>Strange Connection<

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-Mega's POV-

->>_Friday, 2:27am_<<-

(Warning: Rape, Suicidal thoughts. Also, this is the most emotional chapter I've ever written, so be prepared)

I glanced around the forest with the tall trees surrounding me.

Where am I?

I stood up and looked around a bit more. Wasn't I just at that hotel with Zelk? Why am I here? I glanced at the snow on the ground then realized. Am I back at Seymour?

I heard crying so I followed it. I began running towards it. The crying sounded familiar, too familiar.

Then I saw a figure. Tied up against a tree. With blood everywhere... Men... Surrounding him... 

It's me.

They began cutting up "my" legs. No... Not again.

Mega - "STOP!"

They didn't react, it's as if they couldn't hear me.

I ran up to one and tried pulling it away. But my hand phased right through it.

Am I dead?


Nothing happened. They continued to torture "me" and they didn't stop. Then one of them talked to the others. NO! I REMEMBER! NO, NOT AGAIN!

I knew what they were going to do. I didn't want it to happen again. No, no, no... NOT NOW! PLEASE NO!

Mega - "STOP!"

I watched as they untied "me" and threw me to the ground. They cut off "my" shirt and then... I fell on my knees looking away. I knew what they were going to do... I cried, sitting there. I couldn't do anything to stop it. I glanced upwards, I wanted to see what they really did. One of the men took off my pants. I couldn't watch anymore, why did I try to look? Why was this happening?! I began shaking.

I was scared, in pain, alone, helpless... Why me?

I then heard my cries coming from "me". This made me cry even more.

Just before I could continue to sob, everything went black.

I sat up quickly, w-where am I?

I glanced around the bedroom I was in. I forgot where I was until the blood stained bed sheets reminded me. I began shaking. Why does everything want to hurt me!? Why did it have to be me out of all people?! I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest.

Why me?

I cried silently not wanting to wake anyone else up.

My chest began to hurt because of all the tears I was letting fall from my eyes. I dug my nails into my own skin from the fear of what I saw.

I was lucky they didn't keep me naked out there, wasn't I?

Maybe I should just end it... All of it... Right now. Nothing like this would ever happen to me again. No more pain, no more suffering, nothing bad would happen at all.

I smiled. I could just end it all.

I got out of bed and rubbed the tears away from my eyes.

One quick move, and it will all be over.

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