listen. I'm not ok, but I can deal with this myself. I'm not a baby, I'm not Zak, I'm old enough to take care of myself, ok?"

George - "At least let me see it. Please?"

I'm not dumb enough to fall for this. He's going to make me show him my hand, take me to the hospital, and waste our time giving Clay that extra time to catch up.

Jacob - "No. Like I said, I'm not a kid anymore ok?"

George - "Fine. But when your hand starts hurting more, don't come crawling back to me."

I watched as he walked away towards my door.

Jacob - "Wait."


Jacob - "I'll only show you if you promise not to take me to a hospital because that will only slow us down."

George - "Alright. I promise."

I saw the happiness in my friends eyes as he walked over to me willing to help. I sighed and showed him my hand.

Jacob - "It's not that bad. I'll be fine, ok?"

George - "Dude. You should-"


He sighed.

George - "At least go run it under cold water, it looks like a burn. How did you get it anyways?"

I lifted up the cube off of the bed and showed him.

George - "Did it burn you or something?"

Jacob - "Yeah. I think it was a malfunction or something along those lines."

We heard Zak call George's name.

George - "Just make sure your hand will be ok. I have to go see what Zak wants, alright?"

Jacob - "Alright..."

I watched as he smiled at me then left the room. I sighed and got comfy in the bed I was laying on.

I glanced at my hand while laying down, I hated how it looked. All those small bubbles presumably filled with some sort of puss. I moved my fingers a little bit feeling the pain I got from doing so. 

Maybe my luck has just run out. Or maybe this is some sort of karma, who knows?

I used my one good hand to wrap the white blanket around me. All I wanted to do right now was sleep. I really needed to take my mind off of something so I thought about everything we've done so far and then I remembered something. The phone call from earlier.

George said we'd go tomorrow, but what if it's too late? We need to go find that person. I don't care who they are. I might die soon, but I will die a hero if anything. I want to be remembered for doing something before I die. Maybe I could get Techno to drive me to that place that they told George about, Seymour was it? 

That person, I feel like they're dying right now and won't last much longer where they are. What if Clay is there with them? I normally wouldn't bother with doing something like this but I feel a connection between us. Even if we haven't met each other before... Unless we have.

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