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-Georges POV-

->>_Thursday, 2:05pm _<<-

I smiled. Now we can get anyone to tell the truth!

Jacob - "So... I think when it's red, it's a lie. But when it's normal, it's the truth."

George - "Yeah, that seems right."

Jacob - "Dave, do you have a crush on George?"

Dave - "No."

The cube didn't turn red.

Jacob - "Do you love George?"

Dave - "Nope."

Still the same.

Jacob - "Why didn't you punch George?"

Dave - "Bad experiences?"

The cube turned red.

Dave - "Damn. I hate this thing."

Jacob - "I love it. Dave, tell us the truth."

Dave - "I just can't. I don't know why. I'm not gay. I don't have a crush on any guy. I just don't know why. It's not a bad experience because I punch the rest of you all the time."

The cube stayed the same.

Jacob - "Go try to punch George right now then."

George & Dave - "What."

Jacob - "Come on Dave. If you're not a coward."

Dave - "Fine."

The cube turned red.

Jacob - "Why won't you punch him?"

Dave - "I DON'T KNOW OK?!"

The cube went back to normal.

Jacob - "Ooooooooh. I get it. You have a soft spot for british people."

Dave - "What?"

Jacob - "Everybody has a favourite race. It's racist but you're not hating on the others so that makes it ok."

Dave - "I'm still confused."

Jacob - "Dave, do you enjoy the company of George more than anyone else?"

Dave - "No."

The cube turned red.

Jacob - "Do you have a crush on George?"

Dave - "NO!"

The cube went back to normal.

Jacob - "He's got a british fetish or something."

Dave - "Seriously dude!?"

Jacob - "Public humiliation. Everybody laugh at Dave it's-"

Dave jumped on top of Jacob and began punching him.

Zak - "He deserves it, right George?"

George - "Yep."

Zak walked over to me and whispered something.

Zak - 'How do you feel knowing that Dave might get clingy?'

George - 'I don't know. It's weird but I don't really think he can help it.'

Zak - 'Alright.'

I walked over to see Jacob getting beaten by Dave. It was pretty funny. I stood there and laughed. 

Once I stopped I walked over to the couch sitting down on it.

George - "Jacob, Dave, Zak, Come here, we should... Talk about Mega."

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