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-Dave's POV-

->>_Saturday, 7:36am_<<-

I watched as Mega layed on the cold pavement.

George - "Mega... I'm sorry..."

Dave - "Why are you saying sorry to him? You do realize he can't hear you?"

George - "Whatever Dave, come on, help me get him out of there."

I sighed and grabbed onto one of Megas arms as George grabbed onto the other. We tried to be as careful as possible, but then we noticed he had lots of scratches on his body.

George - "We need to get him help, and fast."

Dave - "We can't take him to the hospital, they will ask us too many questions."

George - "You're right about that... I mean... We could break into somewhere..."

Dave - "What if we just found an abandoned building? There must be one around here somewhere."

George - "Alright, you want me to carry him?"

Dave - "Nah, I got him."

I picked him up carefully, bridal style.

We exchanged glances before carefully stepping onto the path, looking both ways to make sure nobody will see us. Luckily, nobody was in view since it was so early, and the road we were near was pretty empty.

We didn't look at each other and just walked in silence.

He's probably mad at me from the whole clothes thing... I just wanted to help him, I never meant for him to hate me... Does he really hate me? Or am I thinking about the situation too strongly...

I didn't want to make any eye contact with George. Not only to save myself embarrassment, but because I didn't want him to dislike me any more than he already does.

George - "Look, maybe we could go in there."

We saw a building in front of us that looked broken down and had police tape covering the entrance.

Dave - "Yeah, we should look for another way in other than the front doors."

The building we were looking at was a closed off pizza place. They might have bandages in there for Mega as well.

We cautiously approached the building crossing a road. We snuck around the building to the back of the place and saw a large metal door. I carefully gave Mega to George and walked up to the door, pulling on it.


I looked around seeing if there was any other way in, until I saw a window behind a garbage bin. I pushed the bin out of the way of the window and looked around for something I could break it with. I smiled as I saw a brick on the ground that I picked up. I turned back to the window and hit it with the brick, cracking it.

I hit it continuously until the window broke open.

Well that was kind of loud...

I made a hand gesture for George to get inside. I carefully got into the building being careful not to get cut by the glass.

He gently gave Mega to me as George got inside as well. We were in what looked to be a storage room. I looked to the door of the storage room, opening it.

It led to a large room, which looked like the kitchen, were the pizza was made.

I cautiously looked around it until I saw another door that said "Office" on it. I opened the door, thankfully it wasn't locked, and told George to come in here as well.

Inside of the room, there was a desk, with a large black chair. To the back right of the chair there was a bookcase. The rest of the room had a few dead plants in it, but other than that, it was empty, and dusty.

I layed Mega on the ground.

George - "Dave, could you look around for a medkit while I check Mega's wounds?"

Dave - "Sure.

I left the room closing the door behind me. I began looking around for the medkit while thinking about earlier.

I feel like something is wrong with me, no matter how sappy it sounds, I just feel... Different. Like I don't belong here. I don't know where my confidence has gone, but maybe it's just because I know Clay could pop out of nowhere and kill me. Even if I always said "Technoblade never dies." That was in Minecraft, but this is real life. I'm still shocked I've made it this long without dying. I mean... So many people died before me, and I can't help but feel a bit guilty for it, but still, if I wasn't here, George and Mega might be dead... What if... What if I don't die? What if I am the survivor? There is no guarantee... But all I can do for now is hope, even if it does sound a bit selfish... I guess I'll have to wait and see...

After a few minutes of looking I spotted a medkit.

I grabbed it and opened it seeing a few bandages in there. I walked back to where George was opening and closing the door carefully.

Dave - "Is he ok?"

I knelt down next to George who was looking at a large cut along Mega's back.

George - "None of them look too serious, we should bandage him up before he wakes up since we don't know how he'll act as soon as he does."

Dave - "He'll be fine-"

George - "Dave, remember, he's not old enough to take care of himself and he needs help, even we need help sometimes."

Dave - "Sure..."

George - "I'm being serious Dave. Not everything is a joke, although it may be in your eyes."

Dave - "No George, it isn't, it's not all perfect for me. There is no joy in my mind, and there hasn't been ever since I stopped recording videos."

George - "I... I'm sorry..."

Dave - "It's fine, I'm also sorry..."

We sat in silence for a few minutes with more sad thoughts filling my head.

Dave - "Uhh... Hey George?"

George - "Yeah?"

Dave - "Could I, Umm... Could I get a hug?"

George - "Sure, Dave."

He turned to face me and wrapped his arms around me, and I did the same with him. In all honesty, it felt nice. I haven't felt this happy in a while.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until we pulled away from each other.

Dave - "Thanks."

George - "No problem man."

Dave - "I'm still sorry. I didn't want to just leave you there-"

He put a finger over my mouth, shushing me.

George - "Like I said, It's fine, you were only trying to help me, I get it. You would have asked me for permission if I was awake, but I wasn't. I should be saying sorry for having to put you through that."

Dave - "You didn't put me through anything, you just made me realize something."

George - "What did I make you realize?"

Dave - "You really need to shave man."

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