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-Mega's POV-

->>_Friday, 11:56am_<<-

Don't wait until it's too late to tell someone how much you like them, or how much you care.

Because when they're gone...

No matter how loud you shout and cry,

They won't hear you anymore.

Why him? Out of all of us, why him?! I was supposed to die, not HIM!

I continued to run. I don't know why I was a giant cat, but all I knew is that now, I really was mute, just like how it was supposed to be this whole time.

I saw a street ahead of me. With cars all different sizes. All I knew is that I needed to get away from Clay. He's much more powerful than I expected.

He's like the terminator, because if you knock him down, he'll get right back up again.

I wanted to cry so badly. But when I tried, the empty void inside me stopped me from doing so. My brain told me he was in a better place. There is no better place. Once you're dead, you're dead. No excuses. When I die, I know I won't remember this life. Since Jacob is gone... I won't want to remember it.

I jumped into the middle of the road and jumped over some of the cars. I was a bit smaller than your average jeep. Being a lot bigger made me feel powerful, like I could conquer cities.


I couldn't talk or speak. I just continued to casually just run through the road hearing horns and screams. I had no clue where Zak was. I just wanted to get away from Clay. I don't want to ever see his face again.

All of a sudden I heard something familiar.

A helicopter.

Great, now I was going to be on the news. (Sorry I laughed at this but I'm thinking of Jude at home right now just seeing this on the news XD Sorry I really wanted to share that thought.)

I jumped onto a car hearing a loud crunching noise. It was like stepping on a leaf but more satisfying.


I could feel things in this weird cat body. But I couldn't feel pain. I wish I couldn't feel pain mentally, that'd be great.


I just sat down on the car doing nothing.

Seeing George and Dave panic cheered me up a little. So after a minute of teasing I stood up and continued to run.

I ran down the road until I saw an open field so I decided to jump onto the grass and run from the authorities. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my leg causing me to collapse.

I thought I couldn't feel pain while being this way!?

All of a sudden pain flooded throughout my body. I tried making any kind of noise but nothing came out. I saw that Dave and George were okay. I don't know what happened next, but before I knew it, everything went black.

->>_Friday, 1:37pm_<<-

I sat up quickly. Where was I?! What was going on?!

I just noticed I was on a metal table. At first I thought the cops had got us until I saw George, Zak, and Dave walk in which relieved me a little. Then it took me another minute to realize I was half naked.

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