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-Jacob's POV-

->>_Thursday, 2:14pm_<<-
(Sorry, not sorry)

I continued to hug my friend.

Jacob - "You think you're ok now? Or more hugs?"

Mega - "M-more hugs."

I continued to hug him until he pulled away.

Mega - "You tell n-nobody else about this."

Jacob - "I won't"

They probably already saw, whatever.

I watched as he glanced at my bandaged hand.

Mega - "W-What happened?"

Jacob - "I... I got shocked by the cube I always take everywhere with me. It's only happened once, but I hope it doesn't happen again."

Mega - "C-can I see your hand?"

Jacob - "Alright but it doesn't look nice."

Mega - "Of c-course it wouldn't."

I took of the bandages, wincing at the pain once it gets exposed to air. I watched as Mega looked at it.

Mega - "You sh-should freeze burn it."

Jacob - "What?"

Mega - "You know. W-When you put ice on it and don't t-take it off until it's melted. It will f-feel like it's being burned b-but it will help."

Jacob - "I might try that later. Maybe..."

I looked at Mega. He seemed to shy and sad now. I did kind of expect him to act this way. But maybe he could've been different.

I put my bandages back on my weird looking hand.

Jacob - "Do you have any major wounds?"

Mega - "N-not really. I'm just... I'm ok..."

He looked away from me as he said that. I sighed.

Jacob - "I know this has been the first time we've met in person and it might be a little weird. But I've known you for more than a year! Isn't that enough to have my trust?"

Mega - "I d-don't know what to say..."

Jacob - "Are you still cold?"

Mega - "Yes... It's been hours a-and I'm still freezing."

Jacob - "That jacket is only a rain jacket. It would be better if you took it off."

Mega - "I don't even have a sh-shirt you pervert."

Jacob - "Dude. We're guys, its fine."

Mega - "Did you not remember w-what happened to me?! And plus your l-l-like twenty and I-I'm only fifteen!"

He has a point.

Jacob - "We don't really have any shirts... We've been wearing the same clothes for the past... Year? We just wash them once or twice every week."

Mega - "That's gross. Are y-you poor now?"

Jacob - "Kind of, yes."

Mega - "Loser."

Jacob - "Shut up. I could just give you Zak's other sweater for now, if that's ok with you."

Mega - "It will d-do... For now."

Jacob - "Ok. I'll be right back."

I got up and left the room closing the door behind me. I walked into the living room only to see Zak whispering with Dave on the couch and George pacing in circles.

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