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-Georges POV-

->>_Thursday, 3:43am_<<-

I yawned and opened my eyes. I put on my glasses then took my phone that both sat on the bedside dresser near me, and checked the time.

While I'm up I might as well quickly get something to drink.

I made my way carefully out of bed trying not to wake my friend up. Once I was out of bed I walked out of the bedroom and headed towards the kitchen, but on my way there something caught my eye.

I glanced over at the front door seeing what looked like a piece of paper attached to it. I turned the light on and walked over to it trying to see what it read.

Hey losers. Jacob and I are going to meet up with a fan so we'll be back around 1 or so. We'll see you then. Also, don't think I didn't see the bacon in the freezer the other day! I'll see you losers later

-Love Dave.

Why would he be leaving so late only to be back so early. Unless he meant 1pm. Next time he should be more specific. I sighed and walked back over to the kitchen grabbing myself a glass of water. 

I placed the glass in the sink when finished and headed back over to bed. Maybe I should check if Dave and Jacob are in the other room, just in case.

I opened the other bedroom door and didn't see anyone sleeping in the bed.

I'm going to have to have a talk with those two. They never listen, do they?

I headed back to bed laying down beside Zak. I placed my glass on the dresser and then soon enough, I fell asleep.

->>_Thursday, 4:28am_<<-

-Jacobs POV-

We've been singing for the past few hours, just singing, nothing else. It was quite fun actually.

We just finished singing Old Town Road, so we were picking out another song to sing.

Jacob - "Our parents must be so disappointed in us."

Dave - "No kidding. Also, what song next?"

Jacob - "Hmmm. How about something with rap."

Dave - "Sure."

We sat in silence until Dave broke it.

Dave - "I think we're going to have to stop, we're here, I think."

I looked outside my window seeing snow falling from the sky and complete darkness around us except for a small light in the distance.

Dave - "Alright so-"


I took off my seat belt and threw the van door open then running to the back of the van.

Dave - "You're excited."

Jacob - "Yeah. I really want to see if that person is here. If they still are they could be dying!"

I watched as Dave opened the back of the van revealing a bunch of junk. He tossed me a rain jacket and some snow boots. I slipped on the boots and threw on the jacket.

Jacob - "Do you have a flashlight?"

As I said that he tossed one to me. I turned it on and it was one, very, very, bright light.

Jacob - "Come On! Hurry up!"

Dave - "Be patient."

I watched as he took his sweet time putting on the snow boots, he didn't put anything else on. Isn't he going to get cold? You know what, I'm just not gonna ask.

Dave - "Alright, we have no clue where to go to look for this person, we have a whole mountain to search. We'll look around here but if we can't find anything we'll move up further."

Jacob - "Alright, sounds good."

I watched as Dave continued to search through the van for something. I smiled as I picked up a handful of snow, reshaping it to become more of a sphere. I smiled and chucked it at him.

He immediately looked me in the eyes.

Dave - "It's on."

I watched as he picked up a bunch of snow and began chucking it at me. I blocked his attack with my arm and threw some more at him. 

This snowball fight continued for about five minutes.

Dave - "We should stop, we have a person to save, right?"

Jacob - "Yeah. Also, what if Clay is really here, what will we defend ourselves with?"

I watched as Dave pulled out his sword from the back of the van, and threw me a dagger that I barely managed to catch with my arm since my right hand was incapable.

Dave - "Come on, we have a monster to hunt."

I watched as he closed the van doors, locking them. Then he proceeded to lock the vehicle. I glanced at the darkness around us. This could take a while.

Jacob - "This could take a few hours."

Dave - "In a few hours the sun will be coming up, come on."

At that, we began our search.

->>_Thursday, 4:59am_<<-

Jacob - "Found anything?"

Dave - "Nope."

We've been searching for who knows how long. I could tell the sky had gotten a tiny bit brighter, I guess the sun will rise in a hour or so. 

My feet began getting sore. Maybe we should start looking further up the mountain. We might have better luck with higher ground. 

Jacob - "I think we should go further up."

Dave - "I agree."

We began walking back to the van. I'm still surprised Dave isn't cold. He's wearing nothing but shorts and a sweater. I don't get how he isn't cold. I got into the passenger's seat and watched as Dave got the van going and began driving further up the snowy roads on the mountain. I have no clue how the van is managing it, but I guess it's just luck.

Dave - "Don't be sad if that person we find is dead."

Jacob - "It depends who it is. I mean, who has Georges number, that George wouldn't know?"

Dave - "Maybe some fan hacked into it."

Jacob - "Maybe. Let's just hope for the best, ok?"

Dave - "Alright."

We continued to drive further up the mountain in silence until Dave made the van go to an instant stop.

Dave - "LOOK!"

Jacob - "What?"


I was confused. I pulled out the cube that had been sitting in my pocket.

I was happy, sad, scared, worried. All these emotions flooded through my body. The cube was... Different. It wasn't red, blue, or brown. It had a new color. I was surprised. The person that called George was connected to me. Who could it be? If they were up here and dying... I could die as well! Oh fuck. I stared at the cube and it's new unique color...


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