>Box World<

184 9 4

-Zaks POV-

->>_Week Date:, 00:00_<<-

Nick - "You've been crying for hours!... Well, not technically. It can't be that hard right? I mean... It IS just saying goodbye."

Zak - "N-NO! I need him t-to remember th-this."

I thought of something.

Zak - "W-wait. If you can pause time now... Can you pause it when I see Darryl!?"

Nick - "Hate to break it to ya, but I can't. This is a one time thing, so once I unpause it, it cannot be frozen again."

Zak - "Oh... W-well how long will I have to talk to Darryl?"

Nick - "You have until Clay is weakened."

Zak - "Ok... What if you die?"

Nick - "Why would I get chosen to be the one to fight if I would lose?"

Zak - "You're sounding like Dave."

Nick - "No way. I'm way cooler than him."

Zak - "No you're not..."

Nick - "Your so mean Zak."

I cried because of his words. I knew he was kidding around but it didn't help in this situation. I was never going to see anyone again... Will I even know what Clay looks like since we're going to the same place? Nick said we're supposed to look like... Those creatures.

Nick - "Hey, I'm sorry ok! Geez... Wait, I have an idea! You don't need to have your goodbye to be long and sad. You could just simply say goodbye!"

Zak - "But that won't mean as much..."

Nick - "But at the end you could! You could do it with all your heart. You know... Maybe goodbye isn't the right word... We need something a bit more fancy..."

Zak - "What about Farewell?"

Nick - "That's perfect! Just remember. Darryl will be looking out for you no matter what! You just won't be able to talk to him, but that doesn't mean you can't hear or see him!"

Zak - "You're right. Nick. I'm ready."

As much as I wanted to stay back and cry. I couldn't forever. Who knows how long Nick will be controlling my body for anyways. It could be a few hours! I just want Darryl to know that I'll always be watching and listening to him, that might sound a bit creepy now, but later he'll understand.

Nick - "Are you sure? If I unpause this, you won't be able to pause it again."

Zak - "I'll have the rest of eternity to think about if I made the right decision."

Nick - "So that's a yes right?"

If I say yes, I'll never be able to talk to Darryl after this... But yet again, I can't just sit and wait forever.

Zak - "Yes."

Nick - "Alright, after you leave that place. Your head will hurt a lot, but remember to get rid of your heart, even though it will hurt like fuck."

Zak - "Anything else I should know before I... Before I go?"

Nick - "This will be the last time you talk to me. I won't be in the cube with the others since I'll be outside of it and fighting for you."

Zak - "Well, I guess I should say goodbye..."

Nick - "Yeah. Well, you'll be seeing me around. Oh, one last thing before I go."

Zak - "What is it?"

Nick - "I'm gonna miss you, Clay and the survivor. We're going to miss you all so much. We know you'll always be watching over us, forever. Until you get bored of Vincent's jokes."

He chuckled.

Nick - "Well. Here goes nothing. Goodbye, Zak."

Zak - "Bye Nick."

He smiled at me then winked before everything went black.

->>_Friday, 2:22pm_<<-

My head pounded as I looked up at a white tiled ceiling around me. My ears rang making it hard to hear anything else.

I shook my head and stood up looking around seeing that I was inside of a box. It had no windows, just a large door.

Zak - "Hello?"

The walls of the room had similar tiles as the ceiling, same with the floor. I walked up to the door knocking on it not really knowing what else to do.

I heard it begin to get unlocked as the ringing in my ears faded. I remembered what was happening. I needed to say goodbye to Darryl, forever.

It took awhile for the door to completely open, but once it did, I was met with two faces that I could barely recognize. I barely remembered what they looked like it's been so long. I immediately embraced them in a hug.

Vincent - "Long time no see."

Harvey - "Took you long enough... Wait a minute... Why are you glowing?"

I pulled away from the other two and looked at my hands. Then I realized something else:

I looked normal!

There were no deformities on my body or anything! I don't know why I was glowing, but all I knew is that I needed to say goodbye, and that was the only important thing I could do right now.

I ignored the fact that I was glowing since it was probably because I wasn't staying here forever.

I hugged my friends again. I didn't want to stop, but I had to eventually. A part of me wanted to cry right then and there, but I held the tears back.

Zak - "You're a-alive."

Vincent - "Not really. We're just... How do I say this... Spirits? Something like that. I don't really know."

I pulled away from the hug. I was so happy to see my friends, even if they were dead.

Zak - "Who else is here?"

Harvey - "Come and see for yourself."

The turned around and I followed. We walked down a long white hallway.

At the end of the hallway was an even bigger door. As we approached I heard laughing, crying, and lots of talking. How many people got killed by Clay?!

It had a large door handle that Vincent began to pull on slowly opening the door.

This was happening so quickly. I got so excited, but I was also scared, nervous, worried, I just wanted to see Darryl. Tears brimmed the edges of my eyes but as soon as I saw what was inside that room.

Everything got just a little bit better.

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