>No Pain, No Gain<

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-Dave's POV-

->>_Friday, 2:34pm_<<-

I punched the stupid wolf lion in the face, I was so sick of these things, why can't they just die? These things are almost invincible! I watched as Mega picked the black creature up in his Ice-Cat form. I looked around and didn't see George, I began getting a little worried about him. 

Mega had the black cat creature in his jaws and began crushing it. The creature let out a loud roar before it began going limp.

Mega dropped the creature from his mouth and fell to the ground, he was weak. He got badly injured by that lion-wolf thing earlier, I rushed over to him.

Dave - "Are you ok?"

Mega nodded in response. I guess I should go look for George now. I looked around still hearing the roars and yells of Clay and Zak. I saw a lot of smoke coming from further away. Maybe I should go check it out.

I glanced at Mega one last time before going to run towards the smoke.

As I approached I saw... Lava?

The rain was sizzling as the rain hit it. But then suddenly I heard a loud roar come from behind the 20 foot range of lava and smoke, so I began to run around the huge puddle of magma.

As I approached the other side I saw that wolf-lion thing laying on the ground dead, but next to it was another creature that had smoke coming from it, not as dark as the stuff coming from the lava. The creature looked like a wolf. I walked up to the large creature as it layed on the ground struggling to breathe. As soon as I saw a pile of clothes nearby, realization hit me.

This is George...

Dave - "George?"

He didn't move, is he dead? I would normally poke him or something but if I did I think my finger would probably melt away since he's made of fire or something... He needs shelter.

I looked around to see if there was anything I could-

George began trying to get up but failed, then he opened his eyes and looked at me. This was really weird, I thought he'd be a beaver or something, I guess not.

I didn't really know what to say to him so we just stared at each other for the next few minutes. His eyes were a bright golden yellow well the rest of his body just looked like rocks with lava flowing between them. It was interesting sight to see.

I heard footsteps behind me so I turned around to see Mega in his large ice cat form.

Dave - "Hi Mega. You feeling ok?"

He nodded at me then walked over to George then backed away, I wonder if he'd melt if he got too close to George.

I watched as an ice wall began forming around and above George. Mega was probably trying to prevent him from getting wet, since the rain looked like it was hurting him. As much as I wanted to go help Zak, it seemed too dangerous. Clay would kill me in seconds! I know I'm usually all brave, but I don't want to die, I want to be the one to make it out alive, I want to be the survivor that the others told me so much about. Could it be me? I'm not tied to the cube... Although there is a chance...

I felt the rain on my body become softer and softer, until the raining stopped. It was still cloudy so who knows if it will rain again. The ice around George began melting, was he melting it? Or was Mega? I couldn't ask these questions right now. Georges weird wolf form came into view.

I wish I could do something like that...

I watched as George managed to stand and looked around. It looked like he tried to speak, but couldn't. He barked and then began jumping around. I guess he really likes being a wolf.

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