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-Dave's POV-

->>_Friday, 2:45pm_<<-

I stabbed Clay in the head multiple times out of anger. His chest was still moving, he was still alive...

I threw the stick to my side and hit the ground.

My head began pounding with pain, I tried to ignore it. I turned to Zaks dead body and picked the stick back up. I needed to get his heart out of his body.

I lifted up his shirt and stabbed into his stomach causing blood to pour everywhere. It smelled terrible. I threw the stick to the side and began using my hands to rip open his chest. It was a lot harder than I thought. Then I came across his ribs. I yelled in anger then I got forced onto the ground feeling something cold on my chest. Mega had his paw on my chest and was holding me against the ground.

Dave - "What?"

He just looked at me. I calmed down a bit but was still angry. He used his mouth to grab the back of my shirt and began dragging me away. I didn't bother to fight back, he could crush me just by putting half his weight on me.

He then dropped me and walked over to Zak. I heard a loud crunching noise so I sat up to see what it was. Mega was jumping on Zaks chest and blood was going everywhere. I guess he broke his rib cage. He then proceeded to meow at me. I crawled over to him and saw that his ribs were crushed, it was an awful sight, although the smell was worse.

I stuck my hands into his body and began tugging out his organs. Blood covered my hands. Eventually I saw his heart and began pulling it out. His heart was VERY purple. It had weird purple vines weaving in and out of it. As I pulled it out I fell backwards getting a bunch of his blood all over my face. I dropped his heart on the ground and began spitting out the blood that got into my mouth.

Once I was done with that. I picked the heart back up and looked around.

Where's George?

Dave - "George?"

I couldn't see him.

Mega looked at me, then nodded, running off.

I guess it's just me, Zaks body, and... Clay...

Clays face had mostly healed where I stabbed him, he was regenerating quickly. Now that I look around... Where are we?

Nothing about the forest we were in seemed familiar, yet again, I don't think there is any forest people find familiar since they're all trees. I stood up and heard nothing but birds chirping in the distance, no traffic, no cars, no planes, not anything unnatural. 

I saw the cube in the corner of my eye and rushed over to it. I picked the cube up with my bloody hand since the other was holding Zaks heart. Now that I think of it... Even if we do find our way out of the forest, what if somebody sees my hands. They'll think I committed murder. What will they think since Mega and George would be by my sides? We should most likely find a river or stream to wash up in, and then-

I heard a loud roar in the distance, I began running towards it. It sounded like George, I hope they're ok.

The worry I had for the others grew as I got closer to them. I saw them both laying on the ground, they looked like they were in pain. I looked around them but nothing was there... Wait... They must be turning back...

Dave - "Can we at least get to somewhere safe before you turn back?!"

Mega looked me in the eye and proceeded to stand. It looked really painful, but when George tried to stand, he couldn't.

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