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-Zaks POV-

->>_Friday, 10:12am_<<-

I opened my eyes with my head aching. I felt a warm liquid running down my face. I rested a hand on my head which was throbbing with pain. I looked out the broken window seeing a lot of trees. I glanced over next to me with Mega, who seemed like he was sleeping, and Dave, who looked like he'd died.

I noticed George was in the driver's seat, we weren't moving, but he still had his hands on the wheel.

Zak - "W-what happened?"

George - "We almost died."

Zak - "Is everyone okay?"

George - "Me and Mega are ok. You should be better soon, but I don't know about Jacob or Dave. Jacob hasn't woken up, but Dave flew out the window."

I looked at the two giant holes in the glass at the front.

Zak - "Why are we in a forest?"

George - "I think Clay will have a harder time getting around rough terrain."

Zak - "Oh."

My brain took a while to process everything since it still hurt a lot. But hey, I'm alive. At least no one's dead... yet...

A sudden rush of sickness washed through me. I quickly took off my seatbelt, slammed open the van door, got on my knees, and began throwing up. My stomach began to hurt like hell. It felt like acid was rushing up my throat whenever I threw up.

Once I felt better, I wiped my mouth off with my sleeve and dragged myself back into the vehicle closing the door behind me.

George - "Feel any better?"

Zak - "Yeah..."

My head was still pounding with pain. As much as I didn't want to talk, I wanted to ask about where we were.

Zak - "Where are we?"

George - "A place called Surrey."

Zak - "Huh."

George - "You sound like you died."

Zak - "Well I almost did."

George - "True."

Zak - "Should we try waking the others up?"

George - "Sure. But if they don't wake up, we try again in a few hours."

Zak - "Alright."

I lightly shook Mega who was sleeping against Dave.

Zak - "Get up."

Mega - "W...W-WAIT!"

Mega sat up and began looking around.

Mega - "W-where a-are we?!"

George - "A forest."

Mega began shaking. He was definitely scared.

George - "Mega, calm down. No one died."

Mega - "B-b-but-"

I watched as he glanced at Dave who he was still slightly leaning on.

Mega - "N-N-NO! W-W-WAKE UP!"

He began shaking Dave, but he didn't budge.

Mega - "I-"

His voice trailed off into silence. He tried speaking again but all that came out was a small squeak. Mega stopped trying to talk after a bit, and relaxed a little.

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