>Loud Silence<

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-Dave's POV-

->>_Thursday, 5:22am_<<-

I gently placed the kid in the back seats trying to get him to sit upwards. I tried to keep him sat upwards but he kept falling over.

Jacob - "One sec, I have an idea."

I watched as Jacob walked around the van and got in the other side. He sat down in the back and placed the kids head on his lap.

Dave - "Where are we gonna go? He could die by the time we get back to Zak and George. Should we try to find someplace closer?"

Jacob - "Yeah. That'd be a good idea. Not a hospital, but just someplace warm."

Dave - "I don't think we can find any other place."

Jacob - "Wait. I have an idea."

Dave - "What is it?"

Jacob - "Let's find a McDonalds. There can't be one to far away from here right?"

Dave - "What are we supposed to do there?"

Jacob - "Get him food."

Dave - "That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard come out of your mouth, I like it."

I closed the van door and then got into the driver's seat. I turned the van on then began driving.

->>_Thursday, 6:17am_<<-

Dave - "Is he still breathing?"

Jacob - "Yeah. How much further?"

Dave - "A minute or two."

I sighed. Who was this kid? Why did we even take him with us, I mean. We could've just left him to die. That might've been the better option.

I went into the drive thru.

Dave - "Can we get four big macs, two large fries, and three sprites?"

Weird Com Lady - "Is that all?"

Dave - "Yep."

 I drove forward to get the food considering nobody else was here because of the time.

Jacob - "Hey! I didn't even get to choose!"

Dave - "You get a big mac. The kid gets two since he looks like he's starving."

Jacob - "Fine."

I paid then a lady handed me the food.

Dave - "Thanks."

I drove off before she could reply. I smiled from the scent of all the food.

I pulled up on the side of the road and handed Jacob a burger.

Dave - "You should wake the kid up so he can eat something."

Jacob - "He might need the rest."

Dave - "Come on. It's not like he'll die or anything."

Jacob and I stared at each other for a few seconds.

Jacob - "Alright. Here goes nothing."

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